
Anime Multiverse: My plaything

Unknown human has unlimited wishes and has to travel every anime, and destroy them. ( in other words Op Mc no mercy no holding back )

Unknownking6869 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

End of T.O.P

* Ngl I forgot how T.O.P goes and forgot most of the universes that were there so I gotta do quick research. Also I once went to my exs sisters party cuz she was like a year married or some and I had to speak in Spanish and accidentally said " happy university " instead of anniversary ;-; *

* did research rq so let me write it down… 2,3,4,6,9,10,11 ima go through this shit rq cuz I wanna do a JJK or HxH or One punch man rq ;-; I'll let y'all choose which I do unless I don't give a fuck and do whatever I want :) *

* might be first Pov idk how povs work anymore it'll be obvious if I change povs…hopefully *

Once we arrived everybody was already there meaning that we took longer than we were supposed to.

After around 20 minutes the stage was set and the Angel started explaining the rules which were the same as canon.

The angel shot a beam to the sky and once it exploded the tournament started as everybody rushed each other while Universe 11 and 7 stayed still just watching everything happen.

Ofcourse we had a plan, kind of.

Goku went to the sky as he put his hands upwards and Android 17 and 18 shared their u limited energy with him giving him the amount needed for a giant spirit bomb.

Being nice I also gave some which made it twice the size it already was easily.

He then threw it to the center which luckily no one was in yet meaning that the wind and pressure it blasted started pushing off contestants out.

At this point only the strongest stayed in which was mainly universe 7 and 11 with their full team as Jiren saved his teammates.

Every other universe only had around 1-3 players left which made it easy to quickly get rid of them.

Soon the weaker ones of universe 11 tried taking out some of the other universes.

Only dyspo topo and jiren remained together conserving their strength.

Every universe wasn't in their right mind from what they just saw so they were easy pickings.

Soon the only people that were left were universe 7 full team and dyspo, topo, and jiren from universe 11.

Frieza, Cell, Piccolo, and Gohan went and fought Dyspo together,

Android 18,17, buu, and Me went to fight Top,

Leaving Vegeta and Goku to fight Jiren together.

Dyspo wasn't a problem anymore and didn't need anyone to sacrifice themselves easily overpowering Dyspo and even being able to catch up to his max speed or Atleast Gohan and Piccolo could.

Me and my team weren necessarily struggling, Too had went God of destruction mode and it was mainly a stalemate. Obviously I didn't go all out to destroy him because I didn't have to. I could wait it out which was what I did as Cell and Frieza came to help.

Goku and Vegeta were struggling to keep up taking turns getting hit and punching back. They were slowly losing since they weren't even close to catching up to Jiren yet. Goku didn't have any tough battles but he could still use ultra instinct sign but he didn't want to use it yet since it would only last for a few minutes and he has to use it to finish the match. Gohan and Piccolo went to help them as they fully powered up not holding anything back to make sure they finish this.

Jiren was only using 30% fighting both Vegeta and Goku but now pushed to 55% now that Gohan and Piccolo arrived having to react to everybody and sometimes having to sacrifice his body.

But the little damage they gave wasn't giving much damage.

Soon we finally overpowered Top as Buu made himself liquid and restricted Tops movements.

Frieza and cell went all out giving blow after blow and android 17 and 18 just kept throwing blast fully powered up.

Soon they all 5 fully powered up their own blast as they blasted Top and Buu out of the ring as their attention quickly went to Jiren.

I just went and sat on a big rock as I saw Jiren get irritated seeing he's the only one having to fight 8 people with somewhat equal strength since his teammates all fell.

But this only made him smirk as he powered up to 90% leaving most of them in fear as he slowly started knocking them out starting with cell.

They tried keeping their combos going to keep him occupied but this only made Jiren smirk grow wider.

With determination he started with cell appearing infront of him and giving him a full 60% powered punch to his stomach leaving him without air and then kicked him off the stage.

Then as he turned around a full powered beams came at him from all 7 people as he made a really small orb and threw it.

It went threw the beam piercing it slowly approaching the warriors as it exploded sending them all to different places

Gaining a small Advantage he quickly took it as he appeared infront of 18 and grabbed her head crushing it a little before throwing her out.

Next was 17 who was the closest to her as he appeared infront of him as he placed a small red orb in his stomach and with the same force pushing him to the sky as the orb exploded and send 17 out of the stage.

Next was Frieza knowing how evil he was he didn't hold back as he suffered the same fate as Cell kicking Frieza out of his golden form and out of the stage.

The last 4 were Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo, Gohan who were together again as they powered up.

' they could've used the potara earrings or whatever they're called. They are just dumb when they fight, I expected more from Gohan. ' I thought.

Not wanting to take chances Jiren fully powered up to 100% as everything else was easy.

Goku turned UI sign as this was their last fight, because they forgot Ken existed.

Jiren appeared in the middle of the 4 so fast none of them could keep up.

He grabbed both Piccolos and Gohans head and smashed their heads on the floor in full force.

Then before Vegeta and Goku could stop him he quickly put 2 giant red orb on top of Gohan and Piccolo and jumped back.

The Red orbs exploded and blasted Piccolo and Gohan piercing through the stage as they came out the end and were out.

Vegeta and Goku stopped at what they just saw, he had turned on his new transformation but couldn't even see him.

Jiren wanting to finish this fast released his pressure and aura which made Goku and Vegeta stay in place as Jiren slowly condensed it into a small red orb.

' it's kinda like Spirit bomb and then condensed afterwards, could be a fun ability ' Ken thought.

" Don't worry, you won't die. I wouldn't risk death in this tournament anyways. Appreciate as you're the first to see this ability. Butterfly of death. " Jiren said the last 3 words coldly as the Orb slowly flew in the middle of the too as they started trying to run away.

Goku couldn't teleport since no one else was there ( well he forgot Ken existed ) but he had Kaioken which he risked using with his UI sign and blitzed out of there and having a few broken bones.

Vegeta didn't have anything so he caught up in the blast and was thrown out of the stage.

* before you start complaining about me skipping the " best parts " I was originally gonna skip everything even the last battle and just say they all lost while Ken was left to fight Jiren so appreciate ;-; *