
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 74 :- The Guide

Everyone except Kazuki hid behind Hiroshi as he was the tallest of the group. They hesitantly , gazed their eyes above Hiroshi's shoulder.

" Oh hey it's the old couple from the Guest house " said Hiro

" Oh my what are you guys doing here " asked Ryo

" Didn't they disappeared all of a sudden " said Kazuki

" Oh my god , so many questions , let us enter the festival first shall we " said the old man

" Before that , what should we call you " asked Jetchi

" I mean , we both are elderly , we both are like your grandparents , you can call us that " said the old woman

" I meant what was your name " said Jetchi

" Ohh....My name is... " said the old man

" Is.....is...is... " he added

Everyone closed up on him to hear him clearly

" I....I....am... " he thought as his jaw was shaking due to old age

" I forgot '' he said after thinking

Everyone was stunned and slapped their head at the same time

" We are just two old geezers , calling each other by Dear , you can call me GiGi , and him Gija " said the old woman

" Let's just enter the ground and enjoy " said Kazuki

Everyone nodded and went inside the ground.

" Welcome , Welcome , Welcome " shouted a man with a Tiger mask on his face

" Who are you " asked Hiro

" Well , i cannot disclose it , due to safety purposes " said the man

" Safety purposes ?" questioned Ryo

" Anyways , I'll be your guide to the trip and will help you through the festival " said the man as he ignored Ryo

" Did Grandpa sent you " asked Kazuki

" Yes yes " he replied as he nodded

" Here is the Fire of Unity , the fire which is burnt at the same time , together by the elders of the village , representing the unity among the villagers. The power of the fire represents one's will power and also helps human race in many ways " explained the guide as he pointed at the fire

" Next here we have the cultural artefact section. Ladies ready to loosen your purse , as the culture delights for decoration , plates , furniture , cups and what not , will be worth every single penny of your husband's income " said the guide as he kept on hopping from once section to another explaining everything

" Wow , if over enthusiasm was a person lol " said Hiro

" I don't give a damn about what he says , i am here for one thing " interrupted Kazuki

" What's your problem dude , I am done with you. Always interrupting my statements " shouted Hiro

" Huh , you wanna fight ? C'mon dude , I'll knock you so hard , you won't wake up untill next Friday " said Kazuki

" Guys , relax just stay calm " said Ryo

" Shut up " both of them shouted at Ryo together

" Mimiko , here take this bag " said Kazuki

" Woah , okay , that's heavy what's even in this , it's like something is inside of it " said Mimiko

" What's inside " said Hiroshi

Kazuki who grabbed Hiro's kimono , jumped at Hiroshi and grabbed the bag back.

" Do not open that " said Kazuki

" Dude what's the problem " said Hiroshi

Kazuki charged at Hiroshi but the guide jumped in between Hiroshi and Kazuki.

" I don't appreciate when people don't listen to me and especially when , when i am explaining something " said the guide

" You wanna eat a knuckle sandwich ? " asked Kazuki as he clenched his fist

" Do not do this right now " said Hiro

Kazuki charged at the guide , starting with the Right hook and the left hook right at his face. However the guide didn't even flinched. He jumped sideways and flexed his arm

" Too slow , for my taste " said the guide

Kazuki as he started to move towards the guide , everyone heard a loud trumpet and drum march.

" What's that " asked Hiro

" Oh that's the March of the Villages " said Ryo

" Well you see " said Ryo

As soon as Ryo uttered these 3 words The Guide quickly , grabbed Ryo mouth.

" Well you see , that's my job , and also , it's basically a signal that everyone should meet at the Temple shrine for the prayers " said the guide as he removed his hand from Ryo mouth.

Kazuki covered the bag and grabbed it close to his chest. He quickly tied it around his chest.

" What are you even hiding " said Jetchi

Everyone except Ryo , who was spitting , encircled Kazuki

" Tell , tell , tell " chanted Mimiko and Kanako

" Bro , what's inside " asked Jetchi

Kazuki started to blush and his head boiled like a pressure cooker.

" AAAAHHH " he shouted

" Fine , here look " he said as he opened the bag

A very long yawn was heard from the bag.