
Anime Multi-Verse ~: The parasol of many doors

【Isekai】【 System】 A man finds himself reborn on the same earth he lived previous life on. An started the new life with those memories from the previous one that were used to navigate past some of the same mistakes the previous life had made without any guidance the first time. When he finally go old enough, he decided to learn whether he was insane or if they had reincarnated.

IsekaiStoriesDM · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

【Chapter】~ 『Three』(R-18)




[ 3 months and 12 hours Real world]

『3 Years in the Goblin Slayer Universe』


After that day, Sword Maiden's life had deviated the focus from the original work. I followed the quest that I had been given. I also had a vague idea of what the system was up to with this open-ended quest. Of course, also in this time, an angel has to eat. As such, my hands which had become caked in blood and other things, were in need of a cleanse.

I knew how much time had passed through my status sheet since coming into this world but funny enough, I didn't mind. Because as bloody and as hectic this world was, it was still calmer than the shitstorm back on earth. Even though I knew what the system was trying with this quest, I allowed it. I mean, really, it brings no one any good, just living in pools of blood. And my pools run deep as I became a literal angel of death to anyone who became a danger to my charge; it wasn't just the gods, the evil sects, or monsters in this world but even those from the rank of nobility trying to heighten their status through using the hero and I couldn't allow it.

Of course, as time passed, it was inevitable that bonds and emotions were built between her and me. She always seemed to find me coming to her aid in her direst moment in the last three years. So, it was only natural (especially when I never asked her for any type of reward, nor did I attempt to use the events to influence our relationship.)

Unbeknownst to me, she had researched my past, to learn how I had never grouped with other adventurers (unless the guild approached me.) When I wasn't doing missions, I was training my skills or apprenticing inside of the guild with the blacksmith. Still, it seemed more the master was only teaching (as I paid through gathering materials or doing unregistered quest to help him out.) This explained why it seemed why I was able to always to be there to save the Sword maiden. What surprised her more about me was it seemed to her (as she researched me more) was I never seemed to look for any type of creature comforts I never drank much in bars or inns except for a mug of this or that to accompany a meal, nor did I visit brothels even with a number of quests that sent me to the capital. She would have almost believed I was a priest if it wasn't for the fact. I could not use healing magic, and I had been bathed in blood, and I carried a faint odor of iron.


One night after getting back to 『Water Town』from a mission, I turned in my report to the guild staff and then walked into the dining area. After making an order, I sat down and relaxed. My muscles were tense, but soon I felt decent as a mug of Ale was placed before me by one of the servants. I lifted the mug and took a small sip, then sat the mug back down and began sorting through the status screen. Unfortunately, the system claimed until I finished this part of the key quest that all the store points, regardless of quest completion or points earned through sacrificing materials to the store were inaccessible. Of course, after three years of questing, slaughtering monsters and rogues, finding the stash of other things, and sacrificing what I couldn't use or giving it to people I had met to improve their chance at life, I'd given it little thought.

I looked at the status sheet at the store points, I had collected the amount of [7,493,083,072 points] balance. I so truly wanted to spend these points; there were so many high-end skills, techniques, energy systems, Kekkei Genkai, items, and a few Summon Creatures. I felt so sad to have these points but not to be able to use them, so I lifted the mug and took a swallow before sitting the mug down. Suddenly a set of hands covered my eyes, and I then heard a familiar voice.

"Guess who?"

The warm breath brushed the skin on my neck. The scent of a certain woman entered my nostrils, and my heart skipped a beat as I felt a set of fleshy pillows pressed against my back. I paused for a minute, made a face like I was thinking, and said, "hmmm …For fun I decided to blurt out two random names." This was immediately followed by a smack and a pinch.

I grimaced, and I let out a groan followed by another smack. I chuckled then said," Ashely?" Another smack to my head followed by me saying yet another random name. I heard a sad humph and finally gave in and said," I apologize, young miss, I was only playing. I mean really, how would I not know it is you Sword maiden?" I asked rhetorically.

I felt an even stronger pinch to both of the sides of my waist, followed by Sword Maiden sitting down on the chair beside me. I could hear laughter and whispers from the staff, 'damn washerwoman.' As I looked at the childish girl before me, I had to admit she was much more beautiful in this form than the other. I said to her, "Do you want me to buy you a drink?" The sword maiden nodded and accepted the offer.


