
Her Experience

[ Close Quarters Martial Arts – Melee Skill Reacquired. Lvl 1. 500 EXP gained. ] Rang the sophisticated voice of the gaming system. A grin forming over her lips as she heard it speak.

Getting into a stereotypical aggressive stance with her right leg brought forward and her left foot dragged back only slightly into the sand with her toes curled into it for extra integrity. Anno's skin would be slowly coated in fire, the sand which coated her wet skin began to fall off or be vaporized almost immediately in small grains.

[ Fire Warrior Martial Arts Skill Acquired. Lvl 1. 5,000 EXP gained. Level Up +15 SP. ] The game system would ring once again as if it was praising the player. A grin which had appeared before, was beginning to reach ear to ear as her body shined once more.

"Hm… This is… Interesting…" The Prince said with a grin widening over his own lips. "Are you by any chance, a chosen one?" The man would ask curiously, licking his lips slightly, similarly to how Gel had done before.

Speaking Gel, the man was rubbing his jaw slightly with an agitated expression on his face. Though he couldn't really speak coherently, as he couldn't even close or move his jaw. His free hand moved to his sword and went to pull it from its scabbard.

This was clearly hostile intent as he went for his weapon. Anno didn't make any form of mercy apparently as she quickly ignored the Prince's question and pushed herself forward, doing a flip and bringing a foot down on top of Gel's head right as he had pulled his sword out of the scabbard. If he was a samurai, he would have used the draw of his sword as an attack, but sadly he was a knight with a thick Gladius Sword.

While this Knight who had man handled the elf was a few levels above the Prince himself, making it so that he was higher than the girl in sense of level, he was much slower.

He took the hit, his face planted quickly in the ground before she did several back flips; clearing herself from his range of retaliation.

Anno stood there prepared with the same stance she had before, this time ready to jab him with her fingers and knuckles should he get back up. Though as he got up, the fire on his head seemed to have gone completely unnoticed. His face was mad with rage, sending a massive wave of killing intent towards the girl.

A bead of sweat dropped down the side of her face, feeling her nerves acting up. "Klutz," the girl said with a snicker, "You think you can best me?" She asked curiously, licking her lips in a mocking manner.

"You're dancing with Death, girly…" Gel stated with a growl as he charged forward, weapon raised in the air so he could put all his weight into a single swing.

"Horizontal or diagonal swings would have been a better options," Anno would say with a sigh of disappointment. As he closed in and went to bring the blade down upon her, lunged forward and punched him in his lower rip of his dominant side; causing him to let go of the blade which fell into the sand behind her.

Taking a roll backward, she grasped the hilt into her hand; holding it in a backwards form causing a new announcement to pop up. [ Reverse hilt skill required, level 1. +500 EXP ]

As the man was taking a few stumbles back, holding his rib with one of his hands, he stared at her with disbelief. Was she really an elf? Why was she this strong? Something wasn't right, but then again. "Wh–"

Before he could even finish his first word, the girl lunged forward again and grasped his shoulder after jumping. She used his weight to anchor herself and spin around him and shoving the gladius through his throat after wrapping her legs around his waist.

As if knowing what he was going to ask, she leant into his ear and whispered. "Level Seven mofo," the girl would say using slang which obviously made the condemned man confused and even more angry.

Watching as he watched the girl bring his brute of a knight down to the sand, and then remove herself from his person. The Prince began to slowly clap, as if he was amused by the show.

"Even though he was a higher level than myself, most of his skills weren't even combat related, that and most of his attributes were strength." The man huffed as if discrediting her with her victory over a knight.

Elves were known for their agility, especially as rogues and archers. They were also known for their slippery close quarters combat and use of magic to give them a boost due to their natural lack of bodily support for high physical strength.

"Prince Sven Aladohn, you have allowed your man to carelessly court death. His blood is on your hands," the half elf was now trying to act high and mighty. A great amount of arrogance was in her voice. However on the inside she was panicking. She had just killed a man for the first time. Thanks to the fire coating her exterior however, her clammy complexion caused by the panic only seemed like a pale glow of might.

"Ooooh… And what are you going to do about it, Elf? Poke me with your itty-bitty ears?" That's when he was about to cast another spell. The very environment within a diameter of twenty meters seemed to get much colder. She could see his breath, but remained ignorant of the temperature due to the flames.

[ Ice Magic Reacquired. +500 EXP. Ice Weapon Summoning Magic Acquired. +5,000 EXP ]

A Lance made out of Ice seemed to make an appearance upon the man's hands. His horse excitedly dragging its hoof through the sand as if it was ready to charge.

