
Anime Multiverse: This is fun

MC is OP

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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" Hi welcome to Ichiraku ramen what can I get you? " a sweet voice asked as I entered.

" Hi, this is my first time so why don't you choose for me? I'm not picky. " Kai said as she nodded before starting to cook.

A few weeks passed as Kai's arsenal grew attaining Kibas enhanced senses and his Taijutsu mastery, also gaining Yang release, Fire release, wind and earth from other people.

The releases will just maximize the jutsus strength, pretty useful in the long run.

" Today we will have sparing battles, everybody be ready, I'll call out the names one by one. "

The fights were " exciting " in a way, surprisingly Naruto and Sasuke didn't fight, Naruto had to battle against Kiba and got whooped.

Hinata foguht a civilian and won, Sakura and Ino fought and ended as a tie.

Shikamaru gave up in his fight against choji, nothing exciting can come out of these spars to be honest.

" Sasuke and Kai please come to the middle. " Iruka said surprising everybody.

' Hm, well honestly I can easily beat him but I have no reason to do that. ' Kai thought sighing at this battle.

" Start! " Iruka shouted Sasuke instantly vanished from his spot in everybody's eyes.

He reappeared infront of Kai, his fist already infront of Kai's face.

' Fuck it. ' Kai smoothly moved his head dodging the fist and instantly countering with a knee to his stomach, with overconfidence blinding Sasuke he wasn't prepared to be hit.

" Guh! " Sasuke spat out saliva as he clutched his stomach and before he could do anything else a kick connected to his face throwing him far away as he slid through the ground dirtying his clothes.

With two hits Sasuke was down, and he couldn't stand back up.

" Kai is the winner! " Iruka shouted surprised, for a second Kai disappeared from his vision but he ignored it blaming it on him blinking.

Everybody else was also shocked, Sakura didn't know what to say seeing her Sasuke on the ground defeated also Ino, but she did know what to feel, Anger.

Naruto just as them was shocked seeing his rival get easily beaten by someone who never stood out in the class.

As for everybody else, they were both shocked and excited seeing the strongest student in class be beaten so easily.

" Sasuke! " Ino and Sakura shouted simultaneously before running to him.

They stretched out their hands to pick him up but Sasuke slapped them away forcing himself to stand before cleaning his clothes.

' What the hell happened? ' Sasuke thought looking at Kai walking back to his spot.

[ Sharingan ( 1 tomoe ) and Lightning nature copied ]

' Wonder how this will affect my life. ' Kai thought as he looked at the sky with boredom.

Kai had plans for the future, and none of them were any time soon.

The closest one was getting the Uzumaki bloodline and Multishadow clone jutsu from Naruto, but that was still 6 and a half months later.

The day ended with a shocking result as Kai became popular instantly.

Especially amongst civilians, but it's not like they knew he had the Uchiha bloodline.

6 months later…

Many things happened throughout these few months, copying useful things like the shadow clone and transformation jutsu for graduation, the Hyugas gentle fist. Got the fire ball jutsu, and the chakra control of a random Jonin.

Soon he can get Kakashis mangekyo sharingan to upgrade his own, and also his kenjutsu. ( A/N Kakashi always had the Mangekyo since Obito unlocked it for him, he just 1 Never used it, 2 Didn't have the chakra for it, or 3 Didn't know how to use it. )

Also the Sharingan and Byakugan combined, gaining a pink color with 1 grey tomoe including the Byakugans signature veins.

Sadly Kai didn't know this would happen, so he can't use it around others anymore.

Kai's life became more annoying as well as Iruka decided to teach him himself, seeing him beat Sasuke made him realize his talent.

After a month Kai became the number 1 in all category's, but he was still tied when it came to studies with Sasuke.

" Today we will have a practice test before your graduation at the end of the month, everybody line up and wait for your name to be called! " Iruka said.

Everybody walked down excited to show their results of hard work.

Name after name was called to show their transformation technique, almost everybody passed except 1 or 2 including Naruto.

" Good job Kai, wouldn't expect anything less from you. " Shikamaru said in a lazy tone.

" Thanks, if you put in a bit of effort you'd be able to outclass me and Sasuke in studies, your lazy nature holds you back. " Kai replied trying to compliment Shikamaru as well.

" I don't know about all that, I just want to nap… " he said before drifting off into the wonderful darkness of a dream.

" Holdfully you don't regret your decision in the future. " Kai said before going through his notes.

' Graduation is near, Zabuza will be killed so I have to pick 2 good things to take, maybe the water dragon and his kenjutsu would be nice. I'll just copy Chidori from Kakashi instead, ' Kai continued planning out skills he wants to take from people before they die.

My main focus is Hiruzen, I need a few high ranked Jutsus from his arsenal before he dies against Orochimaru.

' System, Sasukes curse mark is a pretty useful boost. Is it possible to copy it and not have any of the negative affects? '

[ Ofcourse, anything copied will be solely yours. ]

' Hm, now that I think about it, if the system is stripped away wouldnt I become a nobody again? Hm, oh well. If the system can be stripped away, how am I supposed to stop it. ' Kai knew this could be troublesome but there's nothing he could really do about it. Sure he could gain everything normally, but what's the fun in that?

( A/N Is it me or is this chapter like hella off? Also for those people that hate the Mc joining team 7 sorry, I spinned the wheel 5 times and 3 landed on team 7, 1 on Hinatas team and the last on Shikamarus team. Guess fate wanted team 7. )