
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Hate, Pain, and Loss

[Name : Touya Mochizuki (Ivan Barnon)

Type : Reincarnator, Supreme parasite system owner.

Owned supreme system : Supreme Destroyer's system]

[Supreme Destroyer's system is a supreme parasite type system that give it's user power by destruction. Since it's a Parasite type supreme system, in the end, it will also devour it's host.]

[Supreme Destroyer's system is a nigh supreme being. It means that the current you is unable to kill the it.]

[You detected that Ivan didnt have any malicious intent towards you for now, so you decided to not deal with him right now. Not only fighting him would be very inconvenient, but you also won't be able to walk away unscathed.]

[Soon five more years passed by. Somehow, you ended up sleeping with all eight of your sisters and your nine mothers. You also accepted all of them as your wives. With your talent, Fate immunity, and power of reality warping, you were able to defy logic and make it so your mothers never had any relationship with your father.]

[Since your father wasn't at the level of a Supreme being himself, he wasn't able to notice anything about your deeds.]

[One day, suddenly, you heard a voice using telepathy. "Found you.", the voice said in calm voice. You were soaking in a hot spring, but as soon as the voice sounded in your head, all the area arround you turned to dust.]

[You were unaffected by the sudden force that burned everything around you. You looked everywhere to find the perpetrator using your god's view, but nobody appeared. Suddenly, a red portal appeared in front of you. Out of the portal, appeared a humanoid physique. This physique looked humanoid, but it didn't have any specific look. It was a deep red glitching shadow.]

[With the help of profile window, you knew that this thing is actually the manifestation of supreme Destroyer's system. He is the supreme being of destruction. Supreme Destroyer's system is actually the reincarnation of supreme being of destruction. After finding a suitable host, he was planning to takeover and become a supreme being again.]

[Wherever the red glitching being looked, turned to pure destruction. As he looked towards you, you also felt your body destroying itself. Somehow, you were able to resist it and survive.]

[You knew that the current you was no match for this thing but what you didn't knew was that this reincarnation of supreme being was not even a fraction of a true supreme being.]

[Thankfully, the world's laws prevented him from existing. He quickly disappeared into nothing, but before going he summoned Ivan. Looks like you gotta finally fight Ivan now.]

[Ivan's eyes were blank. He was more like a puppet than a human. He was completely controlled by Supreme Destroyer's system now.]

[As Ivan launched a punch towards you, you easily dodged it. Although Ivan was very powerful now, after losing his will, his fighting pattern became very easy to read. Or so you thought at first.]

[Ivan was not a physical type god. His punch was just a diversion to distract you from the magic circle he activated beneath your foot. The instant death magic was immediately unleashed upon you.]

[You were caught by surprise, but due to your talent, Progenitor of death, you were immune to instant death. Since the spell was ineffective on you, Ivan launched a barrage of elemental bullets of magic.]

[Although normally this spell is quite weak, this one was mixed with power of destruction. Every single bullet was capable of destroying a world, and thousands of these were launched at you every second.]

[This time, even you had to seriously activate your talent, god of swords, to parry each bullet. You even used thought acceleration to keep up. Suddenly, your talent, predator's clockwork watch, activated and you got a vision from past.]

[In your vision of past, you saw your little sister playing happily. She was walking to somewhere. It didn't took long for you to realise that she was walking towards the hot spring you were soaking in. At that moment, the energy of destruction burned hef body into dust.]

[If that wasn't enough, your vision changed suddenly and you saw severed heads of all your wives. It was Ivan himself who killed them. They were cleanly beheaded. You also saw that Ivan killed them using power of destruction. The power of destruction used here was so strong that even their past and future got killed. That means even if you rewind time, they won't be revived. You can't even share life energy with them to resurrect them since their soul itself was destroyed.]

[As your visions ended, you were brought back to reality. You were so horrified by the visions that you weren't able to defend anymore. All the bullets hit you and you fell far away. Both your hands were mutilated and there was a hole through your chest.]

[There were tears in you eyes. You were reminded of all the time you spent with your family. You remembered everytime you played with them, every moment you spent with them. Your memories only intensified the pain you felt. Originally, you thought that you can slowly kill Ivan and play with him. You didn't expect that he would first go after your family. Or maybe you did expect that, but you just didn't want to believe that will happen and tried to forget about it. As it's said, love is probably the worst weakness you can have, but it's also the strongest weapon you can possess.]

[Suddenly, every drop of tear in your eyes and on your cheek were boiled off. It wasn't any magic trick or anything like that. It was just pure chaos born out of your misery that let you get the power of destruction.]

[Your talent : Beating heart (Black) has evolved to Authority : {Heart of gold, invincible}]

[You adapted to the chaos and stole the Authority : {Chaos of the end, Destruction}]

[With your newfound authorities, you "destroyed" your injuries, and got back on your feet. Although {Heart of gold} let you regain your clarity, you were far from sane yet. You wanted to immediately kill the ant in front of you.]

[Your body very quickly adapted according to your needs. Your left side turned to the very definition of the devil, while your right side turned to a crying saint-like figure. Your body evolved further in inhumanly forms to torture and kill anyone.]

["You fucker! You crossed a line you shouldn't have!" You screamed towards Ivan as your figure turned into the very figure of the terror and destruction.]