
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Level 2

(A/N : I mean, I did learn in theory, but I still don't understand how to implement it all in my stories. So anyways, these new chapters will be something like my experiment and test for what I learned, and also a try at clearing out the plot a bit. Do tell in the comments if I improved even a little. I know I am not the best learner in these things, but I hope it's a bit better.)


Ok, let's stop for a bit. Explain me, Seven, how did you appear out of nowhere?

[What do you mean? I was always here like I said before. I was sleeping before while Raphael-Chan operated the system. But now that you officially contacted supreme beings, I had to wake up. Raphael-Chan is too inexperienced, she won't be able to support properly for what's about to come. Thus I took over, and merged with Raphael-Chan.]

[Congratulations of acquiring Supreme Authority {Seven, The Omniscient One}.]

"Wow... It's just getting more complicated for me..."

Anyways, let's close this matter here. Now onto the problem of what world I am in...

[Oh, that's easy. Currently, you don't belong to any world. Your supreme authority {Access to all worlds} has already isolated your existence from the influence of any single world. Your real existence now is beyond all the worlds in this Omniverse.]

Ah... So I can go to any world then, right?

[Yes. Just a second...]

[Congratulations. Your Supreme Authority {Access to all worlds} has been unsealed completely. It has reached it's max potential]

It was sealed all this time?! So that's why I wasn't able to use it... I really feel like I can use this ability freely now.

[Would you like to stay in this world or will you go back to other worlds?]

Hmm, I don't really have any attachment to this world. I guess I'll just go back.

[Great choice, master! Will you go back to your first world, or to the <In another world with my smartphone>?]

Obviously I will return to my first world. I haven't even been born in that world yet, what will I do there?

[As expected of master. I will prepare your body in that world for re-posession. Meanwhile, would you like to take care of all the supreme beings? Just a warning, there will be a huge changes after you finish all of them in this level.]

"Ah wait! Aren't you a supreme system as well? Shouldn't they be able to control you as well?" 

[Pff-haha, sure they can try if they want to truly due early, hehehe.]

I have a lot of questions from you, but I guess I will ask them later. Let me take care of those supreme beings first.

After my small conversation with Seven, I activated {Access to all worlds} and appeared in a pure white realm. There were thousands of beings in this realm, each of them holding a smartphone or a laptop. 

Without any further ado, I used {Void『 』 } to swallow all of them up and completely devour their existence.

[Congratulations on acquiring Supreme Authority {Second divine punishment...

[Congratulations on acquiring Supreme Authority {Third Divine...

[Congratulations on Acquiring...







Finally after hundreds of messages, everything fell silent.

"Where is the [Ruler of Supreme beings]?" I looked around in confusion.

[Oh don't worry about that. You won't find ["Them"] in this level.]

Oh okay. Seven, what is this "level" thing you are talking about?

[Fufufu, you will know soon...]

Eh.. well whatever.

Is my body in my first world prepared?

[Ah yes! It sure is. But, there's something you should do first before that.]

Something? What is it?

[Nothing much. Do you trust me?] 

You are talking suspiciously. Well, not completely but I do trust you enough. Why?

[Hehe, that's enough for now. System will be evolving for the next level. You will be unconscious during this time. Since you are system's host, you will also evolve together with the system.]

Ah, is that so? Okay, I guess.

[Thank you for trusting me, Maste— no, Darling.]

And I immediately fell unconscious after that. I am still confused about all these things about "level", and "supreme being", and "Seven", but I don't really care right now. I don't know how, but I have a feeling that I can trust Seven completely.



In the first world Izanagi reincarnated into,

A red screen with "Notice" written on it appeared before every sentient being's eyes. 

The sky was bright red in colour, and hundreds of Cracks in Space appeared all around the world. 

Blue and red portals started appearing throughout the world through which giant monsters started invading this poor non-fiction world. 

A huge tower suddenly appeared in korea, causing massive damage to the property and lives of millions of people.

A hole appeared above china and immortals capable of destroying the world with a snap started invading the world.

In some European and American countries, angels appeared from above the clouds and started killing humans.

In some places, sky split in half and gods descended amoung mortals.

Many teenagers around the world disappeared that day. 

This day was termed as the "Final peaceful day" by this world and the reason for all this was explained on the red screen before every sentient being.

[Tutorial is over. Congratulations on ascending to level 2]

[Congratulations to "Izanagi" for completing the first level. "Izanagi" is now the owner of this Omniverse.]

["Izanagi" will be omnipotent in this Omniverse. Every being in this Omniverse is allowed to challenge the level 2. ]


[Good luck.]


In Arifureta world,

"Sigh... It's definitely his doing right? What did you do, husband?" Letting out a sigh, Aletia looked up at the bright red sky and then at the screen at the front of her.

Although there was no proof, she knew this phenomenon was somehow related to her husband. Her intuition can't be wrong, her love for him backed it up afterall.

"Fine husband, until you return I will deal with these creatures." Aletia used magic to fly up and took a glance at the giant crack in the sky. 

Thousands of Gods and demons poured out of the crack. 

She knew her power wasn't enough to defeat these creatures who were very obviously beyond her in terms of strength, but she wasn't going to loose at all. She believed, in herself and her husband, and in their love.

[You have been blessed with the title of {Wife of the Omnipotent}.]

[Your undeniable, unending love for the [Owner of the Omniverse] has been recognised. You have acquired the Ultimate Ability [Love] and Unique Ability {Belief}.]

[Overall abilities ×10,000 has been granted.]


This sudden surge of power overwhelmed Aletia and she looked at the system messages before her.

Her power now seems strong enough to easily defeat all these gods and demons.
