
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 61 :- The Rise of the Hero

" Umm what do we do now " asked Hiro as he started sweating.

" Don't worry just follow me " said Zi

Hiro and Zi started to slowly crawl towards another pillar. Benzaiten sama gave a calm smirk and strung her Shamisen. Hiro and Zi were transported in middle of the court room.

" Umm what is going on " asked Shinigami

" Ohhh hi Shi " said Zi

" You are elder than me yet you act like i am the older one " said Shi as she sighed

" You two are sisters?" asked Hiro

" They all are " said Benzaiten sama

" Well , i can't see you but hear you your highness " said Hiro

" Oh no " said Shi

" What's going on " asked Hiro

Before he could do anything , multiple Shinigami and guards rushed at Hiro.


" Stop it , there must be something wrong " shouted Zi

But before she could do anything , she was separated from Hiro. Hiro tried to fight but the guards were to strong for him.

Eventually , he was caught and tied.

" Oh this " said Fate

" is after a long time that " said Destiny

" That a mortal is in heaven without dying " said Luck

" Everyone " said Benzaiten

The room went silent for a few seconds , all emotions of anger , revenge , fighting vanished in an instance.

" Hiro nohara isn't dead , he is the vessel " said Benzaiten

" Vessel " said everyone

The guards started to sweat profusely. They immediately untied Hiro and bowed infront of him. All the Shinigami including Zi and Shi rushed at Hiro and healed him.

" What the hell man , that hurts " said Hiro

" Hiro , you are a special child , you don't know about it and i can't tell you more , but remember , you are destined to be the one to end the prophecy once and for all " said Benzaiten sama

" But , Benzaiten sama , I can't even fight and I can't even save anyone , I just fainted before the battle and i don't remember why I am at a place that requires one to be dead despite not being dead " said Hiro

" You poor poor soul , do you know who killed Gokina " asked Benzaiten

" No maybe Hiroshi or someone " said Benzaiten

" You " said Benzaiten

" Me? " asked Hiro

" Yes " said Benzaiten

" No no no i can't its not possible.....a...i...no....i am a murderer " said Hiro as he started to cry

" Hiro... i can't explain this to you but remember this my child... He who fights monster and demons must make sure that he doesn't become one " said Benzaiten

" I... I will try " said Hiro

" I wish you luck Hiro nohara , you will need it " said Benzaiten as she strung her Shamisen

The floor below Hiro disappeared. Scared , he tried to fly and move away but failed and he fell through the sky. He screamed in fear and when he opened his eyes he found himself in a futon.

" Hiro " said Ryo

" Everyone Hiro is awake " shouted Jetchi.

Kazuki , Hiroshi , Gorosuke , Yuzi , Mimiko and Kanako rushed through the door.

" HIRO " shouted Hiroshi who was covered in bandages. He rushed at Hiro and hugged him

" Oh my god i thought I lost you i really thought " said Hiroshi

" Hey , ouch i am fine what happened " asked Hiro

" Fine ??? FINE !!! you say? You had 2 broken bones , several torn ligaments and 4 broken ribs with multiple bruises. You were in a coma from the past 15 days " shouted Kanako

" 15 Days????? , it seemed like 15 minutes " said Hiro as he was astonished

" 15 minutes , what are you talking about " asked Kazuki

" Where's Yuzi sama " asked Hiro

" I am here Hiro , all fine thanks to you " said Yuzi

" Me? " asked Hiro

" Yeah you saved us all and killed Gokina " said Hiroshi

Hiro faced went blank and there was silence for few minutes. The awkward silence was filled by wind and crickets chirp.

" I don't remember " said Hiro

" You mean you absolutely don't remember anything about what happened 15 days ago " said Gorosuke

" No Grandpa , I don't " said Hiro

" Hmmmm that's interesting " said Gorosuke

" So what's coma like " asked Kazuki

" Come here you stupid brat " said Kanako as she punched Kazuki and dragged him away.

" Is everyone alright " asked Hiro

" Well these 15 days were absolutely weird , more weird than the things we witnessed in these few months " said Hiroshi