
Anna's fantasy

Shows the life of Anna, a young adult, who leaves home to start college, ready to experience all that life has to offer. But little does she know that her journey will be filled with unexpected twists and turns, including her first love, new friendships, and the harsh realities of adulthood. As she navigates this new phase of her life, she'll have to learn how to balance her personal and academic life, all while discovering who she truly is.

Sarah_Rufus · Fantasy
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Setting sails

"From the time she was a little girl, Anna had always dreamed of becoming a Singer. She envisioned herself on stage, .She pictured herself in the spotlight her voice filling the air and captivating the crowd.

"She saw herself traveling the world, performing for adoring audiences and living a life full of adventure."But little did she know that her life was about to take an unexpected turn.

"Before her mother's death, Anna's family life had been filled with music and laughter. Her mother was a talented singer, and her father often played the guitar. They would often have impromptu concerts in the living room, with Anna and her two younger siblings dancing and singing along. Those were some of the happiest memories of Anna's childhood, and she cherished them even after everything had changed."

"As she stood on the threshold of her new life, Anna couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. It was the day she had been waiting for, the day she would finally begin her college journey. But even as she prepared to leave home, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. She had spent so long looking forward to this moment, but now it felt strangely empty. She wondered if she would ever feel truly at home again."

It's a bright, sunny day as Anna's car pulls up to the gates of the Prestigious Juilliard school of Music. As she walks through the campus, she's awestruck by the beautiful architecture and the sounds of music coming from every corner. But she also feels a little out of place - everyone seems so confident and self-assured, while she feels like a fish out of water. She heads to the student center to pick up her class schedule, but as she's waiting in line, she feels someone staring at her. Anna walked into the bustling student center, guitar case in hand, and immediately felt overwhelmed by the noise and activity. She stood in line at the information desk, trying to keep her cool as students rushed past her, bumping into her shoulder and stepping on her toes. Just as she was about to lose her patience, a deep voice said, "Is this the line for registration?" Anna turned around to see a boy, about her age, smiling at her and her eyes immediately landed on his angular jawline and his straight nose. As she took in his features, she noticed that he had high cheekbones and full lips. His hair was dark and unruly, falling just above his ears. His eyes were a brilliant shade of green, and they seemed to hold a hint of mischief. He was the kind of person who looked like he was always up for a good time. And yet, there was something about him that made Anna feel safe and comfortable. Coming out of her thoughts, trying to make sense of his question. "Registration?" she said, confused. "For what?" The boy smiled and said, "Sorry, I should have been more clear. Registration for the upcoming semester." A lightbulb went off in Anna's head. "Oh! You're a student here?" she asked. The boy nodded and said, "Yes, I'm a freshman. I'm trying to get my schedule sorted out." Anna felt a sense of camaraderie, knowing that they were both in the same boat. As Anna took in the boy's features, he said, "I'm sorry if I interrupted you. I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to make sure I was in the right line." Anna smiled and said, "It's no problem. I'm glad you asked. I would have been in the wrong line if you hadn't spoken up." The boy smiled back and said, "That's a relief! I'm Oliver, by the way. It's nice to meet you." Anna extended her hand and said, "Anna. As they were conversing, Anna noticed someone walking towards their direction her eyes took in his appearance. He was tall and lean, with an easy, lanky grace. He had dark, wavy hair that was just a bit too long, and eyes that were a deep shade of brown. His smile was warm and genuine, and he seemed to have an easy, laid-back vibe. Anna couldn't help but notice that he was handsome, in a rugged, scruffy kind of way. She tried to keep her cool, he walked up to the counter, his eyes bright and curious. He looked at Oliver and said, "Hey man, what did I miss? I see you've made a new friend." Oliver smiled and said, "Josh, this is Anna. Anna, meet Josh." Josh extended his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Anna. So, what were you guys chatting about?" "We were just getting to know each other Oliver replied, Anna here is a fellow student." Josh turned to Anna and said, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Anna. You're a new student too?" Anna nodded and said, "That's right. I'm excited to be here, but also a little nervous." Josh gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, you'll be just fine. We'll help you find your way around." His easy manner put her at ease, and she felt a flicker of attraction."Thanks, I appreciate the offer Anna said, I could definitely use a guide on this campus. It's huge!" Josh laughed and said, "It can be a bit of a maze, for sure. But it's a beautiful campus, and there's a lot to explore. I've been here for a year, so I know my way around pretty well." Anna said, "Oh, so you're a veteran, then! That's good to know. Maybe you can show me the ropes." Josh replied, "I'd be happy to. While Anna and Josh were chatting, Oliver felt a twinge of jealousy. He knew it was silly, but he couldn't help feeling a little left out. After all, he had been the one to introduce Anna to Josh. He decided to break into the conversation and said, "Hey, guys! Don't forget about me over here." Josh and Anna both laughed, and Anna said, "Sorry, Oliver!

As Anna talked to Josh and Oliver, she felt a sense of excitement about the future. "Not bad for a first day she thought".She felt hopeful and optimistic, like anything was possible. In that moment, the campus seemed full of promise and she was ready to embrace it all. To be continued....