
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

LXVE_MuRdxR69 · Anime & Comics
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150 Chs

CH. 61: An Army of Dragons ?

(A/N: So fun writing for you guys. drop some powerstones to support the release!)

One month has passed since the discussion between the higher gods of the council.

This was the day J, where the attack would start.

But before that, let's talk a little bit about what happened. A lot has, Akira bonded more with Hestia and their relationship really progressed. Same goes for Milim and Saeko, he'd occasionally treat the loli dragonoid with sweets that warmed her heart.

Hestia had already received lots of requests from adventurers all over Orario. This had made her so happy. She was going to strat recruiting today once Akira gets back from his dungeon dive.

He went to the dungeon early this morning to complete the 69th level of the dungeon. During this month, they clearly all floors from 61th to 68th.

[[ With Akira ]]

They were now in the 69th level. And they had already finished fighting with the boss.

Belial. Another devil general, he was the embodiment of darkness and cruelty. So much that his physical body deteriorated and only a dark shadow was left of him.

The environment of the dungeon level ressembled the far edges of a volcano. With mist that filled the landscape, it served as camouflage for Belial who embodied a purple shadow.

And here we can see 'Kira grasping Belial's face and lifting him from the ground. He hardens the grip around his hand.

His fingers pierce into Belial's spectral face, and when it becomes too much, the Shadow Devil dissipates as his body evaporates into nothingness.

Thousands of crystal appeared in a distance, treasures, artifacts and equipment that were out of this world, though worthless for Akira, except the Master Key that led to the very last level of the dungeon.

Level 70 was upon us. Finally, we are going to discover what hides on the last level of Danmachi's mysterious dungeon.

Akira stocks every ressource in his space then grabs the Master Key. The shado domain starts dissipating until it became a pitch black dark empty space, with a distorted locked door on the edge of one of the level's walls.

This was it, it's time to discover the intriguing unknown land...

"..." There's a bold silence in the environment. No one seems to speak, everyone's attention was grabbed by an ongoing phenomenon in the surface. An inaudible frequency that reached the ears of the primordials, dragonoid and even Saeko who had evolved passed human limits.

"Something's happening!!" Milim exclaims. "Affirmative, the surface seems to be undergoing seismic activities... Very unusual since the phenomenon should be more amplified at our location." Testarossa comments.

Akira hides the Master Key in his pocket, "Let's go now! The surface is being attacked!" He shouts. Akira activates the teleportation skill and everyone gets immediately sent back to the surface.

They are shocked by what they see... Dragons, dragons everywhere rampaging around, destroying every building and seemingly looking for someone. Though they don't act hostile to anyone, casualties only happen because of collapsing buildings that crash on fleeing people.

From a distance, Akira distingues a familiar face, a person he cherished alot. "Hestia!!" Akira exclaims. The loli goddess was actually running everywhere and looking for him, once she seems him, her worriness disappears completely.

"AKIRAAA~!!" She yells in happiness. Hestia comes running then jumps on him with tears in her eyes, she doesn't want to let go of him, "I WAS SO SCARED WHEN I DIDN'T FIND YOU...!!" She cries in his shirt. She grasps the tissue harder and starts sobbing tears of happiness and relief.

He hugs her back then comforts her with head pats. Hestia certainly feels better. She lets go of him, with a joyful mood and full confidence in the powers of Akira.

"Saeko, take Hestia to a safe place. You all stay here, I'm going to solve this madness" Akira says. "Understood." Saeko replies, the primordials follow with a nod of affirmation.

The three Primordials leave with Saeko and Hestia, Akira was left with Milim, Akira was staring at the wide portal in the sky, it seemed to be a worm hole from another world to Earth. Meanwhile, Milim was just looking at all the dragons flying and rampaging.

"Woah! So many dragons! Can I fight them??" Milim requests with a cheerful expression, "Not the time Milim, I'll fight with you later. But now..."

A dragon notices Akira, the lizard roars then flies with his full speed towards his target. He moves his jaws then opens his drooling mouth wide open, rushing at him with sharp teeth that thirsted for blood.

And as the dragon was only a few meters away, he became dust... The dragon's scales, flesh, insides all transformed dust. that covered Akira and Milim. And not only him, every dragon on sight disappeared into nothingness after becoming a huge pile of dust.

Milim looks at all directions with a shocked expression. The dragons, every single one of them disappeared, ruthlessly becoming filthy piles of dust that flew with the air. "A-AMAZING!! HOW DID YOU DO THAT??!" She shouts, shocked from what she had just witnessed.

