
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Showing the right path

"Sigh, feels good to finally be in an open world." 

I immediately adjusted to my new body with the help of <Infinite Adaptation (Red)>.

"Now then, I need to know where I am. I should be a member of Tohsaka family... Right?" 

I assumed that I might be in Tohsaka mansion, but I was getting an eerie feeling.

I checked around the room. 

"I see. I am not in Tohsaka mansion, but instead in Matou mansion." It made sense if I thought of it. Tohsaka family gave Sakura to Matou family because Matou family lacked a heir. Rin nee-san was not given away because she was the genius of Tohsaka family. So, obviously I would be chosen instead now that I am here to replace sakura.

Wait... "Rin nee-san"? Why did I call her that? Sigh, that's why I don't like to use personality type talents. 

Thankfully <Full-dive conversion (Red)> only converts the rules of simulation to Full-dive simulation. It's reward system in different from Full-dive simulation. Unlike in Full-dive simulation, where I get all the rewards, in this one I will have to choose the rewards according to my simulation rating.

That means I can choose to remove the <Saint (blue)> from rewards. My personality will not be affected by it.

Now I just have to find a way to survive here. I don't really remember but I think if I take crest worms from Matou family, I will die? Oh wait, I have the <All Aptitude Body (Gold)> so I should also have aptitude for crest worms, right?

Hmm, my hair are already purple... So crest worms are already in me. 

Since I am a male, the crest worms should eat my body from inside. But, I have a body suitable for all powers and a talent to adapt to everything. Crest worms will not be able to harm me, they shouldn't. 

Since this is the world of UBW, I don't think zouken is supposed to appear. That makes it more complex then...

Sigh... Let's get out of here now. Now that sakura should be safe, I don't have anything to do at this age. Only thing I can do is learn magecraft. It would be great if I could get true magic somehow, that would solve half my problems in this world.

I will also need to participate in holy grail war, how am I supposed to do that... I have no idea.

"Raphael, are you there?"

[Yes. What is it?]

"Scan the crest worms inside me, and analyze the magecraft of this world." 

[I understand. Starting analysis... Approximate time : 1 hour.]

Hmm, now that that's done. What am I supposed to do... Raphael will analyze the servant system and magecraft of this world. I don't have anything to do. 

"...Let's get something to eat..." I am hungry. It seems there's no one in the mansion right now. Is it because I am supposed to die that zouken didn't bother appointing any workers in this mansion?

Sigh... I gotta buy something then. Let's see... Is there any money arround here...? 

Oh! Got it. I found a few coins here. 

Oh well, the whole mansion is covered in dust and spider webs. I might have to clean it afterwards. 

I went outside the house and searched for a nearby convenience store. It didn't take long for me to find one.

"What can I buy... Mmm... Sandwiches should be good." I picked some sandwiches and paid for them.

I guess sandwiches are not bad sometimes... Unfortunately they didn't have any shortcakes...

After walking out of the convenience store, I unwrapped a sandwich and started eating it.

It doesn't taste bad... But, I don't like how poorly it's made. Well, it's still fine as a snack though.

I started walking back to my house while eating the sandwich. As I walked past a park, I encountered a group of kids bullying a small kid. Oh wait, I am a kid too. So we are the same age? 

"Hey you guys! Don't bully him!" I stepped forward before even thinking about it. I don't know why they are bullying that kid but I want them to stop. Even though they bully that kid, that doesn't mean those kids are bad. I want to know why they are doing it and then guide them to the right path. 

...what? What the hell am I thinking? Is this the Saint personality? 

"Who are you? What do you want? We are just playing!" The bullying kids surrounded me instead of that kid. 

"Oh hey, is that a sandwich? Give it to me, I want it!" One of the kids extended his hand towards my sandwich.

"No, young one. If you take it like this, it would be stealing. That would be a bad thing to do. If you request me, I will gladly give it to you." I stopped his hand and shook my head. My eyes looked at him with such great compassion that he retracted his hand himself.

"Ah... O-Ok... I understand..." He lowered his head. 

Hmm, it was not the <Saint (blue)> that made this guy understand, but instead <God of Eros (Black)>...

"What happened to you? Why are you acting so meek?" One of his friend asked the kid who lowered his head.

"Don't disturb him, young one. He is trying to understand the good path. Let him follow the path of peace and kindness. You should also join him in this journey. You both friends can together walk on the road of kindness." I placed my hand on his shoulders and said to him.

"I-I see! Thank you!" He bowed his head in front of me and stayed in that position.

"Y-You! What did you do to them?!" The third kid didn't give me a chance to say anything. He was astonished by the sudden change in his friends. Without any words he threw a punch at my face.

If I wanted, I could have easily avoided his punch. He is a kid afterall. But, I let that punch land on me. As the punch hit me, it didn't even made my head turn, that's how weak his punch was.

Without stopping, he prepared to throw another punch. 

This time, the first kid I persuaded appeared before me and took the hit. 

"Good job. The moment you decided to take on his hit to protect someone instead of hitting him back, you started your journey on the right path." I said to the kid who had fallen down after taking the punch. His cheek appeared a bit swollen, but his mind wasn't registering the pain. He didn't regret getting hit, he was grateful that he moved at the right moment.

I looked back at the kid who punched. He was now trembling after accidentally hitting his friend.

"Young one, you dont need to feel guilty. Getting hurt is a common thing. You don't need to feel bad. If you do feel bad and guilty of hitting a friend, then try to understand your friend's emotion when he jumped before your punch. You can be good too." I said to him. Immediately, tears started falling out of his eyes. He fell on his knees before me. He started to ask for forgiveness.

"Both of you, take him home." I said to the other two kids. They bowed to me and helped the crying kid up and took him away.

I was wondering how <God of Eros (Black)> can persuade others, but it's quite obvious to me now. Mind control, mental manipulation, influence, mind break... these types of hentai also exist. It seems I can use all these powers too.

Now onto the kid that was bullied...


(A/N : A second chapter today since I am finally back!)