
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

LXVE_MuRdxR69 · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

CH. 48: Taming Ancient Demon Lords

(A/N: Long chapter! Be sure to support the release with reviews and powerstones! Enjoy)

Carrera walks down the corridors of Akira's place. She arrives at his bedroom and sees Alice guarding the entrance. Not letting anyone approach. She adresses Alice.

"Hey Alice, tell me where Akira is" Carrera asked Alice on Akira's whereabouts

"Master Akira is in a deep sleep state due to high consumption of cosmic drugs. He should be up to go in about a few hours. For now, he must rest well to recover from such a powerful drug" Alice states.

Carrera hides her laughter, she didn't expect Akira to be into drugs. Though she never heard of this cosmic drug thing. She just shruggs these thoughts.

And then, Carrera receives a telepathic call from Testarossa, 'What does she want now?' Carrera asks inerly.

"Sup Testa" Carrera entered a telepathic call with Testarossa. If she remembered correctly, Testarossa and Carrera were spending the day outside, looking for a possible source of entertainment other than just destroying small countries or killing.

"Carrera, you have to come and this" Testarossa said.

"Right now? Why" Carrera asked not knowing the source of her hurry. Then, Ultima joins the call and speaks her mind, "Carrera! Some demons lords are having a secret assembly that we don't know of!" Ultima laughs, "We're gonna ruin their party hahaha~" Ultima said. Carrera could already see Ultima's sadistic smile from here.

"I'm coming through teleportation then i guess" Carrera cuts the call. She shifts her gaze to look at Alice who was standing peacefully next to her, not moving an inch as she guarded Akira's bedroom.

Carrera is always trying not to provoke Alice or offend her. She may seem like an innocent servant trying her best to serve Akira but she knew that Alice was capable on destroying this universe and beyond with just the snap of her finger.

"Tell Akira we're going to see some demons lords when he wakes up" Carrera says. Alive smiles then responds to her, "Yes, Carrera, I will" She simply says.

Carrera then teleports away using her fragment of [Omnipresence]. She had access to a part of [Omnipresence] that'd let her teleport anywhere she wants in existence. Though she cannot access other dimensions or alternate universes.



Carrera appears beside Testarossa and Ultima. The two seemed to be focused on the scene unfolding below them. They were flying in the air above the Jura Forest while watching an assembly between demon lords.

"The hell are they doing??" Carrera also not knowing what those weak demon lords are talking about.

"Probably talking about Guy's disappearence. When Akira sealed him, his presence was erased from the world." Testarossa remarked.

Ultima however, was just sitting on thin air while watching the scene from above and trying her best to not kill all of them with a [Death Touch], "All united in one place... I want to slaughter them and keep their hearts..."Ultima says with a bloodthirsty yet innocent expression.

"Let's be honest, we all here have an uncontrollable desire of wanting to kill them but Akira would certainly not approve of this" Testarossa says. Ultima pouts, "Hmph! Fine!" She pouts with a cute voice.

Moving on, on sight can be seen multiple demon lords, but they were not complete. Dino, Dagruel and Leon were not present. Apart from them, Milim, Luminous, Carrion, Frey and Ramiris were all present. The three primordials listen to the reunion using their [Ultimate Hearing] without getting spotted.

"So, we all felt it two days ago" Luminous says. The demon lords nod, "Guy's presence disappeared from the world! What is he planning??" Ramiris asked with impatience.

"Or maybe is it something that happened to him. What do you think?" Frey asks.

"I don't know who it might be but he must be very strong!" Milim comments.

Carrion sighs, "I fear this might have to do with the evil devil girls Guy spoke of in the Walpurgis from before" He says.

"I think it has something to do with more than just those three. Remember that primordial demons are great antagonists. We now for fact that Testarossa, Carrera and Ultima teamed up to destroy the Falmuth Kingdom and use those souls for their evolution...

But what could have gotten the three to work together?" Luminous theorized.

The demon lords in presence look at each other, not knowing what to say. It was indeed a mystery, the primordial girls suddenly working together to evolve and become stronger, with full trust equal sharing.

"Something or rather someone has gotten them working together" This was the deduction Frey came to.

"Our common goal was impressing Akira with our new powers and serving him with loyalty as gratitude for all he's done" Says a voice that suddenly appeared next to demon lords assembly.

The person was none other than Testarossa. She just landed on the ground and unleashed her full platinium red wings that were as tall as the long trees in the environment.

The demon lords all guard up. Carrion is shaking in fear, because of the traumatisme he developed when he was killed by one of them. Milim shows clear anger in her expression, she's ready to strike again whenever she feels like it.

Carrion backs up instinctively, he bumps into someone and he turns back to see who it was. "Yo what's cooking Carrion, don't hold it against me when I killed ya" Carrera says while smiling nonchalantly.

Ultima lands on the ground with great force, causing the dirt to splatter around as the ground explodes. She points her long index nail at the demon lords, "With whom should I begin?" She asks.

Testarossa moves Ultima's threatening hand away, "Let me handle this If you may" Testarossa says. "We are not here to fight, we won't respond unless provoked"

"We have achieved our goal of domination by putting out of threat Guy and Velzard. You may act as you please, we do not care. Though any whatsoever act of potential violence will get you a free ticket to hell" Testarossa points at the bloody Ultima, she grabs her hand and shows the dark aura of [Death Touch] emitting from her palm.

The demon lords feel a bit of relief but they quickly think about once again. Those three cannot be trusted also, "Wh-What have you done to Guy?" Ramiris asks.

"He's alive. Though out of this world. We'll wait until he calms down before bringing him back" Testarossa says.

The demon lords don't know what to think of this. It was clear that Guy was their prisoner or even hostage in this situation.

