
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 14 :- You are not the one

Meanwhile, in the earth realm Hiro and Hiroshi were sleeping and the were woken up by a rooster at the break of dawn.

" Assemble" shouted Gorosuke as he was already at the training ground with Kanako Kazuki and Mimiko.

Hiroshi and Hiro got ready for the first class they were gonna attend. They reached the training ground and greeted everyone.

" Good morning" said Hiro and Hiroshi to all

" Ahh yes , everyone they are my grandsons Hiroshi and Hiro Nohara and they willl be training with you all starting from now " said Gorosuke.

" Now assemble in one line with 3 arm distance and make a 4 lines with the same " added Gorosuke

" Shall we join them"? asked Hiro

" Wait" Gorosuke said,

" Everyone go to the village and do your jog drill" said Gorosuke

Everyone nodded and went to jog March except Hiro , Hiroshi , Kanako , Kazuki , Mimiko.

" Is something wrong grandpa"?? asked Hiroshi

" Yes , Hiro is not the one" said Gorosuke

" What , for what "?? asked Kanako

" He has no animal spirit awakened , I sensed it but I wasn't able to feel one , and the sad part is that it doesn't seems like that he would be able to awaken it by training or like even any emotional push" said Gorosuke

" So , it's like he will never be able to unleash his animal spirit"? asked Kazuki.

" Yes , it seems like that" said Gorosuke

" 2 - 0 " whispered Kazuki in Hiro ears

" What so doesn't the prophecy mentioned a reincarnation of the sage with black red hair and blue eyes" said Mimiko

" Yes and it seems like that both Hiro and Hiroshi have same hair and eyes " said Gorosuke

" pft c'mon grandpa , we are brother like duh"! said Hiro

" It maybe one of you , and I am not sure which one" said Gorosuke

" Let's find it " said Kazuki.

So, Kazuki and Hiroshi had a sparring match and they being in a traditional martial art match, bowing before the match. They took stance and started to fight .

Hiroshi rushed at Kazuki and Kazuki was caught off guard. Kazuki backflipped to dodge a jump kick from Hiroshi. Kazuki retaliated with spinning axe kick , planting Hiroshi in the ground. Hiroshi started to bleed from his nose.

" Is that all you got rich boi " said Kazuki bragged,

" I'll you what I got " said Hiroshi as he swiped the blood off his nose.

They both gazed upon each other , and looked into each other eyes. The wind was blowing against their back , as soon as a blood drop from Hiroshi nose and hit the ground, the rushed again each other. This time their punch colliding and they looked at each other,

" Hmmm, this your animal spirit" said Hiroshi

" Then feel it " said Kazuki as he attacked with a new to Hiroshi gut

Hiroshi who excels in experiential learning and observations skills due to his rugby and previous martial arts training during highschool was able to dodge the attack.

" What" said Kazuki

Hiroshi pulled Kazuki towards him and punched him right into a the face causing Kazuki to fall on ground and one of his eye turned black.

" 1 - 0 " said Hiroshi

" Now you've done it " said Kazuki

Kazuki kipped himself back on his feets and and kicked Hiroshi in his gut where he was injured. Hiroshi puked some blood out due to the broken ribs that weren't healed properly .

Kazuki jumped and axe kicked Hiroshi down on ground and then chipped him in his guts which threw him away and hit a nearby tree.

" Now to end this" said Kazuki as he jumped towards Hiroshi

" Wait"!! shouted Mimiko as Gorosuke hold her hand and said

" No "

" But grandpa" said Hiro

" Now is the time " Gorosuke added .