
Anime One piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, in a modern cultivation world

With the power of One Piece and Naruto in a modern cultivation world, this novel is strictly for an audience of legal age, it contains erotic readings, as our character is transmigrated into a body of a dead boy and does what any boy would do. , get wifus. The names of the characters are known, if you need to remember just look them up in googl, for example Nene Fujinoki or Roxanne De Dejiiru XD. I am a man of culture.

Barkhant · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 4

traduA person took out a transmission jade to call a superior,

suddenly a dozen people took out telephones and communication objects to

call their sects and organizations what happened.

"That boy may have two high-level bloodlines on his

body and now that the Chu family doesn't want him, the Song family makes an

invitation, what do you say boy?" Elder Song said as he looked

at Feng's body with greed in his gaze.

The method to extract two bloodlines from a person had been lost

for centuries, there was no way to extract it, but if they were trained as

one of their own they would have a future elder or maybe even better, an

Overlord being in their ranks.

The old man had even forgotten that I tried to kidnap him, he was just waiting

anxiously for the answer, if he said no, he would kill him when he left the

auditorium. But he did not know that the subject dressed in a black outfit and

red clouds protected him, all because he was with his granddaughter giving him advice and had not

gone out to the stands.

"You tried to get closer, do you really think I didn't realize that you were

approaching with strange intentions? Those explosions damaged your clothes, but if

you want to keep trying, why don't you get closer?" I said as I

walked to the Chu Sect Elder and took a ring from his

frozen body and looked at Elder Song with disdain.

"That guy took the ring off the old man Chu." Said a little

girl who was watching the game.

"Do you really care about the Chu family?" Another girl no older

than her, but with the same appearance scold her, they both looked like

twin sisters.

"Fuck the Chu, his finger broke like glass, the temperature

must be terrifying." When the little girl said that, everyone sucked in a

breath of cold air, she hasn't realized the power of the attack.

Such a fast and lethal attack, if that wasn't a

maximum grade martial skill , they didn't know what it was.

But while many longed for that ability, they knew that it could only be used by

the Yin sect.

"The Yin sect has a terrifying ability that I hadn't displayed,

I did n't even see when it prepared." Said a subject in a golden suit, he was

the mayor of the city and a member of a powerful sect.

Things can get out of hand, so I started writing

the names of the akatsuki on some sheets.

I covered my body with a bit of icy mist and summoned black and white zetsu

, also Madara and Obito, but to use the yin Sect, I decided to summon

an aokiji.

"Protect me from the shadows." All the akatsukis

disappeared from the stadium, accepted some idiots who were watching me from afar without


'Cursed Madara, antler in his invocation looks great and that Aokiji, is

lying on the wall on one side of the old man of the Song Family' .Suspirar

as he looked at my silly invocations, 'but at least not invoke


"The duel is over, the winner is Chu Feng." Said a

calm voice announcing the end of the duel.

Even though there were more elders, not a single one dared to enter the

platform, not when they knew that Feng was not alone and the subject above

could come down, but mostly because they were sure that he would be stronger

than Feng.

"What the hell are we going to tell the patriarch?" One of the

elders asked the others but there was no answer, they realized that someone

had already screwed up in a big way, not only someone already took him as his disciple or

part of his organization.

If not that the boy had or awakened a terrifying talent, a

bloodline which would make his body cultivate like crazy, but that did not end

there, if not that he actually had two bloodlines and both seemed to be

very high grade.

"This is bad, we have to kill him when he comes out." Everyone

looked at each other and nodded while nearby, a zetsu was listening to

what to do.

'Hell, I shouldn't have summoned Madara, although luckily this isn't a

reincarnation ability from the impure world ... is it? 'I thought as I looked fearfully

towards where madara was and then some people looked

where I was looking.

"Who is that handsome guy?" Asked a

noble looking girl who used small gold binoculars with a small stick.

"Kya, he's gorgeous!" Yelled a small group of girls in a

VIP room.

A subject who arrived with a tray full of fried foods looked at the women

of his sect and got very upset, but was even more upset when he saw the

handsome subject who did not put his companions in his eyes.

"Well, it's time to go." The moment I spoke a bird

descended and I got on it.

"The Chu family is finished." It is not known who said it, but they

all nodded as if it were fact.

The talent in the fight shown was unsurpassed for people of his age, in

addition to the fact that the boy seemed to use only brute force to move and never used

a martial art, he looked like a boy who was gifted with super

powerful abilities and lacked training.

A boy who lacked so many martial skills would be loyal if

cultivated well within any sect.

"The Chu family is blind, I wonder how the hell are they so blind and

what happened for someone like that to be fired?" Everyone seemed to

agree with the subject who said that.

The Song family elder was chasing the bird from afar, but there were

6 other subjects that were advancing even faster, they were 6 of the 20

Chu family elders .

