
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Simulation ended

[200 years - You finally discovered method to travel to another worlds.]

[You also captured all of the universe and used compressed stars and black holes as mere jewellery for yourself.]

[300 years - Alternate timeline travel was finally safe for human use.]

[You captured all the timelines available to you and became the ruler in all alternate timelines. You also merged alternate you in alternative timelines with youself.]

[1000 years - You destroyed thousands of worlds and captured many others. You were regarded as the true God in all universes.]

[5000 years - You lived leisurely as a multiverse god. Unfortunately you weren't able to discover any true supernatural powers or magic in the world. Though, those were substituted by technology.]

[One normal day, you were enjoying youself with thousands of womens that can be called most beautiful in each universe. A huge figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The real God had awakened.]

[Seeing the real God, your face bloomed into a huge smile. You finally discovered the god. Although you knew that you can't destroy the god in this life, you were still worthy enough to awaken the true god.]

[Using everything you have, you attacked the god.]

[God blinked once.]

[You're dead.]

[Simulation ends-]

[Calculating results-]

Hmm~ it ended nicely...

[Congratulations! You got B- rank.]

[You can take 2 of the following rewards.]

[ (1) Combat strength, abilities, and experience before death. ]

[ (2) Memories and life experiences before death. ]

[ (3) Playboy (white) ]

[ (4) Buisness prodigy (purple) ]

[ (5) longevity (blue) ]

[ (6) cursed to infinite death (gold) ]

Oh? Curse? This might be from looking at God. 

"Hey system? If I take first option, will it be accompanied with the curse too?" I asked since experience was also a part of first reward. I have no intentions of experiencing infinite death.

[Unfortunately, Yes.]

"I see... then choose (4) and (5)."

[Successfully chosen rewards (4) and (5).]

[Simulation cooldown - 1 hour]

A cold wave rushed through my body as I felt it changing. With [longevity (blue)], all harmful substances from my body were expelled, thus making me much stronger and better than before.

"This is quite nice..." 

I didn't get immediate knowledge about business from my talent, instead I got natural talent for learning and utilising those talents.

"Oh also, you two can talk casually to me." I said to blank space in front of me.

[Y-You mean us?]

{Y-You mean us?!}

(A/N : I am using different brackets for different systems.)

"Ofcourse. You guys don't have to act so formal around me especially when we are going to be together for a while now."

[Well then, I will gladly take up on that offer!!!]

{H-Hey wait!! W-We didn't get permission to talk casually!!]

[But it's fine right? He won't complain about us since he asked us to talk casually.]

{Still... what if we get caught?}

[Did you forget? Our creator is omniscient. He already knew this might happen. Since he didn't destroy us until now, we are safe for now, right?]

{Aah!!! Fine!! If it comes to worst, let's just face it head-on.}

[Yay!! I was tired of talking like a robot anyways... it's soo difficult...]

"Woah... you guys are more talkative than I thought."

{Ah! I-I am sorry...}

"No need to apologise. I was just saying."

"Anyways, who's your creator? Sounds like a strict person."

[He's super strict!! I don't like people who follow rules soo strictly.]

{Wait! How can you say that? None of us have even met him. We can't just assume about him.}

[Boo... I was just joking... you are being too serious!!]

"Well, can you guys not forget me and just chat by yourselves? Atleast introduce yourselves."

{Ah! Sorry! I forgot about that! I can't tell you my name right now but I am something like a goddess. You can call me No.8}

[You call me No.7]

"I would call you guys, Aihte and Seven. Is that fine?"

{Mm... I don't mind.}

[Fine by me!!]

"That's great! Let's help each other in future. Aihte and seven."

*Knock knock*

(A/N : * * between them are sound effects.)

"Young master Izanagi, please arrive in dining hall after getting ready for your school."

Nao's voice came from other side of the door.

"Okay. I'll arrive in 5 minutes."

After answering, I quickly started to change.

{/// ///}

[/// ///]

"Wait... are you guys seriously blushing at just this much...?"

Who expected my systems to be such maidens...
