
Anna’s New Godzilla Life

Anna has been a very sickly child ever since she was first born. Being able to live to the age of 15 was a miracle but she never left the hospital. Her parents would visit her everyday, or at least did. When her new brother was born they slowly stopped with the constant visits till they only visited every couple of months. Anna grew cold and nothing interested, the nurses would avoid her and she had no friends to speak of. At one point in time a mentally unstable man had tried to force himself on her but was stopped when the only person who would still visit her stopped him. She had one day discovered a film called ‘Godzilla’ which she watch and instantly fell in love with. Every night she would dream of being Godzilla, roaming the world and fighting with both humans and monsters alike. She wanted to become this monster she loves and in that dark space when she met her it came true.

CrimsonNinja · Movies
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23 Chs


Running to the shore of the lake I finally came face to face with her. Taking off my mask and cloak after seeing her confused eyes I stand there facing her.

Taking a minute to both watch each other I took in a deep breath and shouted "Anna is that you? Did you come here as well? Please answer me in anyway I need to know!"

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* my heart is beating faster and faster as I watch her. Seeing her eyes tear up I knew without her saying anything but I still waited for when she was ready.

After a few minutes pass she looks at me, eyes filled with emotion and determination. Suddenly the mana in the air start to swarm towards her, the Godzilla like creature.

The air becomes more and more thick in mana as it starts to condense around her. Slowly a bright light starts to emit from Anna as her body got smaller and smaller.

After no more than 10 seconds of this bright light it dies down. Taking away the hands that covered my eyes I look towards where she was. In place of the giant creature that was once there, there stands a small girl no taller than 5 feet. She has long flowing violet hair with dark blue ends.

Her skin looks extremely soft and is a beautiful snow white in colour. Her eyes hold a beauty in its own but they also hold power. Her eyes and mainly a purple colour with a dark blue being able to be seen faintly in them.

On her head are a pair of pointy ears. Although not as long as an elf they show that she isn't human from the head up. Behind her resides a beautiful scaled black tail that is currently swaying left to right at a slightly fast pace.

The rest of her body is cutely small but to Tia that's how she remembers Anna so it's to her liking. Her chest is small but not chopping board small.

She had a small nose and lips paired with thin eyebrows. It gives her the look of an extremely cute and beautiful little girl. She still has some resemblance to her old body and this is the reason as to why Tia is crying tears of joy.

"Tia?... TIA!!!" An extremely cute voice came out of the little girl who is currently running naked to Tia with open arms. Tia crouched down and opened her arms.

The little girl, or now confirmed as Anna, leaped into her arms. They quickly warp into an embrace as they both cry into each other. *Sob* *Hic* "Tia... Tia I... I never thought I'd see you again wahhh!!"

*Sniff* "I never thought I'd see you again either Anna. I promise this time I won't ever let you go, never okay?"

"Yeah!" *Chuu*

As Tia said those words Anna looked up with her teared filled eyes and give Tia a kiss on the cheeks. Anna looked back down with a huge smile and red face. She hadn't thought that she would ever be able to see Tia again.

Frozen I don't know where to put my hands. I hadn't expected for Anna to kiss me on the cheek! Wha.. what do I do?! Do I hug and kiss her back or?! Argh this is so frustrating!

Screw it I'll hug her back tightly and we'll stay here for a few hours while we hug each other. Yeah!

*Ahem!* turning around I came face to face with the four body guards. Although I can't see their faces I know that they hold both confusion and slight anger with the fact that I'm embracing a small girl.

"Err no no no. This isn't what it looks like I swear! Anna here is actually... Err how old?"

*Sniff* "I think about 15"

"See she may look like this but she's actually 15!"

The four body guards look at each other before dragon steps forward. "That may be so princess but the fact that the giant creature is this little girl is a huge discovery in itself. Also the fact that you are hugging her while she is naked in broad daylight is another matter that I'll have to report to your mother. No decency princess tut-tut-tut."

Paling at her words I remember when my older brother had been caught with his pants down after he had ripped the side of them on a tree branch. She had lectured him for a day straight then made him copy the elven history book ten times without a mistake made.

Quickly taking the cloak I had taken off I wrapped Anna in it then princess carried her. She snuggled into my chest as she placed her two hands on her own. As I walked to place her down beside one of the trees near us I heard her whisper "I love you Tia, please don't leave me."

I teared up and kissed her head "I won't leave, not now and not in the future. I love you too."