
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 33 :- Strike out

" Hiroshi - kun " echoed a voice.

" Who is it " said Hiroshi

Hiroshi turned and saw that he was in Mimiko dream. Mimiko's animal spirit of Cat appeared infront of me

" Intruder meow " said The Cat spirit

" Hey , who are you now " asked Hiroshi.

" Meow , my name is Neko , literally meaning a cat meow. I hope you have already met my brother Toraje , and we are the one of the 12th bodyguard of the heaven meow " said Neko.

" Where am I " asked Hiroshi

" Well , I think you are still controlling how to sense aura of the spirit meow. You are dream sensing if that's a word , similar to sleep talk or sleep walk , it's common for you and your kind unable to control the power meow " said Neko.

" I asked where am I , not what I am doing " said Hiroshi

" Hold the attitude " said Neko as she flexed her claws.

" You are in Mimiko mind and this is her memory meow , I think she love you fool " said Neko.

" Huh ? Wow , well she truly is Lovable " said Hiroshi.

" Well before that let me just tell you about her past " said Neko

" Huh sure why not " said Hiroshi

Neko snapped as a portal appeared in complete darkness. The path lead to a place which was filled with water till knees and had a marble like thing floating in the middle.

" Come here meow " said Neko as she flew into it . Hiroshi followed her inside as the portal behind them closes.

A bubble appeared in front of them as Neko snapped again. It was black and was emitting a dark aura.

" Here pop this meow " said Neko

Hiroshi nodded , as he popped the bubble. As soon as Hiroshi popped the bubble they were transported to a big village.

" Since , you already went through a memory , you know the rules meow " asked Neko.

" Yeah , I know " said Hiroshi.

" Just wait and watch " said Neko.

The village was big , with cattles , pond and house made of woods and straws. It had a big pillar which contained seeds for harvest and had a big bell on top with a person guarding it.

" This is Mimiko's village " said Hiroshi

" Yes , and now you may wanna sit down " said Neko

" I am walking " said Hiroshi

" Oh yeah sorry meow " said Neko as she snapped a Hiroshi started to float.

A huge demon minion flew over the village a

and shouted :- " Dinner time".

All the villagers grabbed their weapons and started to run , the guard rang the bell as hard as he could. Hiroshi looked behind and a swarm of minions and monster were flying towards the village. All of them were having a weapon and attacked the village. They attacked the cattles , killing them and eating them , burning the villages field and farm. They took away children and burnt the village house killing the villagers inside time instantly. Those who tries to run were speared by the minion and then attacked only to be eaten. Some were eaten alive , while some where burnt alive. Hiroshi looked in horror as he tried to fight them but failed to attack anyone. Minions were laughing at the agony of villagers but it seems liked they were mocking Hiroshi as he failed to attack anyone.

" Why didn't you help them " asked Hiroshi.

" I was bounded and hello she hasn't unlocked my powers with , if we are reincarnated into someone as animal spirits , we can't do a thing until we they unlock our power meow" said Neko.

" She ?? , holy smokes where is Mimiko" asked Neko.

" She is right there " said Neko as she pointed her fingers to a couple running.

The demon attacked a couple , as they were holding her 7 years old daughter. The demon grabbed the man and try to flew away but the mam chopped the minion feet. The tower was attacked and it fell on the couple. Before it could collapse , however , the man pushed the woman and the child away.

" That's Mimiko " said Neko

" We must follow them " asked Hiroshi

" Yes " said Neko as they started to fly and chase them.

The minions were laughing and chasing the woman and Mimiko. The woman and Mimiko ran into the jungle until they met a dead end. Woman begged the minions as they were about to attack. One of the minion laughed and said :- "We want to eat the kid because they are more delicious " as one minion licked his lips and other started to salivate.

The Minion threw a spear at Mimiko but her mother came in between. The spear directly pierced her heart. She died on the spot but she still covered Mimiko acting as a shield.

She took 4 5 shots and then took her last breath saying :- "Mimiko , I am sorry ....pls stay

.....strong ".

Hiroshi felt sorry for Mimiko. The minion rushed at Mimiko but that minion was split into two as an axe went through him.

" What the hell " said Hiroshi.

" His dad " said Neko

Mimiko dad threw the Axe, killing and scaring the other minion off. However due to his previous injuries he was in verge of death.

Mimiko abruptly said :- " Dad , what happened , dad "

" Nothing , Mimiko " said his Dad.

" Dad , I hear something " said Mimiko

" What ...what " said Mimiko's dad as his breath became heavier and heavier.

Mimiko opened a bush and saw a basket in which two small kids around the age of 1-2 were sleeping. A slip attached to them said

" Pls help them I am sorry ".

" Dad , what do we do " asked Mimiko.

Mimiko's dad was amazed and crying because of Mimiko kindness in such a time where he might be seeing her for thr last time.

" Sorry Mimiko , I only have one way " said her dad.

His dad carried Mimiko and the kids and started to run into the forest and up the mountain using all his last stamina and power. He fell on the entrance of Gorosuke school. Gorosuke picked up the kids and tried to move the man , but he was already dead.

" So that's how , Mimiko ended up with grandpa " asked Hiroshi

" Yes , and those two are Kazuki and Kanako " said Neko

" Wow , I am just blown , too much information for one day " said Hiroshi

" Now , you can see this meow " said Neko as she blushed and purred.

" Hiroshi - kun " said Mimiko

Mimiko was trying to initiate a kiss with Hiroshi. Hiroshi felt emotional for her and tried to make her happy by pouting for kiss.

As they were about to kiss Neko snapped and said :- " Sike you thought".

Hiroshi opened his eyes and saw that Kazuki fell on him. Kazuki opened his eyes and shouted :- " Ahhhhhh son of a bitch " waking up everyone in the train.