Akira ignores Milim's question. Long demonic wings spread from his shoulder blades and extend to multiple meters in the sky. And with a single swing of his wings, Akira flies into the sky, directly traversing the portal with speed that obliterated the ground he was standing on.

Even the all-powerful Milim had trouble staying in her position. He created a huge pit of emptiness, blowing away the buildings near him and a few people. "W-Wait for me!!" Milim shouts nervously.

She flies with a much slower speed than Akira's but still manages to cross into the Divine Realm in time.


While Earth was going through the wrath of Ouranos' loss, it was much more peaceful in the Divine Realm. A huge army of tamed dragons was immobilized in front of a portal to Earth.

The whole army couldn't go all at once for the moment because the portal wasn't big enough for everyone to cross it, so they just went one by one while the rest waited for the gate to stretch wide enough.

"Operation is going like clockwork, Sir Ouranos" Iris speaks, she occasionally reads the reports in her bloc-note while doing so. Ouranos does not spare her a word, he just watches as the dragons flew to Earth.

His mind was going through a significant conflict right now, after calming down, he questioned himself if this was all worth it. But he still followed till the end, though he ordered the army not to kill anyone, be it civilians or gods, no one shall be harmed other than the Wicked Akira.

"Everything is going according to the plan..." Erebus speaks. "Tartarus is already preparing the torture chamber... It's going to be very entertaining..." Chaos says.

But as they continued their little discussion, the color of the portal suddenly starts changing. It starts shaking, bit by bit becoming more violent.

"What is happening—" Ouranos couldn't finish his sentence. The portal suddenly exploded. An atomic blast that created a huge cloudy nuclear mushroom and an impact so powerful it corrupted space-time around the epicenter.

The unlucky dragon that were close enough to it were incinerated, with some being heavily wounded.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS??" Ouranos shouts. Chaos takes his distance while the Shadow Knight Erebus flinches by an inch.

"I-I don't know what just happened...!" Iris shouts, her glasses almost fell down from her eyes.

The dragon's walk a step backwards instinctively, they were surprised and shocked by this.

The figure that emerged from the cloudy explosion stared with malice at the three primordials and Iris, "So you four are the ones who initiated this attack huh. I feel two more gods far away, i guess it's five gods in total" Akira says.

"IT'S HIM!! HE'S THE BASTARD THAT KILLED GEIA!!!" Ouranos shouts, with rage in his voice and anger.

The dragons roar dangerously, they all fly

"Ancient dragons against an Outer God... Let's see who wins." Akira says.

Now, how was he gonna break these gods? How will he proceed?

"ROAAAAAR!!" The loud ancient army of dragons roared.

Well, first he had to get rid of these irritating dragons.

"All shall die." Akira snaps his fingers. The dragons turn to ashes. That simply. The loud sky that had its light blocked by the thousands and thousands of dragons fly, was emptied completely from all the dragons. Not even dust, remnants or even their soul was left.

Iris faints. The Gods' eyes widen in shock, Ouranos trips while backing, Erebus starts feeling fear, he's shaking.

And Chaos, he flinches a little, he realizes his mistake. The lack of information will cause their imminent demise. The worst case scenario imagining ended up being true.

Khiarreh'Nox was indeed an Outer God. The rank that made other gods look like insects or even bacterias.

"Impossible... H-How can he be so strong???" Ouranos asks, very shocked.

No god could be this ridiculously strong. No one!

...Except of course, the Outer Gods.

Ouranos, Chaos and Erebus all find themselves emprisonned in cages that appeared out of nowhere. Erebus and Ouranos were just wondering where did all this power comes from.

Khiarreh'Nox was omnipotent. He could do anything he wanted, like killing them right here right now.

Akira appears in front of Ouranos. "So you're the clown that ordered all this... And it seems another god is planning on torturing 'me'. How utterly foolish~" Akira laughs.

Ouranos' expression darkens by the second. Seeing the one he despised so close to him made his eyes glow in a red color. His heart was pulsating with rage. He screamed at Akira words of hatred.

Akira laughed it off. Ouranos became much more pissed. His end was approaching.

"I will wipe out your kind, you know that?" Akira says with a neutral face.

"Primordial Gods of the Higher Gods Council are no longer allowed to exist..." Akira says, truthfully.

Chaos is looking down. He knows the grave sin he committed... Going against an Outer God, what a foolish decision... Rationing with them was impossible, if Khiarreh'Nox said they would die, then they would simply and utterly die at the end.

Erebus starts begging for his life, but Akira simply ignores it.

Akira summons a portal to his imaginary space. He pulls out a parchment and slaps it on Ouranos' face.

"Read it" Akira orders...


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