
Anime Multiverse: My plaything

Unknown human has unlimited wishes and has to travel every anime, and destroy them. ( in other words Op Mc no mercy no holding back )

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

World gov/Ace

" are you sure you want to do this? " Garp asked

" We have to. We have no choice. " Akainu said.

" The people are losing trust on the world gov. We have to bring that trust back. This would help a lot. " Sengoku said.

" Sigh, so you really want to risk him jumping in? " Garp asked again.

" Who? " Akainu asked looking at Sengoku.

" He has the highest bounty, even higher than Dragon. Ken, the Reaper. " Sengoku said.

" Why would he join? Does he know Ace? " Akainu asked.

" While I fought him, I saw whitebeards tattoo on the back of his hand. As far as I know he mainly cares about his own popularity and could careless about whitebeard. But taking fact that he still wear the tattoo and whitebeard hasn't set him straight. We can conclude that he's either too strong for whitebeard to do anything or whitebeard doesn't really care. The risk of him joining are pretty high. " Garp explained.

" Are all five of us together not enough? " Aokiji asked.

" Honestly if me, Roger, Rocks and Sengoku joined hands at our prime, I have a feeling we'd lose. " Garp said.

" Does anybody know where Ken even is right now? " Kizaru asked.

* riiiing riiiing * ( I forgot how the noise is in one piece )

Sengoku picked up the snail and spoke,

" What is it? We're in a meeting. "

* whispers whispers *

" WHAT? " Sengoku shouted as he got up.

" We're gonna have to bring in more people. " Sengoku calmed down and said.


Around the same time Whitebeard was having a talk with Shanks.

" I'm gonna cash in the favor right now, tho it's a favor I'll still earnestly ask you to help me to retrieve my son. " ( broke his character??? Hmmm maybe. ) Whitebeard said as he kept drinking.

" Hm? Hahahahhahah, is this why you made sure to gain a favor ? Did you predict something like this happening? " Shanks asked drinking already agreeing and just curious.

" No, it wasn't me. It was Ken. " Whitebeard said seriously.

" Does he have the power to see the future? " Shanks asked.

" I don't know, the only thing I honestly know about him is that he's stronger than me. " Whitebeard said as he continued drinking as Shanks followed.

" I'll be there and go in at the same time as you, either way I got word that Kaido and Big mom will be joining too. Im gonna have to cash in a favor with a certain swordsman to help. " Shanks said with a smile since he didn't really care about the Favor and didn't have any reason to ever cash it in.


Also at the same time,

" Do you see what you've done? " Ken asked Ace.

" What do you mean? " Ace asked chained up.

" You started a war, all because you wanted to capture Blackbeard. You're putting your family in danger. Do you really want to see them die? " Ken asked.

" They won't come, they better not. They should know the extent of danger there is. " Ace said.

" You should know your family better, they won't leave till you're dead or you've been taken back." Ken said as he sat on the floor.

" Do you want me to hel-" Ken was cut off quickly " No. " Ace said plainly.

" Wrong choice. But Don't worry I'll still help, but only when you say it loud and proud. Good luck. " Ken said as he got up and walked away leaving Ace to his thoughts.

' They won't come, right? ' Ace asked himself.

1 month later 2 days away from the war that's going to happen.

Shanks got Mihawk to join them he doesn't have to do much just hold off one of the Yonkos or one of the Admirals. He agreed since he wants to fight someone strong again to test his abilities, he grew stronger again and even ate a fruit that fits him

Perfectly. ( Btw y'all got any idea what kind of fruit would benefit him completely? 💀 Or am I gonna have to make one up? 😭 )

Whitebeard already explained the plan, Mihawk will be on the " world governments side " while shanks will go in the same way as Whitebeard.

" Will Ken join? " Mihawk asked.

" I don't know, when I contacted him he said that it will be up to Ace if he joins or not then hung up. Whatever that mean only Ace will know. But it doesn't matter, with or without him I will get Ace back even if I have to sacrifice myself so he can escape. " Whitebeard said with resolve.

" Calm down old man we don't want you to get a heart-attack " Shanks said which got a glare from Whitebeard and his crew.

" Sorry? " Shanks said confused which made Mihawk chuckle.

" Anyways what happened with you? You got stronger I can feel it. " Shanks said excited.

" Really? Didn't you say you were at your peak? " Shanks asked.

" I did, but someone proved me wrong and enlightened me. " Mihawk said as he walked away.


The next 2 days was spent promoting the execution of Ace, which many people were a little excited about.

Mainly the ones who knew who Ace belonged to and what it can turn into.


The end

Short cuz the next chapter will be when luffy lunches Garp out the way to get to Ace.

Just gonna be a bad ass Ken appearance