
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 28 :- Time flies

" You can do it " said Hiroshi

" What a drag " said Kazuki

Hiro tried to push a rock as hard as he could but the boulder didn't moved a bit. He tried everything but he failed every time. Hiroshi sighed and asked Grandpa

" What , how will he do it " .

" He will , son , he will " said Gorosuke.

Hiro tried to push hard and hard but he failed again and again.

" Okay break , everyone " said Gorosuke.

Everyone went to the pond to take a moment and drink water, Hiro was angry on himself and sat at the porch with a grumpy look on his face.

" I can't do it , anything , I am a liability when will be an asset to the group , I can't do anything , its been a month and I tried every single thing , but it just won't work" said Hiro.

" No dear Hiro, you did everything you possibly could, You broke the pots with your fist , you learnt to control your reflexes , you learnt how to use different weapons to utilise yourself" said Gorosuke.

" Stand up and come with me " said Gorosuke.

Kazuki , Hiroshi and Hiro followed Gorosuke to the arsenal room.

" You all stay here " said Gorosuke.

" Okay sensei" said Kazuki.

Gorosuke went inside the room which was dark and full of spider web.Gorosuke took a sword kept in the middle of the room and brought it back at the entrance.

" Here , you see this sword " asked Gorosuke.

" Yeah , we aren't blind you know grandpa" said Hiro.

" To see what I am trying to dictate you need the eyes of the mind and eyes of the heart" said Gorosuke.

Gorosuke opened the sword and saw it to Kazuki , Hiro and Hiroshi.

" This is a double edged sword. It had went through a year of constant beating , grinding and heating. They constantly beat it , mould it just to get rid of it impurities. This is you " said Gorosuke.

" This sword is me "??? asked Hiro

" You endured the hellish training for the last 30 days. You went through the process of beating , heating and moulding. Yet you survived and still ask foolish questions like " Can I do it , I can't do it " , but the truth is you can. Remember no matter what happens , training and knowledge never go in vain. It's fine to rant about your problems , its alright to cry but never ever give up in yourself. Gods also help those who have faith in themselves.

Hope is the biggest key" said Gorosuke.

" Wow isn't this the same monologue of Zenitsu flashback from Demon slayer" asked Hiro.

" Yeah it's pretty much the same , I mean all the old people have same knowledge" said Hiroshi.

" Yeah yeah I have heard this like the 9th time now " said Kazuki.

Gorosuke blushed and then shouted

" Your adventurer team is ready for your first Mission , The Demon mountain " shouted Gorosuke.

" Wow ok let me check with Mimiko and Others" said Hiroshi.

" Hey stay away from my sister " said Kazuki.

" It won't be necessary " said Mimiko

Mimiko along side Kanako Ryo and Jetchi was standing behind them. Scared Kazuki jumped and hid behind Gorosuke.

" How long have you been here " asked Hiro.

" Since Goro sensei went to get the sword" said Kanako.

" Wow , your training seemed to have improved you by a lot " said Hiroshi.

" Yeah , hey it's already evening , I say we must get ready for dinner , after all we have to go the mountain tomorrow " said Kanako.

" Yeah let's go " said Gorosuke as the students returned.

" Students , that's it for today , go take a bath and get ready for dinner " said Gorosuke.

Everyone bowed and they all ran towards the hot springs.

Kanako , Mimiko and other girls went to the lady hot springs. They were soaking in when Kanako hit the topic.

" Hey , I just wanted to ask , do you like Hiroshi" asked Kanako.

Mimiko blushed and said " No , no not all " .

" C'mon , don't hide it from me " said Kanako

" I mean , He might be ripped , tall , handsome , polite , good nature , and can cook , I mean he is beautiful and I want to spend my life with him" said Mimiko

" Oh my god , you love him " said Kanako.

Mimiko went under water half way while blushing, while bubbles kept bursting.

" Kanako , that's rude , you also love Hiro " said Mimiko

Kanako blushed then shouted " No I don't he is weak ".

" Oh really , Hiro-kun " said Mimiko

" No you don't " said Kanako as she jumped at Mimiko.

Meanwhile , Kazuki was playing wrestling with Ryo Hiroshi and Jetchi at the hot spring.

" Hiroshi sama , I will beat you " said Kazuki

" Wow , sama , why all of a sudden " asked Hiro.

" For your information , Hiroshi earned my respect during the training , you didn't brag " said Kazuki.

" Oh don't do this again " said Hiroshi.

They started to fight again but this time Gorosuke interepted.

" At the table in 10 min " said Gorosuke.