
Chapter 6

After introducing me to all of our family my mother looks over to my father and says in a serious tone, "okay now that I have given birth where do we go next"

My father looks at her and responds with, "well I've been thinking you know how Kazuma said that this town is Isolated from the outside world. I think we should stay here for a few years all this moving around is not healthy for the kids we should settle down somewhere in the wilderness around this town and only come in the town when we need supplies."

To which my mother responded, "Sure we can do that but we have to find a place that gives us a view of the town so I'm thinking maybe we make our home at the top of one of those mountains." It was at this moment that my mother said something that surprised me. She said, "We could use magic to make or enchant something on the mountain to keep an eye on the village to make sure the people after us can't get the drop on us.

My father agrees saying, "you do that I'll use my seals to make sure no one can look for us via sent and so that a seal will alert me if our names are said and our appearances are described." then he says, "rest for today then we will set out for the mountain tomorrow."

My mother disagrees and says, "we leave now the longer we are in the village the more likely they will show up and we can't beat them with 4 babies. We can just have Rick, your servant pick us up some food and meet us up there. Go tell him also tell him we will leave him the carriage to catch up with us later I'll get the kids ready to leave and we will meet you in the front of the house."

(Narrator Point Of View)

John is currently going towards to room where his most loyal servant is located to tell him the plan. John enters the room and begins speaking in a hurried voice and says to him, "we are going to leave now take the carriage and meet us at the biggest mountain to the east, here is some money we are going to need you to get us some supplies. We are going to be camped out at the mountain for a while and you need to get the necessary supplies that we can't make with our own hands like seeds and other things.

"Yes boss", Rick said then he retrives the money and sets out to complete his task.

John makes a stop to Kazuma and tell him that he has to go and asks how much money does he owe him for his help. Kazuma declines the money and says, "money is only useful outside of this village we take care of each other everything here is free. the only requirement for this rule is to take only what you absolutly need. Alright farwell John I will see you later."

John does a slight bow and tells him thank you for all of you help I must go now. John leaves and reunites with his family in front of Kazumas house and they set off towards the biggest mountain in the east. They start walking and by the time they got to the edge of the village the sun had completely risen and the kids began complaining about how their feet hurts and about how hot it was. So then the kids was carried by the mom and the dad until they got a quarter of the way there then they heard the sounds of a carriage and decided to take a break from walking to let Rick catch up. when he does they all get into the carriage and start heading towards the mountain that would be their new home.

As the carriage was moving they had begun to start eating the food Rick had brough with him it was roasted rabbits that he got from a street vender. Once they had all eaten Alison had began to to feed Lucifer.

(Lucifer Point Of View)

Right now I was in a carriage getting fed by my mother. I can't remember how I got here I've been going through the motions ever since I heard what I believe to be the truth of this world. I heard my mother say something about spells so I could only assume that magic exists in this world. Then I heard my father say something about seals. So I from that I could assume that that is a different category of magic or it could be something else enterly. More likely the later from how my dad said, " yea and I could use my seals" or something like that. I was excited to think that magic and possibly other things exist in this world. I thought this life is so gonna be fun.

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