Soon three hours passed, and suddenly the wood door of the room I had been living in over the last three years swung open with force, revealing a slightly larger room along with the bed and dresser. Like most rooms, mine also had enough room for a workbench and a desk. I found myself being carried into my new space. One of the people supporting me by carrying my left arm, the Sword maiden, and on the right was one of the guild staff. I felt myself being laid down on my bed and a blanket covering me. I felt warm, but I also heard the staff person leave after the Sword maiden spoke," Thanks for the help."

'Thanks for the help?' After the door closed, I still heard and felt movements going on throughout the room. I could tell it was the Sword maiden, and she was looking at my trophies. I had to lie on the bench and desk. I know she saw a few things I made in the blacksmith shop on the bench allowing with the fang of a dragon and a skull of a Goblin Lord that evolved from a Shaman; she knew this as she saw me kill it. After she looked at my stuff for a while, I drifted off to sleep as I trusted her even with her buying me so many drinks. But just before the darkness in my mind claimed me, I felt a hand touch my cheek.

I stirred slightly, followed by hearing the Sword maiden's voice filled my ears, and her hot breath traveled across my skin. "You've helped me so much ever since the day you rescued me from the fate worse than death. However, now my family wants to toss me into another, so I can only hope you will forgive me for the things I added to your drinks; tonight."

Before I could even mutter a response, I felt my lips being covered, followed by a tongue pry my mouth open. 'Oh God.' This was followed by a tongue invading my mouth and beginning to wrestle with mine. I found my body was responding to the girl's stimuli. My right hand traveled up to her head and my left hand started to massage her breast, but as my eyes opened, and I saw Sword maiden red eyes as she was crying over the things of what she was about to do to an ally and friend. The act itself was endearing. My body playing with her caused her to break the kiss, followed by a gasp.

"I'm sorry, Marcus, if they didn't try to arrange me that foul marriage with that pig Duke, I would have waited until you acknowledged me. I know your true feeling for me." I suddenly felt the blanket being removed, followed by my clothing being removed. "I know using weakening powder on the last drink was wrong, a weak concentration disruption potion, a diluted aphrodisiac in another, but you are stronger than me in some ways, and I needed the edge right now, but the concoction will keep you aware."

She began kissing me again, and soon I found we were connected the sensation was amazing. In the middle of the encounter, I regained control of everything (except the alcohol) so I reciprocated, responded, and took on the offensive. The sound of moans, flesh smacking, and other noises made the many adventurers going to their rooms stop at the door, listen, and then run off in a blush.


I awoke the next morning, to find this strange little girl in my arms. I had to forge a friendship with her, but I had never planned for these happenings. 'Those damn bastards for her family to make her come up with this plan after putting her in the position.' But I found myself calm down as I watched the beauty nuzzling on my chest like a kitten.

'Well, the rice is cooked.' I thought to myself, but then the images of last night replayed. The rice field was certainly all cooked.' I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feelings.


After another hour I suddenly heard the sound of a pain and I no longer felt the extra weight on my chest as my eyes opened. I couldn't help but laugh as I saw Sword maiden's strange walk. As she heard the noise, she acted like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Trying to escape from what you did?" I asked comically. "Do you believe I won't vent myself on you now that our relationship has changed dramatically?"

I saw the look of shame not in me but what she had done. "Marcus, I know you never want this, but you've done so much for me and saved me even at the risk of your own life, and I couldn't bear my first going to that pig. So if you hate me, I understand but know I love you."

I listened, then sat up and said, "I'd never hate you, and the only reason I never allowed myself to go that route was because you were a virgin priest, and I never wanted to affect your abilities."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "So, then, you don't hate me for taking such advantage of you?"

I shook my head and patted the area next to me for her to sit down again. She did as I asked, allowing me to speak my peace. "Of course, not your sweet, sexy, kind, great body… perfectly plump…" I looked up at her to see her blushing as red as ruby to the tips of her ears, but she also had a slight indigent look in her eyes.

"Okay, well the point I was trying to make was you are far better than me...I feel you are getting the short end of," my words were interrupted by a kiss much like the kiss shared the previous night, but this time I brushed my left hand across her face as my right hand found its way to her hip.

After we kissed for a while longer when we broke away, I asked, "Another round?"


"Just for you."

Soon after, people walking by my room were exposed to an encore to the noises they all heard the night before.


