
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 7 :- A New home

" I failed mom, I can't change it, I failed , I promised to save Hiro and emblem but I couldn't save both of them, " Hiroshi voice echoed

" You were born to be a savior Hiroshi, you didn't failed , you learnt from your mistake" voice echoed

" Who is it , who said that" Hiroshi said

" It's me buddy , remember me" as a figure approached him

" Dad is that you , dad pls wait "! shouted Hiroshi

" Never give up , Hiroshi you need to save your mom and your brother , stay strong" figured said

" Dad...!!!" Hiroshi shouted as he woke up .

He was covered in band-aids and his whole body was in excruciating pain , he self checked and noticed that his lower ribs and left arm is broken

" Well that's strange , I thought I had a gush in my chest , it's healed but how"? questioned Hiroshi to himself

" Ah , so you are finally awake "! said a person

" Who are you where am I"! Hiroshi shouted.

" You have grown into a fine young man Hiroshi" said the figure as he opened the door and revealed himself

"Grandpa ...."!!?? shouted Hiroshi

Hiroshi tried his best but couldn't hold back his tears, he cried and cried like the day his fear turned into reality, as he hugged his grandpa and cried .

" You did very well , holding on your against the Yokumitsu " said Gorosuke

Gorosuke Nobunaga is an old man and has the blessing to be immortal till the prophecy is fulfilled, he has a quite respectable height and muscle as compared to his old age , he not only looks in his 50s but also is strong enough to teach students in his martial art and ninja school.

He wears a traditional Japanese robe and had long hair rolled into a fishtail and have a triple beard big enough that he twist and brag about it , he has black bears but his hair is white.

It is said that he has a secret that no one knows and everyone try to know it but fails all the time. He is warm hearted kind and caring for everyone but strict during serious time.

" Grandpa , mom ... mom ughh mom " Hiroshi tried to complete his sentence but was unable to because of his tears as his voice choked

" I know son , the time , prophecy is about to repeat itself but that's not the time , come have dinner " he said

" Wait where's Hiro " asked Hiroshi

" He is already at the table " said Gorosuke

Hiroshi followed Gorosuke to the dining table where Hiro and 3 unknown people were eating dinner

" You were lucky they found you on time

I send them to collect you but the weather changed and they were not able to join you in time " said Gorosuke

" Yeah , that was not a problem " said Hiroshi

" Bro, are you ok ,"? asked Hiro

" How could you let them go away with this " Hiro shouted

" I tried Hiro I did what all I can but I was not strong enough, they took away Shin and I was unable to save her " explained Hiroshi

" Hey guys no fighting at the dinner table pls " said Mimiko

Mimiko is the Oldest of the 3 siblings, and is the healer of the team. She was just 7 years old when she was able to protect and bring Kazuki and Kanako from the flames the caught the temple . She is strict and caring for her siblings and is one of the beautiful girl in the whole Okinawa village. She is 5ft 5 inch tall and is around the same age as Hiroshi

She is attracted to Handsome guys and Hiroshi was her love at first sight , she healed her and brought him and Hiro to the school . She loves cooking and loves flower especially sakura flowers.

"Maybe we can be a little sincere and eat our food first and then fight" said Mimiko

" But ane , shall we introduce eachother first" said Kanako

Kanako is a strong hearted brave and innocent girl , she loves her big sister Mimiko and like to pull Kazukis leg. She is 17 as old as Hiro and she hated pervert act and people

She lost her family during the attack at the temple and don't remember her parents but remember their last words :- " Go save yourself and your brother" so she pledged to take care of his little brother and the youngest of all Kazuki. She loves to fight and loves to eat and take hot water bath after a tiring day.

" I don't know if they are eligible enough to sit with us " said Kazuki.