
A Seed

The light above her head kept flickering as she waited down the awfully reeking hospital hallway. She sat straight, with the perfect posture, perturbed, breathing through her mouth. A call for the name 'Mary' from the door on her left caused her to leave the seat and enter the room.

The doctor simply confirmed her doubts; Mary in fact did have yet another life forming in her belly. It did not seem to excite her in anyway. The doctor speaking, talking to her about how she should go about her pregnancy simply faded like just another noise in her head. She simply stood up, walked out with a longing look in her eye, and never stopped.

Mary's apartment was a quite, rustic place, with a constant, eerie sound of water dripping from the tap. The rain came in sometimes through the windows, wetting the kitchen floor just a little bit. She hears the clinking sound, a trigger that only made her hear skip a beat every time she heard it.

In came Jerry, a low-life of a man, reeking of alcohol, barely able to walk himself in. He turns to see Mary on the kitchen counter, holding a mug of hot chocolate towards her body and off goes his usual routine of abuses for no reason at all. He calls her names, things like she only deserves to live if she served him better, and because she didn't, she didn't deserve to live. They were each others triggers in ways that simply spelled out abuse. His arrival always triggered her to be protective of herself, and her mere presence triggered him to slur out insults of all manners.