[Somewhere in Capital the Family estate of a Duke]

It was the evening. I watched a man walking into the room I was hiding in the shadows; my eyes glowed as I studied the middle-aged man. He had women (likely whores) on both arms. A cold sneer appeared on my face as I kept watching the pig that targeted my woman, 'when did I start seeing her' (images from last night and this morning flooded my mind.) Oh, right. I waited for the man to start, and just before the show got too far, I made a few hand signs causing the hidden sand to act like a cockroach to try to evade the light in reverse. And in doing so, the duke, the whores and the bed were encased in a block of sand. I could feel the three lives still there through my connection with the sand. I performed another set of hand signs bringing the duke's head to the surface of the sand block, but his mouth was covered, so he wasn't able to speak.

"Perfect." Our eyes locked; the man before me had no idea who I was, but he wanted me dead, and he tried to struggle free of the sand, causing me to chuckle before I spoke." You are probably are wondering why you're here, so let me tell you there are things one should never touch especially when that someone's family belong to an evil sect and is thinking of turning someone into a cultivation furnace." A look of panic flooded the duke's face; this panic caused me to smile. "Yes, my woman has an excellent body and would've improved your lacking mage body that your years of nonuse have made this frail form in front of me if she was still a virgin." I saw the anger flare, but I only chuckled and made another set of hand signs as I felt the women inside pass out, so it was time for this young duke's life to end. The duke saw me make another set of hand signs' "Oh before you go, get plenty of seats ready in hell after tonight, your clan, even the branch ones, will be joining you." The duke struggled, and then he shocked and grunted, filled with pain before the young duke's head was twisted, followed by me saying a prayer before I said, "be good in your next life."

The sand then shifted, and the dead body of the duke hit the floor, and the two whores laid unconscious on the bed. I looked at them and smiled, "A bastard I might be, but I don't take unneeded life, but unfortunately innocence will end after this night as I plan to rip out the roots of this noble family."

I then returned my face mask to my face and then made several hand signs, and then dozens of copies of me appeared and suddenly rushed from the Duke's estate and began the slaughter throughout the capital and not just this noble family that targeted the Sword maiden but when a shadow clone discovered proof of alliance or that a noble was also a member of an evil sect they too were sent to hell to join the others lost souls. Once targets were dead, my 『Shadow Clones』made more clones and then went to work as they could also use and enter my [Personal Void].

I was still standing inside the original duke house; my clones still there were putting all of the belongings of the estate inside, not even sparing the candles.


After a few hours, the original estate;

I had hollowed out all the estates, homes, and businesses that ended being targeted, not even leaving the bodies behind; the sensation of my clones canceling out and the information and experiences each gained were added to my brain, giving me an idea of what happened. "Hum, I'm going have to add the item box skill," I said of one. Another brought me massive amounts of debris; metal mixed with flesh. "I am going have to sort all this crap out; on my own before I can sacrifice it." The personal void was great, like a warehouse, but it was still just a warehouse. I need to have a legion of longshoremen to go through and sort it all. Otherwise, as I took everything, I could accept for unlawful enslaved people bought through evil means, they were released after everything else was taken except for a sack of food and a few dozen copper and silver coins I did not need for and they probably would shortly.

I also took a satin pouch with several gold coins and left it next to the heads of the now quiet whores. They may not have worked, but they allowed me to kill the Duke and learned about the others because of it, so it was a small price. I then took my leave and left the estate with water town as my destination.

Of course, the old saying still ring true 'people plan while God's demand.' Because as I arrived to an area near the city gate, I saw they were locked for the night, so I turned away and located an alley before climbing into [Personal Void] and planned to stay there until the morning; of course, I wasn't planning to sleep with all the corpses I stored through my actions, so I summon more 『Shadow Clones』and began the sorting.


Five hours later, ~ twenty minutes before the gates open.

With the help of my clones, I managed to find and locate all the bodies in my space. I was even surprised to see a few of the bodies fell into the group of demi-humans, demons, and monsters. After I cleaned up the void and took from the corpse all I could, I sacrificed what remained of the corpse while my other clones sorted through the other things inside. I did this for another half hour before leaving back to reality after canceling the Jutsu. I was also now dressed in rags and was using my sand to change my physical proportions,, making me look like a demi-human traveler. I soon made it through the gate, just as a window open in my mind.

[Congratulations ~: Chain Quest~[3]: Complete = host receives 50,000 shop points . . . Chain Quest~[4] (final quest): Host your final quest is to tell the Sword maiden the truth about one of your secrets if you tell her both receive a special one-time prize.]

'What?' My eyebrow twitched. 'Damn system,' I thought to myself as I continued towards Water Town to see Sword maiden.
