
Anime Multiverse: This is fun

MC is OP

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


" Explain what? " Someone walked inside the classroom, obviously kakashi.

" Oh hey Kakashi, basically the Hokage has added a new member to your group. " Iruka said awkwardly and pointing to Kai.

Kai simply waved his hand saying Hi as Kakashi awkwardly did it back as well.

" Sigh, How did this happen?" Kakashi asked himself knowing it will take a lot of energy to keep them in line.

Kakashi asked us to meet on the roof as he flickered away, Naruto wasn't able to prank Kakashi since Iruka stopped him so he didn't say his first impression. Which in canon he said " You're all idiots ".

" Take care Iruka, Sensei! " Naruto and Sakura said as they walked out, Sasukes left without a word like the edge lord god he is.

Kai simply waved goodbye as Iruka replied with the same wave.

" Introduce yourself as I do. " Kakashi says before giving the most plain introduction that can exist, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke replied with the same introductions as canon.

" My name is Kai, I like nothing in particular, I hate mostly everything, and my future goals are unknown. " Kai said as if in a battle with Kakashi for the worst introduction.

" Great, meet me at the training ground early in the morning, oh and make sure not to eat. " Kakashi said before disappearing.

" Why are we meeting there Sakura ? " Naruto asked confused.

" Don't talk to me! But I don't know, what do you think Sasuke? " Sakura asked with heart eyes.

" It doesn't matter. " Sasuke said nonchalantly making Sakura gain a waterfall.

" It's a 2nd test, created by the teacher for their student. If you fail it, you go back to the academy, if you pass you start doing missions. It's most likely about teamwork,

Hope y'all can figure that out. " Kai explained before walking away from the group leaving them shocked.

" He's such a weird guy. " Naruto said before the trio separated.

' This should be the spot. ' Kai was in the training ground they are supposed to meet in.

' I need to create an opportunity where I touch Kakashi and pass his test without showing any of my real strength. ' Kai started using his brain to the max to create multiple traps.

After a few hours he was finally done, there was atleast 50 traps set up incase he needs them.

* Sorry I've been messaged that this fight would take too long to write, so we will skip the Kakashi bell training. Mc copied Lightning blade and his Right mangekyo sharingan, also Naruto's Uzumaki bloodline to boost to mid-Kage level chakra+ having the high healing factor and copied Multi shadow clone jutsu *

Time skip to Tazuna mission~

The group walked down the road, it was early and bright, as they enjoyed their first C rank mission.

" This is going to be fun! Belive it! " Naruto shouted before getting punched by Sakura.

" Shut up Naruto! "

' Isn't this the puddle? ' Kai thought passing by the only puddle around.

" Should be a easy mission. " Kakashi said with a smile.

" Hahahahah! " 2 shadows quickly came out and wrapped their chain on Kakashi before cutting him to pieces.

" Too easy! " they said in unision, quickly changing target to Naruto.

Naruto managed to dodge one of their attacks but left a scratch on his hand, When Naruto fell on the floor the brothers chased after him but got intercepted by Sasuke.

Quickly kicking them away before throwing a kunai to keep their chain on the ground.

With a smirk they pulled the chain together sending the Kunai back to him making him parry it with his own Kunai.

" Get him! " taking advantage of the space they quickly changed their target again going straight to Tazuna.

Noticing it Sakura stood infront of Tazuna with a Kunai out, she was scared but she knew her duty. Sasuke noticing this quickly appears infront of her ready for anything.

Kai quickly appears infront of them with a Kunai in each hand, the brothers were moving too fast and didn't have time to react, Kai stabbed the Kunai in both of their shoulders making them grab it in pain.

With this opening Kai quickly grabbed their heads before smashing them together, with them not able to think properly Kai hit them on their necks knocking them out.

It only took at most 15 seconds to complete this, shocking the others.

" Nice job guys. " Kakashi said calmly appearing again.

" Kakashi! " everybody shouted excitedly, except Kai and Sasuke ( the true Emo duo )

" Good job guys, Sasuke you did good job protecting your teammates and keeping the enemy in check, Sakura even though you were scared you still stood infront of Tazuna to protect him, Kai you also did a good job taking advantage of them forgetting about you, easily knocking them out. 10/10 guys. " Kakashi gave his props to everybody except Naruto, and Naruto knew that.

" I didn't expect you to be this useless. " Kakashi said lowering Naruto's mood.

" We're you scared chicken? " Sasuke said with a smirk.

" And you're also poisoned, we're gonna have to go back to get it fixed, besides that, you have some explaining to do. " Kakashi said looking at Tazuna.

Naruto cut his hand to let out the poison, Tazuna manipulated the team to help him and his village, We agreed to continue, the end.

( A/N I didn't forget about this fanfic, I'm trying to figure out how long do I want it to be, which is why I skipped the Kakashi fight. Pre-teen Naruto series will end around chapter 15-20 before starting teen Naruto, maybe less if I skip a lot of things. Also this chapter is bad I know, moving on. )