
Anime Multiverse: My plaything

Unknown human has unlimited wishes and has to travel every anime, and destroy them. ( in other words Op Mc no mercy no holding back )

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


I hanged out with them usually just laying down and sometimes practicing because Maki wanted to win.

Right now we're just resting,

" By the way Maki, do you need me to carry your weapons? " Megumi asked.

" Hm? Can you? I usually have panda carry some. " Maki said.

" Sure, I can carry all of them in fact. The problem is whenever I'm not with you. I won't be able to give you a stronger weapon or something but aslong as I'm with you I'll be able to help 100% so I suggest for this competition we stay together. " Megumi suggested.

" Hm? You already have plans for the competition? " Maki asked curiously.

" Indeed, panda can stick with Nobara, toge can be by himself trying to catch people off with his ability and make them fall asleep and me and you can stick together. As far as I know the only problem would be Todo and Noritoshi. Besides those two the rest can be ignored completely. " Megumi said.

" Well I don't know about completely but those two are the main problems. You think you can handle todo? Or should panda hold him? " Maki asked.

" If it comes down to it, I can easily do it just don't go too far from me so I can help you out if needed. But I'm sure nobody would be needed to hold Todo. " Megumi said as he got up.

" What do you mean by that? " Maki asked confused.

" It's nothing don't worry, stay safe okay? " Megumi said with a small smile before leaving.

" Hm, that was weird. " Maki said confused.

" Sigh, you're dense Maki. " Nobara said.

" Dense about what? " Maki asked again but everybody just ignored her and rested annoying her.

Fast forward Megumi and Nobara are getting refreshments but two people arrived randomly.

" Hm? And you two are? " Megumi asked once he noticed them.

" What's your type? " Todo asked with a grin.

" Atleast introduce yourself, I don't wanna talk about things like that with a random. " Megumi said.

" If you actually answer you better not say anything stupid. " Nobara said.

" Todo Aoi, we are now friends. Now what is you're type? " Todo asked as he took off his shirt.

" Hm, seems legit. Honestly I don't have much of a type, aslong as she has a good personality It's good enough. " Megumi said which made Todo frown but before he spoke Megumi spoke again.

" But if I can be picky, I'd want someone with a big ass with a nice handful of tits to match with. " Megumi said grinning as Nobara gave him a death stare.

Todo was reevaluating what he thought of Megumi before letting out a grin,

" I respect it, but I still wanna try out your abilities. " Todo said as he appeared infront of Megumi and punched his stomach blowing him away.

Megumi put his hands on his pocket before he got punched away which confused Todo but he still didn't hesitate.

Todo quickly followed as he found Megumi on the floor with no damage to be seen besides his messed up clothes.

" Yk that was kind of rude. " Megumi said as he rolled backwards to stand up.

" Just take it as a spar, I don't see how it's rude. " Todo said still grinning.

" question, would you like to die or live? " Megumi said with a cold tone sending Todo shivers but he didn't back down.

" Heh, time to have some fun! " Todo said as he rushed towards Megumi.

' He didn't answer the question but I guess that was obviously gonna happen. ' Megumi sighed again since he had to calm Todo down somehow.

" Well how about I cool you down…Literally. " Megumi said dodging a punch and placing his hand on Todo and starting to freezing him.

Todo quickly jumped back and only his right arm got frozen.

" What a weird ability. " Todo said about to try to break off the ice.

" If you break off the ice you'll break off your arm. I suggest letting it melt. " Megumi said with an amused smirk.

" Tch, can you Atleast get rid of it? I have somewhere to be and this will only be a nuisance." Todo asked.

" Fine. " Megumi said approaching him and covering his arm with darkness getting rid of the ice.

" Alright have fun with that idol. " Megumi said walking away.

" How do you know I'm gonna see an idol? " Todo asked.

" I can see the tickets. " Megumi said which todo looked at his jacket which the ticket were visible.

He just went back to Mai and took her with him. Megumi arrived not long after,

" How'd it go? D'you win? " Megumi asked Nobara.

" Hell yeah! She still owes me clothes! What about you? You don't look damaged and neither did he? " Nobara asked which caught Makis attention too.

" I won't obviously, rather easily aswell. " Megumi shrugged as he got a drink from the vending machine there.

" Why don't you take care of him just as fast at the competition then? " Maki asked.

Megumi drank some of his Gatorade before answering,

" Because if I do none of you will grow in any way. Do you really want me to do all the work? Wouldn't that bother you since you're trying to prove yourself to the clan? " Megumi asked before giving Maki the Gatorade and walking away.

" I don't want this? " Maki said as he left.

" Either drink it or throw it away, it doesn't matter. " Megumi said as his voice faded away.

Fast forward! Competition day!

We all gathered together while waiting for Gojo who was pretty late, he finally came after a few minutes with a box and souvenirs.

" You took your sweet time. " Megumi said which made Gojo grin.

" This is your gift students! " Gojo said pointing at the box.

" Looks neat, can we burn it? " Megumi said as he made a beam on the tip of his finger.

" What! no no no! " Gojo quickly stopped Megumi.

" So what's in it? " Nobara asked.

" Heh, well take a look for yourself!" Gojo said opening the box and Itadori showing himself " elegantly ".

" I guess we should burn it. " Megumi said again starting to make a beam but Itadori quickly reacted.

" No no no! I'm real! " Itadori said trying to defend himself.

" I suggest you dodge then. " Megumi said about to send a beam but was stopped by Nobara.

" Sigh, I thought you were really dead. " Nobara said in a sad low voice which made Itadori a little guilty for keeping it a secret.

We went inside the building and started adjusting to the plans.

" The plans won't change, but Itadori can take on Todo. Just be safe, if you're in trouble send a message or something when you have time. If you see any curses kill it without thinking of anything, your fight isn't as important since we want to win not humiliate them. " Megumi explained.

" Any reason you'll let Itadori handle Todo? " Maki asked.

" Excluding Me, aslong as nobody uses their curse techniques Itadori could overpower everyone including the other schools team. Plus from what I said Todo won't kill him and would honestly be of great help to Itadori." Megumi explained.

" I'll take your word since you've already fought Todo and still said that. " Maki said as she laid on her back.