
Aniverse: Devour

MC goes through the anime verse, Having to complete a mission for each world to move on to the next.

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Shisui Uchiha

" Shisui..." Itachi's eyes bled as they evolved to their final form, the Mangekyo.

The pain of losing his best friend, a loved one, and left with a promise he knew he will have to break.

Itachi cried for a few seconds before disappearing from his spot.

Unknown to him, someone was watching it all, and waiting.

" I'ts finally that day...Luckily my parents died so I'm able to do this. " A boy with white hair said before coming out from the bushes and running.

" Damn, you almost slipped away. " The boy said grabbing the corpse of Shisui Uchiha.

Not far away there was a huge waterfall, that would've hidden the body away forever.

" So much for those loser ahh fans. " Hes probably alive " " someone saved him "..." The boy chuckled and looked back at the body, " He's dead as fuck. " A smirked appeared on his face.

A dark gooey substance came out of his body before becoming a giant mouth with large teeth.

" Eat and be useful for once. " The boy gave permission as the substance devoured the corpse right after.

" Sigh, give me my rewards! " The boy angrily shouted.

{ Sigh...

Mission: Devour a S rank Ninja for your first meal

Rewards: Ability [ Devour ] will fully unlock ]

" Fucking finally, 7 fucking years alive in this shitty world and I finally unlock it. I had to pass on so many good chances on devouring the Byakugan. Now I'll knowm as a weak civilian loser in the academy...well not like it really matters, I'm not staying in the village. " The boy got up as he got more notifications.

{ New bloodline : Uchiha downloaded!

Sharingan unlocked!

3 tomoe unlocked!

Mangekyo Unlocked!

Shurikenjutsu Downloaded!

Mangekyo abilities: kotoamatsuki Downloaded

Attributes: Fire, Lightning, wind downloaded!

Crows summon downloaded!

Genjutsu Mastery Downloaded!

Talent Downloaded!

Congratulations! }

" I didn't get his chakra or strength but I got all his abilities and talent. The talent of someone that became a join at 11. To put in perspective the most talented ninjas alive in Naruto, Kakashi and Itachi became Join at 12. Shisui became very power way quicker than Itachi and Kakashi, if he was still alive, being hokage isn't a dream or even taking over the world. He was at the level of Madara or stronger...I May Be Glazing let me stop. " Laughing at himself for his weird praise to a dead man he cleaned himself before walking back to the village.

" How do I take Kurama without killing Naruto..." The boy asked himself as he whistled.


" Kirito! " A excited voice called out as he waved his hand.

The boy had blonde hair and was calling out someone with white hair not too far from him.

Kirito turned around before waving back, the blonde boy kept his smile before running after Kirito.

" Wsp Naruto, everybody giving you a hard time? " Kirito asked, Naruto frowned as he thought back to his time in class.

" It's not that bad, I'm mainly pissed about Iruka. I thought he would see me different. " Naruto whispered the last part.

" It's okay, just show him you're different. " Kirito smiled. ' and fuck off '.

" You're right, I'll see you in class! " Naruto cheered up quickly regaining a huge smile before running to school.

" Now that he's gone I can look for my target. " Far away from his vision he could see a ninja with white eyes, a smile grew as he walked towards the ninja.


" Sigh, what a long day. The clan is fucked in multiple ways. " The white eyed ninja spoke to himself, quite a bit of anger and disappointment in his voice.

" I wish I could've been with her. " The ninja remembered the beautiful woman he fell in love with, but now she's with someone else because he was forced to marry in the clan.

" Mister! " A voice called out bringing he ninja back to real life.

" Hm? Hasn't school started already? What are you doing here? " The ninja lowered himself to be at the level of the little boy in front of him.

" Huh? " The ninjas visions went blank, he couldn't see anything, nor feel anything, it was a very dark place, he didn't know if he was walking or even talking, what happened?

' Huh? My neck? ' The ninja grabbed his neck and felt liquid, after he raised his hand he saw blood.

He couldn't speak no matter how he tried, he looked forward to the boy in confusion.

To his horror the only thing he saw was the devil's face before something came out of the boy, as his vision went blank again.


" Why are you so late?! " Iruka shouted angrily.

" I don't know man, does it even matter. " Kirito replied nonchalantly as he walked to his seat.

" Little shit. " Iruka whispered to himself, " Stop smiling like that when I'm trying to lecture you. " Iruka said annoyed.

" I'm sorry sensei, something exciting happened on my way here. " Unknown to everybody, something was in front of Kirito.

{ Hyuga clan downloaded

Gentle fist mastery downloaded

Byakugan and Sharingan are being combined, please name the new eyes }

' What a great start, I'll have to test devour more later, I don't wanna kill Naruto but I really want the 9 tails for myself. '


( A/N Short chapter cuz it's a tease to how it's going to be, time to devour all abilities in all animes. )