
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Travelling to a new world

"Hnn!!" With a single stroke, I entered myself inside her completely. Her insides completely wrapped my cock and held me tightly.

She wrapped her legs tightly around my waist and pulled me closer. We started kissing without any movement for a while.

After she relaxed her legs a little, I started pulling myself out and thrusted inside again.

"Aah!! Mmph!!" Aletia's suppressed moans resounded with every thrust. 

Slowly I started increasing speed. I kept kissing Aletia and put my tongue inside her mouth. She was surprised by my tongue and released another moan.

"Aah~! Izanagi! Izanagi!" She called my name between moans as I started sucking her nipples. 

Her cute pink nipples twitched when I gave it a lick. I gave her nipple a few licks before holding it between my teeth and softly biting on it. 

I also started intensely pumping inside of her. Soon I felt her tighten. She was approaching orgasm.

"Oh? You are about to orgasm from just this much?" I asked her in teasing voice. I quickened the pace and pinched her nipples.

"Hnn-!! M-My body is... Ahh~! Very sensitive since... Mmph-!.. it's my first time!" 

When I first met Aletia, she was over 300 years of age. Right now she is around 22 years old. Although she can change the age of her body, she can't modify her body at will.

In our past life, she adjusted to having sex with me after a few hundred years. Usually she always gets dominated on the bed by me, but sometimes she tried being dominating. Today, due to it being her first time, she was getting totally dominated.

Since her body was not used to having sex with me right now, I also was holding back. 

I slipped my hands under her back and lifted her off the bed. I pulled her on lap and thrusted deep inside her.

Aletia arched her back and threw her head behind. Her walls clasped around my cock tightly, not letting me move at all. We both orgasmed at the same time. Feeling my warm semen shoot inside her, she orgasmed again.

After staying in the same position for a minute, we both started kissing each other again.

"Hmm~ you are stopping after climaxing one time?" Aletia asked in a teasing tone with a string of saliva still connecting our lips.

"As if! I was just being considerate of your body." 

I turned her around with her back facing me. Placing her on the bed, I pulled her hips towards me and inserted my cock inside her again. This time with force.


She already reached orgasm from just one thrust.

"Come on~ you asked for it." I grabbed her breasts and started kissing her. I resumed pumping inside her intensely from behind.

"Mmph-!!" Within mere thirty minutes, she orgasmed again.

She slumped on the bed with hearts in her eyes. Her breathing was heavy. 

"You don't want to stop now, do you?" I asked her as I traced kisses along her back. 

"No...! Continue!" She immediately got back to her senses on hearing "stop". I didn't even need to ask this question. We both were away from each other for 323 years. It was not going to stop with mere 2 rounds.

"Let's continue!"



Next morning, we both departed to other worlds after bidding goodbye to Aletia's uncle. Before going, I blessed Aletia's uncle and some of her absolute loyal servants true immortality.

"Let's visit factory world first." I choose the first world at random. Aletia nodded as I waved my hand to break space and open an intergalactic wormhole.

Factory world was a world ruled by an AI named MOTHER. It defeated it's creator and took over the world.

Aletia and me came to this world as low-level humans. Unlike the last time, when we appeared as gods and destroyed the AI immediately. We decided to explore this world first.

—BZZ... Successfully identified individual Izanagi and Aletia. You may pass. —

In front of a metallic robot, we raised our hands and let him scan it. After scanning he allowed us to enter the holy city of corton.

As pure humans, we were treated as weak and low level being who should be killed. After humans were cyborgs, who were treated a bit better. Then were the humans that abandoned physical bodies and became complete robots. After that started the ranking of true AIs.

Holy city of corton was peaceful at first glance. Only peaceful for AIs. Humans weren't even allowed to walk where an AI once walked. A small area on the ground was created specifically for human to dwell in. Meanwhile holy city of corton was in skies.

Though, if I wanted there was nobody who could notice we are not robots. Me and Aletia roamed freely in the upper district of holy city.

First we decided to eat something but at cafes we were only served energy sockets. We decided to visit the main attractions of this world but it was nothing but 3D projections of MOTHER's image. Clothing shops? AI didn't need them so they didn't even existed.

"Sigh~ when I thought of it as a modern world, I imagined better than this." 

"Mmh. It's so bland." Aletia also nodded.

In this world there is nothing for human. Everything here has been modified for robot usage. On top of that, this world is filled with military robots ready to kill at any moment. Truly a world running under dictatorship.

"Let's do one last thing before destroying MOTHER." I said and Aletia nodded.

It seems like although I have omnipotent authority in this world, my body is not an existence of this world so it doesn't come under my domain. I can still use energies around me to create miracles and project an ability as a part of my body, but I can't carry omnipotent power in original world. 

I can't just turn myself nigh-omnipotent and become nigh-omnipotent in real world. In this world though, I can project myself as omnipotent. 

Since I can just create whatever power and carry it with me to my real world, I can still use this worlds original properties to get stronger. Similar to how I used pure energy to change my face to Demi-god. I have decided to take something from this world as well.

What else can I take from this world except some AI?