'It seems that I will have to wait and see or I will have problems, mm? It seems that

there are more people following him' The old man thought and slowed down in


They all came to a lonely place and suddenly found a subject

with an afro lying on a log.

"Who is that and where is the guy with the ugly dragon?"

An old man asked Aokiji that they were falling asleep, meanwhile all

the akatsuki and nagato sept were hiding underground.

"We are not only 6 people, we have more than a few dozen

cultivators helping us and all at the level of great warrior and master of the

aura." Said one of the elders with complete confidence as he smiled

cruelly, as many people started to emerge from bushes and trees.

"Absolute zero". Just two words and everything in the forest

froze, even Elder Song and a few others who were far away were left

with their feet covered in frost.

"He's a member of the yin sect, get ready!" But suddenly

people in black coats and red clouds came out of the ground while

their feet were stuck to the ground.

"HELP MY FEET FROZEN!" Shouted a guy who seemed to be one

of the weakest.

"Only Aura Masters can fight, others use skills

to keep him busy!" Shouted one of the elders of the Chu family,

but suddenly a scythe passed near his body, but the old man managed to

dodge it in time, only with a small wound on his body.

"Hahahahaha!" Hidan yelled frantically as he began to

make a pentagram with his blood.

"What is that idiot doing? He is mutilating himself." Said one of the

subjects with low cultivation among the Chu family elders.

"There are a lot of insects around here." The

Song family elder whispered, but he suddenly remembered that they looked like the ones who nearly killed him and took a

mighty leap back.

"This is for not recognizing art as my employer, katsu !!"


Dozens of small explosions occurred point-blank from all the

people present, even the ones who were in hiding didn't escape

Deidara's sight with the help of Zetsu.

"My leg!"

"No no no, where are my arms ?!"

Those who were not dead were injured or maimed, only 6

elderly and some more who were far away because they had just arrived,

nothing happened to them.

"We better get out of here, it just felt like the ki of many

aura warriors disappeared in the blink of an eye." Said a subject to a group of

people, but suddenly they found themselves surrounded by many subjects in blue, they

seemed like illusions since it was not possible that there were so many twins of one


"They are very handsome." Whispered a guy who held a sword in one

hand and a dagger in the other as he prepared to attack.

He plucked up his courage and used a martial skill to kill the subject in front of him

, but he transformed into crows when he defeated one of them.

"What a strange ability, I shouldn't have come." The subject said that

his eyes suddenly widened because one of his companions had stabbed him.

"What the hell? Why did you do it?" Scenes like this passed

around, some who have not fallen under Itachi's genjutsu

were fighting against kisame, kakuzo or some Sasori puppet.

"Damn it's hundreds of warriors!" Shouted an aura master

who was moving like crazy knocking down puppet after puppet, but suddenly they

felt tired and his body ached.

The Aura Master checked his body with his spirit sense and I felt

that he was poisoned.

"No, I can't die here." He said weakly before starting to

fumble and get impaled by various puppets.

"Old man!". Shouted a guy that to his bad luck

a hole appeared in his heart, he didn't even know how he died, but for some reason he was

stabbed, he died with his eyes open.

"This is a carnage, everyone escape!" Some cultivators

with good instincts used treasures or pills that they consumed to help them


"Doton: Doryu Joheki". Kakuzo summoned a great wall enclosing

everyone inside, some observers watched from far away as dozens of

cultivators were being killed without much resistance by a force

they did not know.

Suddenly a great fog covered the outskirts of the city and no one could

see what else was happening in that place.

"Call the sect and warn all students not to offend

subjects with black suits and red clouds, also send the information of

the fighting style that we managed to witness to all our allies." Said

a woman with a beautiful appearance.

"This one obeys mistress." Said a small subject, if someone saw him they

would know that he is a dwarf, but a dwarf from fairy tales and the woman an


Within the mist the corpses were being stripped of their objects by

kakuzu and hidan while the others chased some who barely managed to


"That old Song, just break his leg." Or so I said, but I doubt

that kisame can handle that task, that sword is too big to be


There was no mercy for those who wanted me dead and I was confident not to die

as long as I had such an army with me.

There was too much wealth in all the spirit rings, just left one

alive to ask for names and invoke them again and thus remove the trace of

spirit sense from the rings.

But after doing that I realized that just summoning the phoenix was the

only thing I needed and it would also grant me a group of zombies loyal to me, but

that would only be as long as the phoenixes do not disappear, because once they disappear they

will have total freedom.

'Well, I guess I'll keep all the corpses,' I thought as I counted

the bodies and stored them in a ring. In total there were 39 corpses that in the

future would be my slaves.

'I need to learn Orochimaru and Hiruko's ability to absorb

Fenix ​​and Madara.'


In a short time chaos occurred in the City, in one day many organizations

lost status of many of their warriors and all

that was blamed on the Chu Family.

w w w. Patre on / Barkhan. com goes in chapter 74 use google translator since it is in Spanish, the novel is still in broadcast.