
Anime One piece, Naruto, Fairy Tail, in a modern cultivation world

With the power of One Piece and Naruto in a modern cultivation world, this novel is strictly for an audience of legal age, it contains erotic readings, as our character is transmigrated into a body of a dead boy and does what any boy would do. , get wifus. The names of the characters are known, if you need to remember just look them up in googl, for example Nene Fujinoki or Roxanne De Dejiiru XD. I am a man of culture.

Barkhant · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 14


A needle with large amounts of ki flew towards me at high speeds, but before it reached me I used the Mangekyou Sharingan that had Madara's bloodline and the energy from the needle disappeared.


Blood splashed and the needle had pierced my chest and created a hole in my body, but I did not wait, as I did not have ki the needle took it and kept it in my space ring.

"NO !, brat that's mine." With a face it would be the old man surrounded himself with ki and an explosion created a crater and the old man had disappeared.

My arachnid sense warned me of danger and I had to turn to thunder to dodge the attack.


A beam of energy sliced ​​the place where I was and the old man looked everywhere until he found me materializing into my human form.

"How did you do that?". The old man asked with a delighted expression.

"This crazy old man." I said while preparing a shower of lightning.

"It seems that while I was behind closed doors cultivating someone interesting appeared, sorry for the elders because I will take your spiritual roots." But when the old man prepared to make a second attack, lightning struck his body.

He could not defend himself due to the speed of the lightning and his body began to char, but as if that were not enough, another lightning and another reached him until it turned into coal.

"Damn, damn ki, it's like haki." I said as the wound began to heal with the help of the quirks that all for one had passed to me.

'From level 5 and 6 the cultivators can harm me and therefore the magicians from the other world are more numerous, only they do not invade because there are more races and they are not united'.

With what happened I took the corpses of the cultivators and stored them in my space ring, later I would try to turn them into undead with the kage kage not me, I would only need shadows to use.

The actions here surely had been recorded on video by a satellite or plane, so I used an electromagnetic pulse to fry all artifacts in several hundred meters.

'I hope and the clouds you create won't take anything.' I thought as I looked at all the destruction caused by the fighting.

The planes returned and dropped soldiers to the place, but I had already saved the corpses, blood and every part of the giants, only the giant was missing, but since he had a bloodline I decided to call the old man of the Alpha company.

* Ring *

"Chu Feng what is it?" Asked the old man, who surprised me that he answered himself.

"Capture a giant with a bloodline, he is alive." When I said that I heard something fall on the other end of the phone.

"Tell me where you are, don't sell it to anyone, I will send my people immediately, how big is the giant and what breed is it?" The old man looked excited and nervous,

"I am taking care of him, but the government sent soldiers or so I hope they are." I couldn't help but think when I saw the members of the Song sect dressed in white with gold trim and I thought that they would be sent from the government to defend the border of the city, but they were only warriors who saw great loot.

"AHH! I won't say anything you fucking bastards!" Yelled a little goblin that was thrown in front of me by kaido.

"Are you the one who invoked this portal?" I asked the goblin in front of me who closed his mouth, but my eyes started to roll as my Mangekyou Sharingan activated.

"I won't say anything, even if they roll your eyes." The goblin said while rubbing his body.

'My eyes are useless or I don't know how to use them'. I remained thoughtful as I tried to find an answer for the goblin in front of me that did not fall into my genjutsu.

"It is true they have no chakra, if not magic." I whispered as I was disappointed to find the answer that was not pleasant.

'One less power for combat, that means King, Emperor, Monarch and Immortal levels could kill me.'

"Chu Feng is me!" A loudspeaker was heard over my head and a helicopter descended with the old man from the ALPHA company.

"What the hell? How quickly you arrived old man." I said as I watched as two large helicopters unloaded giant cables and began to hold the frozen giant to carry it.

"Its alive?".

"GROAR!" Thaw the ice and the giant roared, but a little weaker than last time.

"I understand, I understand freeze it again!" Yelled the old man while looking stunned.

"He let out a roar of ki, that shook me a bit." I said while grimacing at the annoyance, but the old man in front of me was bleeding from his nose.

"Ha ha ha, he's strong, he's strong!" The old man said as he regained his composure and seemed strangely happy about the damage that the giant caused him.

"What about pay first?" I said as the old man showed me that there was 1.3 billion in my account now and also a tablet with the photo of two women.

"They are the most beautiful secretaries that I found, they are only looking for a millionaire man as a lover and well, now you are immensely rich, will you sell the other giants?" Asked the old man rubbing his hands.

"Sure, here, they're in the space ring." I said as I threw the ring at the old man and he sent his ki towards the ring to inspect it.

"These cannot have their bloodline drawn, but their blood will still strengthen the spiritual roots." The old man said as he seemed to do calculations.

After his calculations, my phone rang again warning me about a new transfer, another 280 million for the other bodies.

"I know what you think, but this race commits suicide if it loses, it is extremely rare and nobody has captured one alive, they are one of the few bloodlines that still exist and it is mine." The old man said as he got into the helicopter without saying goodbye to me and walked away with the frozen creature.

(Meeting at the Secretary of Defense of the Country Steel)

"The appearance of a new very powerful organization appeared gentlemen and as I said before in each meeting that I attended in the parliament or in the meetings of the United Nations with my question, Why What do we continue to allow the existence of these sects? Said a young man in his 40s thin and with glasses, his appearance seemed like that of an anime villain.

"Mr. Flint, you must understand that if we used lethal force in a sect it would be impossible for us to kill them all, how many times do we have to tell you that they can strengthen their bodies and run on water or even fly"

"I also understand that they have techniques of escape and if all sects are not killed at the same time it would be detrimental to the country, we all remember the events of the Red Minister, he ordered the murder of two elders of a sect and even though he succeeded, his apprentices massacred his entire family, friends and even members of our government with whom he had dealings.

"They are also a valuable asset, just look at those giants, I want to know the magnitude of the damage they would have caused, there are billions of damages with only one that managed to enter and that without counting the deaths, terror and public opinion "

Everyone in the room nodded and saw Flint to see what else would say, but he did not sit accepting defeat.

"Mr. Flint, we have weapons of mass destruction, and the other world has magicians, we already began years ago to learn the use of ki, in a few dozen years the country will be the largest sect and there will be nothing to worry about. We have to do now is to communicate with the boy in the video and try to get him to train or join some of our soldiers in the sect or the organization that gave him those guards ".

"I agree with Mr. Harrison, until now the skills shown by the boy and his bodyguards are the best captured on video since the sects are known, such as the ability of one of them, that subject made appear on the battlefield to hundreds of puppets and ended up with a large swarm, imagine them if they used machine guns ".

"This meeting should end with a plan to achieve our goal and not waste time arguing with Mr. Flint"

"I agree with the minister, agent Rebecca made contact, but failed in her mission, I think we should send a letter like many sects have done it and had satisfactory results, let's just list the benefits in that letter and see what happens "

" I like that idea "

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