Milim couldn't take it anymore. She jumps at Testarossa trying to punch her with an empowered fist, she isn't particularly angry at her, Milim just wanted to fight her, not realizing the consequences of that act.

Ultima appears on Milim's back then grabs her from behind. This causes Milim to be stuck in her position, unable to move any further. Her momentum stops and her pointed fist neutralizes inches away from Testarossa's confident grinning face. The flare on her fist dissipates.

"Heey! Let go— of me!" Milim resists, trying to break out of Ultima's grasp. Though the purple haired great demon lord wouldn't let her escape.

A slight blush of anticipation appears on Ultima's cheeks, "Slaughtering the daughter of this world's god~ How sinfully tempting~" Ultima says while drooling saliva of cruelty.

"L-Lady Milim!" Luminous runs into the rescue of Milim. Frey tried to stop her, "L-Luminous wait !!"

Carrera grabs Luminous from the collar, "Guess you'll come with us as well" She says while pulling Luminous closer to Testarossa and Ultima who was holding the neutralized Milim.

"We bid you farewell demon lords. You all will have the pleasure of meeting our lord. But these two—" She points at Milim and Luminous, "—These two will have the privilege of meeting him in advance~" Testarossa snaps her fingers and the five girls disappear.

They're gone now, with two other strongest demon lords. Ramiris cries in her hands. Frey and Carrion just wish their fate doesn't meet an inevitable demise.

Who knows what such creatures and their 'lord' plan on doing with Milim, Luminous, and Guy.


[[ Akira POV ]]

Just woke up thirty minutes ago. I'm having a fresh breakfast with Alice standing beside me and waiting for my any demand. And here I am seeing a teleportation circle forming in front of the table.

"Looks like the three primordial demoness came back with company" Alice remarks.

The circles disappears and from its ashes appear three primordial demon with two holding a loli half-naked pink haired girl and a vampire girl who seemed to be in her early teenage years.

"And to whom do I owe this pleasure?" I just say, not bothering to take my eyes off my plate.

[[ End POV ]]

"Good mornings Master Akira." Testarossa says. The three primordials kneel in front of Akira to show the two demon lords that this person was their lord and that they needed to show respect in his presence.

"These are two of the demon lords that tried attacking us. We were wondering what to do with them" Testarossa gets up and reports.

Akira finished his plate of cake then looks at the two demon lords, "Just leave them to me... Now, if you may, you three" Akira says.

The three primordial demoness obey him and leave the room. Only Akira, Alice and the two demon lords are left, they weren't tied up or anything, they were free of movement around.

Milim gets up and points at Akira's second plate of cake, "What is that" She asks. Akira looks at what she's pointing at then just passes her the plate, "Dig in if you want" He just tells Milim.

Stars appear in Milim's eyes. She smells the cake, stares at it then takes a bite. Once she's gotten a taste of it she eats the rest using both hands as forks, "SO YUMMY!~" She says in satisfaction.

She slams the plate on the table demanding more. Akira snaps his fingers and a lot more cakes appear on her plate. Milim just looks at this paradise of patisserie with amazement before jumping right into it.

While Milim is having her fun, Luminous is more serious about this, "So, you're the commander of those twisted devils" She asks.

"Take a seat" Akira tells her. Luminous sits on the chair opposing him, "It is indeed me" He tells her.

A sweat appears on Luminous's forehead, "R-Really?? You command those lunatic demons? And they actually obey you?!" She asks with amazement.

"Yes. It is normal for demons to want to serve someone stronger than them." He states.

Luminous is a bit perplexed, while Milim is just eating cake by cake, "S-So, what do you plan on doing?" She asks him.

Akira gives her a cup of coffee, Luminous is skeptical at first, giving it a few scans checking for any poison before drinking it while giving the cold stares to Akira, "I will be leaving this world once again tomorrow so i don't have any plan or objective. If you want to know my plans in this specific world, ask Alice, she's the one in charge of this city"

Akira turns to face Alice, "Reminds me that we still have not figured a name for it, right Alice?" He asks.

"Affirmative. Master's domain is still nameless." She replies, "We'll figure that out later. Anyway, just know that if you guys don't rebel against us, there won't be any blood spilled. Guy is alive and so don't be alarmed"

"What about Lady Velzard?" Luminous asks.

The door to the chamber open once again, but this time, it's another person that comes inside, "L-Lady Velzard?" Luminous questions with a bit of confusion.

Velzard entered the chamber and walked towards Akira. She hugged him from behind while putting a satisfied and happy expression on her face, "Yes it's me little blood-sucker" She says while hugging Akira and looking at Luminous with piercing blue eyes.

This showed that Velzard was now on Akira's team, "I see..." Luminous mumbles.

"If Guy is alive, and if our safety is guaranteed, then i don't see any inconvenience. I shall report this to the other demon lords" Luminous concludes, she gets up and prepares to leave.

"We're leaving, Lady Milim" Luminous tells the hungry Milim.

"What! No way! I'm still eating these delicious cakes!!" Milim pouts.

Akira stops Luminous, "Actually, Luminous, I'd like to keep Milim with me a bit, i hope you don't mind that. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her" Akira says.

Luminous is perplexed, "Even though i don't enjoy letting Lady Milim stay with you, i guess i don't have any other choice..."

"But if something happens to Lady Milim, you'll pay for it..." Luminous threatens him.

Akira gets up and leave Velzard's warm grasp, it saddens her.

"And what're you going to do? Suck my blood~?" Akira teases her. He points out his bloody sharp canines in his mouth.

Luminous blushes slightly in arousal of seeing such manly and sexy canines. But she regains her composure and denies these teasings, "Sh-Shut up!" She says.


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