
Anime God System

Marco an average person have the opportunities to go in anime world. Watch his adventure as he became a god. The MC will also be able to travel around different world and use their power. After all it is THE ANIME GOD SYSTEM. There will be multiple girls but that won't go over 3 for the entire story. Final Goal ? Play around all the Multiverse. English is not my first language. Apologize in advance for the bad grammar structure and sentence. I also want to say that my writing is average so don't expect god writing skills. Also if you find fault, some errors or event plot history change that could improve the novel, you could let a comments, i will try my best to improve this fan-fic. This Fan-fic is purely for fun. I don't know the exact time that i will publish the chapter so expect a big lapse between different chapter. I don't own any anime present here in any shape or form, although I wish I did. This is just a fan project. Go support the original if you haven't. I also do not own the cover art, I’ll take it down if the owner wants me to, happily.

ItzShinred · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The first mission

Now that i have my stamp i needed to take my first mission to gain money. I found out that i could gain SP instead of the the jewels given as rewards so i was pretty excited to start a mission. I was heading to take a mission to the board when i heard one of the most annoying and stupid voice of the anime.

??? : HEY YOU THE NEW GUYS, you look strong come FIGHT ME.

Yeah you all know this man is Natsu Dragneel the battle maniac. Natsu is a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky pink-colored hair, and has abnormal sharp canines. His outfit consists of a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, often left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and the scale-patterned scarf he received from his adoptive father, Igneel.

Marco : Yeah why not since i doubt you will let me go if i don't give you a good beating.


Marco : Sigh, Wind Magic, Wind Fist.

I punched at the air and a Big Wind Fist appeared ( like Katakuri mochi fruit ) and crashed right on the face of Natsu interrupting him and sending him flying, crashing in the middle of the brawl creating a loud sound and smoke stopping the all the fight. Then after the smoke dissipated.


Gray : Leave him be stupid Natsu you already see that you aren't his match at all he sent you crashing all the way in just one attack. Sigh, how can someone be so stupid like that it's tiring.

Natsu : Say that again you jerk.

Gray : HUH, did you call me a jerk, dragon boy !!!

Natsu : What if i did huh what are you gonna do about it.

Then you all know the rest. THE BRAWL CONTINUE YEAH….

I smiled a little and head to the mission board. There were various mission to the simple task like pet care to the most difficult task like subduing an illegal guild. These mission were all ranked by level of difficulty in the first floor ranged between E which was the level of pet care and A which was the subdue of the illegal guild ( I Added this function for a better understanding of the level of difficulty in the quest which i found lacking in the manga) . There were many job so I just choose a simple B ranked job saying that i needed to kill some monster that was threatening a village. It was a simple quest and i think that the monster were at the same level as the forest so I checked the quest with the master which was greatly surprised by the fact that i take such high ranked quest for my first job then without a word i started to make my way to the village and tried to finish it quickly. After all it was a pretty easy mission for someone of my level. I used my wind magic to boost my speed coupled with lightning element. I think even a speed magic isn't as quick as me. I traveled for around 2 hours since i didn't go full power, my mana regen was higher than my mana consumption so theoretically i could use magic at all the time. I arrived a a small village in the center of fiore. The village was small about 300 inhabitants here. It was situated beside a mountain and a forest. I Don't see any field so they must live from Hunting since this place is quite far from the nearest city. I enter the village, there were many people starting to Watch me after all i think it is pretty rare that they have visitor in this remote place.

Marco : Hello, I'm mage from Fairy Tail and i have accepted a quest which told me to exterminate some monster that threatened your life around here. Can you guide me to the chef of this village please.

They all started to have face of joy and relief. They welcomed me warmly and a middle agged man with black beard and hair came in front of me.

Chief : Thank you for coming this far and accepted this mission. Yeah since the end of winter, these monster started roaming around the forest and attacked the villagers that go out Hunting. We need these food to survive and we only sustain ourselves thanks to some merchant that come near this place. Please help us kill these monster.

Marco : Don't worry Chief since i have accepted this mission i will finish this. Wait here for the time i will take to kill these monster. It sould not take too much time.

Than without further talking i used my Wind magic to disappeared and head out to the forest. I quickly came across a big wolf that was very imposing. It have black fur, red eye, pointy fang forming a very savage look. Don't even star talking about all the drool he make his heigh was frightening, about 15 feets high. I understand now why the villagers could not even fight back against such beast and started call it monster. I scan it and was surprised to see his level.

Name : Black Wolf / Age : 1 years

Level : 30

Combat Power : 10 000

Marco : Quite Strong for a savage beast huh.

I decided to only use Wind magic in this fight since i needed to get used to only use this magic. So i started to create a coat of Wind to increase my speed. I dashed towards the wolf and using the Wind to create a blade i slashed at it and tried to cut it in half. The wolf sensing me swiftly sidestep my attack then quickly counter attack me with his white fang. I dodge it pretty easily with my speed and make some distance between the two of us. I then used two delayed Wind Slash to try cut him at distance. The first one was directly aimed at the wolf and the second one was launched when the wolf was about to jump to dodge the first slash. I smirked when i see him jumping. He found out his mistakes, but it was all too late he was slashed in his belly and a gush of blood flowed out of him. I quickly charged at his landing point and easily killed him since his level was lower than mine and that it was injured.

[ Congratulation Host for defeating a Black Wolf lvl 30 gaining 5 000 XP ]

Marco : Quite the exp.

Then i started a killing spree of all the beast that was over lvl 10 since the villagers were around level 5. I hunted for around 2 hours in my armor form mainly searching and find out if all the monster were dealt with since the forest was as big as the size of a capital city. When i finished it was still afternoon and the sun was still shining brightly. I say to the chief of the village that i have finished my quest and got the rewards from it. The rewards was 300 000 quite a big sum for Hunting monster since the average monster Hunting rewards was around 200 000 jewels. After taking my rewards i headed out to Magnolia since i forget that i needed to have a place to live. I used Lightning and Wind element to sped up the travel and easily arrived at Magnolia before night. When i return Makarov was greatly surprised with the speed of the completion of the mission which was quickly remplaced by a big smile on his face and a nod of approval.

Makarov : Kid you sure impressed me. First you take a B-ranked mission for your first mission and you finished it so quickly that a very big feat you pulled out here.

Marco : You flattered me too much Master, I just remembered that i have important thing to do here also can i ask you a question ?

Makarov : AHAHA I lIKE YOU KID ( NO HE IS NOT GAY ) So what did you want to talk about ?

Marco : It is about to find a house i didn't have one since i just arrived this Morning did you know where can i find one easily ?

Makarov : Hmmm let me think of it. I Don't think you could find a good place to live since night will fall soon but i think i can arrange you to sleep the night Inside the guild if you want after it is just a night it will not hurt anyone.

Marco : Thank you very much for the hospitality.


I smiled and he lead me to a small room where you could found some couch to rest on. He explained to me that it was a sort of restroom were you could refresh a little out of all the noise of the guild. I thanked him and he let me sleep since i was quite tired of all the running and fighting. And i slept here my first night as a member of Fairy Tail.