
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Battle of the Pyre II

An unbelievable, demonic rage filled the entire battlefield. As the aura densed, the ground below started to shake vigorously.

The night that was once crystal clear and the light from the moon that was emitting in every corner of the earth, was covered in a dark veil of a thick black fog.

" I can't breathe " said Ryu

" Me too " said Jetchi

" He is summoning the dead.. it is one of his signature ability, that thick black fog is called the pain of the undead. All the regret, sins and the worldly attachments that a soul carries with it self in the court of King Yama, is collected in the form of a poisonous gas that causes the soul to be trapped in that level of hell until his punishment is completed and King Yama is pleased. He is summoning an abstract of this to summon the dead and use their grudge against us. It usually isn't that thick or dense, but due to the Blood moon, his powers are multiplying way faster " said Gorosuke

" We need to do something and we need to do it as fast as we can " said Kanako

" Mimiko you go and heal Grandpa, I think I have a plan " said Hiroshi

" But Hiroshi, attacking him directly within his range would be a death sentence, you can't dodge in time his attacks, they are just to fast " said Gorosuke

" Who said I need to be fast to avoid these? What if we absorbed the attacks and attacked when his guard is down? We will need your help Aruma Sensei " said Hiroshi

" I think I understand what you mean, but what if we fail? What if we don't win here what about the future? What about Dai and his army? " asked Aruma

" Hiro and Kazuki would be the beacon of hope, they will be our last resort, they have potential and I have sensed it, I think I know they can win the war, even if we lose our battle today " said Hiroshi

" Mimiko, Kanako ? " asked Hiroshi

" Yes " replied both of them with teary eyes

" Heal Grandpa and Kanako protect her, I'll charge head on and if we don't make it out alive, be prepared for the worst..I can't promise anything " instructed Hiroshi

" HIROSHI!!!!??! WAIT!?!?? STOP!?!!? STOP!???!!!! " shouted Mimiko as Hiroshi rushed at Rhy and Tum

" Aruma Sensei, let's goo " said Hiroshi

" Yes, let's end this " said Aruma

" I think we should join you too..we won't be useful but atleast we'll do something..we can try " said Ryu and Jetchi

" Let's go guys " said Hiroshi

In the midst of a desolate battlefield, under the eerie glow of a blood-red moon and thick dense fog, Hiroshi, Hiro, Kazuki, Ryu ,Jetchi , Abel and Aruma formed a battle formation. Each warrior exudes a unique aura of strength and determination, their eyes focused on the looming threat before them. They had nothing but only death sentence written on their foreheads, all they had infront of them was death yet they were filled with fire and hope to defeat the enemy. Their forms shrouded in shadow as they brandish ancient zither, their strings vibrating with malevolent energy. With every strum, waves of dark power ripple through the air, threatening to consume everything in their path.

" YOU ARE GOING TO DIE " shouted Hiro

" YOU BASTARDS !! " shouted Rhy as he charged his attack and lunged a wave of dark pulse towards Hiro and friends.

" I think we should dodge " said Jetchi


" Wait !! " exclaimed Hiroshi

" WE WILL DIE YOU IDIOT " shouted Kazuki

" WAIT !!! " shouted Hiroshi

As the pulse closed the distance between them and the monsters, everyone who was not participating in this death match closed their eyes, accepting their demise.

" NOW !!! SPLIT " shouted Hiroshi

" What the?? " questioned Rhy

At the center of the formation stood Aruma, in his heavenly attire making him the the largest and most formidable of the warriors present at the Pyre. With a mighty roar, he unleashes the power of his animal spirit, channeling the indomitable strength of Varmi. His body transformed into an impenetrable shield, absorbing the brunt of the demons' onslaught and protecting everyone from the harm.

" NOW CHARGE !! " shouted Hiroshi

As they were about to close their distance between Rhy and Thum, They used the zither was a shield to protect them from the formation.

Hiro used Hiroshi's back as a platform to jump in the air, charging towards Rhy. Thum jumped in between to block his attack but Hiro tucked in and twisted his body, avoiding Thum attack. As Hiro changed his trajectory towards Rhy, Rhy blocked it with his forearm, pushing Rhy away due to the impact. Thum landed as he tried to fix his hat but noticed that his hat was slashed and had pigments of ember inside of it.


" What the fuck " said Rhy as he noticed a large scratch on his forearm that left a burn mark similar to that of a scald.

" Hahaha... attacks like these won't even save you, I would have showed you some mercy but now I won't " said Rhy

Suddenly Rhy noticed that his arm isn't healing and the burning sensation is increasing the more he tries to heal it.


" HIRO DODGE!! " shouted Ryu

Hiro turned around and saw Thum rushing at him with all his might. Too weak from his previous altercation and after using his last bit of energy to mark an opening for everyone, Hiro staggered but wasn't able to move as effectively as he could.


A large echo reverberated through the field that spread across the Pyre instantly staggering everyone present at the battlefield.

" This....is...not over... " said Yuen

" Leave them alone " said Yuen

" Alright fuck all of you, everyone is dying today " said Thum as he rushed at Yuen

" I said...LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! " shouted Yuen.

Her echo was strong enough to decrease the speed of Thum who was rushing at her. Thum tried his best to maintain his speed but the scream was too much for him to handle. As a result, slowly his cloth started to tear off piece by piece.

" DIE YOU BITCH " shouted Thum

As Thum was about to grab Yuen's throat, another voice reverbrated through the ground, this time the point of origin was in the air.


Ryu jumped in the air and used his animal spirit technique.

" Animal Fury:- Spirit unleashed...HAAAAAAA ELEMENT OF THE WIND....GAAAAA HURRICARANA !!!!! HAAA!! " shouted Ryo

A blast of air slammed Thum down to the ground and pinned Thum.

" AEROBLAST !!! " shouted Ryu as a blast of wind started pushing Thum into the ground.

Thum used his strength to turn around and lie on his back. With a primal scream, Thum unleashed a devastating crescendo of dark energy, threatening to overwhelm the warriors and plunge the battlefield into chaos.

Using the air to her advantage, Yuen jumped and landed on Thum's chest, breaking his ribs. She then used her knees to pin down Thum's arm.

" This is for Kae " said Yuen

She inhaled a lot of air and grabbed Thum by her throat.

" BROTHER!!! " shouted Rhy

" Nuh uh not so fast blud, You are going to face me now " said Abel.