
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 10:- End is the beginning

" Sorry to keep you waiting" said Mimiko as she entered the room

" Yeah no worries , so what you got there"? asked Hiroshi

" This is the book known as the Secret of the universe in Okinawa , it consists the information about the beginning and the end of the universe and the prophecy that must take place and will only end after 4 yuga being Satya Yuga, Treta Yug, Dwapara Yuga and Kal yug. Every few millenium , that may vary upon the level of Ying Yang or the balance of the nature , Daikokuten sama and Narasha sama takes birth as companion, students, teacher or even brothers to fight of the evil and kill the evil" said Mimiko as a feeling of proudness spread around her face.

" I have heard about it in the holy indian scriptures and it's said that Daikokuten sama and Shiva from Hinduism are very related and more likely to be similar " said Hiroshi

" The prophecy must be explained by this book I mean Goro sensei never allowed me to look at this but I always sneaked at it , but " said Mimiko.

" But"? questioned Hiroshi

" I was never able to open it as it appears to have a part missing " said Mimiko as she blushed.

Hiroshi falls and his legs are up but then he sits up right back and holds Mimiko hands .

" Mimiko promise me that we will find about this prophecy and vessel thingy together and save everyone" said Hiroshi as a fire burnt in his eyes.

However since Mimiko liked Hiroshi her face turned red and was unable to speak a word

" I ...I ... " stuttered Mimiko

" Let's see the book and its lock" said Hiroshi.

The book was a very old book with leather and torn paper as it's cover. It was covered in dust and nothing at the first page was clear. However the pages were still attached and pretty much readable. The side from which books usually opens had a long roll like structure and was tightly locked .

" Hmmm interesting" said Hiroshi

" I know right this is very weird lock combination even for its time " added Mimiko

" Maybe any circular round thing might fit in it" said Hiroshi

" Look the book says The end and rest is unreadable" said Mimiko.

They both looked at each other for few minutes with awkward silence in the room and both were in a deep thought

" Scroll "!!! they shouted together.

The used the scroll and opened the book.

" It's a fit " said Hiroshi

" Yes " added Mimiko

" Let's clean it first shall we " pointed Hiroshi

Mimiko and Hiroshi blowed at the book and the dust flew across the room .

As they blew the book revealed the writing "The end is the beginning".

Hiroshi Mimiko sneezed but they also heard a 3rd sneeze

" What the hell who's there " asked Hiroshi

" Lemme check " said Mimiko as she used her animal spirit to sense her surrounding

Mimiko has a spirit of a Cat and was able to heal not only herself but also others in few hours or minutes depending on wounds , making her vulnerable to sensitivity around her.

" Reveal yourself " shouted Mimiko

" Smart girl" a figure said as it jumped from the inner roof of the house.