
Anna Lu :The Rebirth

Anna is a young woman who has had everything she loved ripped away from her, finally accepting her fate of being bound to wheelchair for the rest of her life, she meets Dylan. Anna would go on a journey of self growth just so that she can feel worthy of the man she loves. But what happens when he doesn't feel the same way?

chenemi · Urban
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62 Chs

Chapter Thirty Seven

She stood!.....Anna was on her bed with a face still full of surprise. She just finished taking a shower as she was so exhausted form all of today's events but at the same time she wasn't exhausted rather....excited.

"I stood!" Anna said to herself again trying to make everything sound real to her.

Anna remembered that she was still in a daze when Dr Joon left her to stand on her own.

She only realized she was standing when she had opened her teary eyes.

"I..I..." Anna raised her head to look at Dr Joon with a surprised expression only to see the women smiling like an idiot.

"You have it!" the woman suddenly said startling Anna. She quickly held the bars for support "Wh...what?"

Dr Joon's smile grew wider, Anna had a feeling that any wider, her lips would touch her eyes.

"You have the spark!"

"The spark?"