
Anime Multiverse: My plaything

Unknown human has unlimited wishes and has to travel every anime, and destroy them. ( in other words Op Mc no mercy no holding back )

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Free money

Coming straight to lunch with a bunch of people there I put a sign that invited anyone to play me and win money if they won.

Class-D 500 points to participate

Class-C 5,000

Class-B 20,000

Class-A 50,000

I'd laid out 3 games, cards, chess, and checkers, I also added that we can play other kind of games if they brought it on their own.

Some people took a bite and I let some win and barely won against others.

More people from Class c-b started showing up as I made it seem like I barely won. People thinking they could win from class-A started playing as they also lost and blamed their luck.

This kept going for most of the day till it was close to go home.

A girl with white hair appeared,

" Oh? It looks like you're having fun taking points from others? How about giving me a chance? " She said teasingly.

" Oh? What a cute bunny. " Ken said as he appeared out of nowhere infront of her and started petting her.

" Your hair is so soft~ "

" Let her go! " Someone with her tried to smacks his hand away but Ken quickly dodged and his hand was now holding Her chin.

" Do you think you can win Bunny? "

" I'd like it if you'd stop touching me please. " She said angry but kept her emotions in check.

" Sure, how about we put 100k on the line? I could use the points. " Ken said as he sat back down.

" Oh? How about 400k? I'm sure you have enough with all those wins. " She said as she sat down.

" Hm, though I could do that, it's too boring, how about you become mine if I win? " Ken asked with a grin.

" Why you-! " One of her slaves was about to shout before being stopped.

" Sure, but if I win you'll become my dog plus I'll get all your points. " She said putting on her own small grin.

" Which game would you like to play? " Ken asked.

" any, I won't lose. " She said confident.

" If that's a joke it's really funny, if it's not then you should be embarrassed. But yk I'm nice, I'll give you 10 tries to win. Chess it is. " Ken said as he set everything up.

" Your arrogance known no bounds. " She said a little annoyed.

" Is it arrogance? " Ken questioned as his whole aura changed.


" How is that possible- " one of her henchmen said shocked.

" 10 games- All finished in 10 moves or less- How-"

" Tch. " Arisu was now fully annoyed.

" I'll definitely win one day. " She said seriously.

" Welp that day isn't today is it bunny? " Ken said appearing next to her again starting to pet her.

" C'mon i know you like it~ I bet if you were a cat you'd be purring right now! " Ken said as he chuckled.

* smack *

Arisu smacked his hand away pissed,

Kens aura changed again but more dangerous as he grabbed her hair and pulled her close,

" You're mine now, don't ever hit me again or you'll regret it. " Ken said as he popped up a knife putting it to her throat scaring her a bit.

He let go as he started laughing a little,

" I was just kidding jeez, this isn't even real " he said as he pretended to cut himself but nothing happened.

" But I wasn't totally kidding, don't forget that. " He said as he left.

Close to the door he stopped and looked back,

" Btw since you're mine ima need half of your points, don't you dare trick me in any way bunny. " he said in a teasing but threatening tone as he finally left.

" That guys way too dangerous. We're screwed. " One do the henchmen said as he looked at Arisu.

But he couldn't see the small blush on her.

' I finally met him again! ' Arisu thought as she sent all her points but 100K.

Ken got the message,

{ I sent all my points Excet 100K since I need atleast this much to do what I have to in my class. }

' The fuck? I said half. Well I'm not complaining, how much did she send? '

[ 900k ]

[ Accept? ] [ Deny? ]

' She got this much already? I mean I did earn 700k just from messing with kids. Oh well. '

This kept going till the end of the week as he earned about 5 million. Some from Arisu but mainly from stealing from students.

Arriving at class once Ken sat down he sent 200k to Ayano which suzune noticed it.

" How did you earn so many points? " she asked Ken.

" Jeez if you're gonna be observant atleast do it better. Shouldn't the question be, How are you so good at chess, card games, checkers, etc ? " Ken asked as he rolled his eyes.

" What do you mean? " Suzune asked confused.

" Have you really not heard of what I've been doing? No rumors or anything? I've been at lunch literally playing students in games to win more points, I've already made connections with the leaders of class-A and Class-B through them. You need to get better at everything. This is why you're not as good as your brother. " Ken explained.

" I- "

" Shut up, you should focus on school since academics is all you're good at. Reaching Class-A huh? What a stupid dream from someone like you. "

* date with kushida at a cafe *

" So why did you ask me out so suddenly ? " Kushida asked curiously.

" Hm, no one's looking at us right now. How about you show me the true you? " Ken asked with curious eyes.

" I don't know what you're talking about, did someone talked you into this? Was it suzune? " Kushida asked nicely with a small threat.

" Show me more " Ken said as his eyes changed to more dangerous.

" Tch, Why don't we talk somewhere else? " Kushida said keeping her persona up.

* in a near by park *

" What do you want ? " Kushida said as her real persona came out.

" I need another pet, and you happen to fit the requirements. " Ken said with a smirk.

" A pet? You must be joking. " She said as she got close.

" Nope I'm completely serious, so how about it? Want to be my puppy? " Ken said as he gave her his hand.

Kushida grabbed it and placed it on her boobs as Ken guessed.

" Now I have prints, keep messing with me and I'll get you expelled. " Kushida said not removing his hand.

Ken added pressure to his hand and squeezed her boob a little too hard,

" Uhm~ " She let out a random moan.

" You could do that, but since I know you have the upper hand what would stop me from R*ping you? I'd get expelled either way, I should atleast get some fun from this? " Ken said as he placed his other hand on her neck and added pressure to it choking her.

" Or maybe I could just kill you? " Ken said as his face looked crazier and scarier to her. He added more pressure making her react as she was about to try to smack him. But before she could add force into the smack her neck snapped killing her on the spot.

" Ouff, killing someone right now isn't part of my plan… Sigh time to use doctor skills. "

* the next day *

" Huh? Am I alive? " Kushida woke up in her…Room?

* idk if my writing is getting better or worse :3 , also sorry for the inconsistency *