Pulling the weapon out of the corpse's neck, the elf would effortlessly swing the weapon to the side, splattering dark blood across the light green and yellow sands beneath their feet. She would then crouch slightly, smirking up towards the Prince a few meters away.

DING, a loud ring could be heard by the elf alone, notifying a completed hidden quest.

[ Quest Accomplished: Slay Gel. +3000 EXP. Optional: With his own Weapon. + 500 EXP ]

[ Level Up. EXP Rate Increased +25% due to leveling streak. ]

That was when the Status window showed up, giving her general information which kept her informed of her progress. It seemed that she had gained many levels in a record amount of time. Though this was generally due to being pulled right into combat.

[ Name: Anno Seo

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf, of Demon Lord Lineage ( +Additional SP ).

Lvl: 8

EXP: 0/8000

HP 900/900

MP 999/1000 ]

Despite having leveled up a handful of times, she hadn't touched her attribute points nor her skill points. She planned on leveling up a bit more before waning away from only using her base stats which went up with each level regardless of the visible number.

Plus despite her looks and number, she had plenty of experience from playing the actual game itself in virtual reality. She knew how combat worked, and she knew how reality worked as well. The hit point system was merely a suggestion to non-fatal injuries. However fatal ones, even if caused by someone of a lower level unless they had really tough skin and muscle, would still kill them if done by someone of a lower level. So this generally made her combat potential relatively high compared to anyone else that was her level.

Levels beneath the level of ten were generally that of an average serf who did manual labor or a squire which assisted a knight, or maybe a below average black smith apprentice.

Just then the horse began to charge forward and as it came running towards her, he had his lance at the ready to impale her. She had a handful of choices, but only a few of them were viable options.

Running forward towards the horse could very well be a game of chicken and end up with her either impaled or with her taking the horse out from beneath the prince. Not only that, there was even a chance of both of these happening.

The status screen would be minimized and she then proceeded to bring up the skill window. Scrolling through her greyed out skills, she would active the regeneration and healing magic, using one skill point each and then upgrading them once for five skill points each.

Though she was prepared to run forward, she noticed something that she hadn't observed prior. The very end of the lance was blunt, as if he just wanted to knock her around. She also sensed no killing intent, but she definitely sensed something savage coming from him.

Furrowing her brow as she seemed to take note of his explicit intent, she upgraded her skill with fire magic. Slowly the red flames which had engulfed her body slowly turned yellow and soon a warm white which to any artist would seem to be a very pale pastel green.

Taking note of this sudden change in skill related to fire, he pulled his lands up and kept galloping right past her before turning around and admiring her back side as she remained crouched there. Not even bothering to look over her shoulder towards the man.

[ Hidden Quest Accomplished: Intimidate the 2nd Prince. +100 EXP. ]

"That was unexpected. If I had just nicked those flames, I would've been defenseless…" The prince muttered beneath his breath as he would stare at the woman. Though as she turned her head towards him after he spoke, his brows raised in surprise as he saw the elf grinning from ear to ear. Taunting him slightly as steam rose from between her legs and the sand at her feet. She was peeing in the middle of a fight and even taking her time about doing so.

"Unpleasant, arrogant little fae," he'd bellow as he prepared the lance once more and charged. Again, this girl didn't move and yet again, the flame's color would increase in vibrancy from white to a deep blue, the sand beneath her feet becoming partial glass.

[ Notification: MP 700/1000 and dropping ] rang the system as the newly improved fire magic was now draining more mana points than before. [ Extreme Fire Resistance grained. +3000 EXP. Hell Fire Magic Skill lvl. 1 Unlocked. -2 SP. ]

Just as the ice lance was about to make contact with the back of her neck, the Lance melted and splashed her back; creating a cloud of steam which the horse and the Prince rode through rather quickly.

Covered in steam burns, the Prince's horse would slow to a trot. Blinking a few times he looked down at the handle which was all that was left of his absent lance which had been in his hand before.

[ Notification: MP 200/100, HP 999/1000 ]

The fire which had engulfed her body vanished and she would slowly stand up and stretch. She was acting as if it was nothing, yet she had very little mana left to use.

Watching as the Prince turned the horse to face her, she sighed seeing the blisters on the two of them. "Reminds me of overheated ramen cup of soups…" She muttered, rather missing the food of the world she had left behind. Her stomach grumbling in agreement.