
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Arrival at the Pyre

" What the hell is that...is that a fucking mountain made up of crystals?" asked Hiro 

" Seems like it " replied Hiroshi 

" We need to move quickly " said Abel 

" Everyone form 2 groups, First group shall follow me and the other shall follow Aruma. We need to reach the pyre and fight Rhy and Thum " said Gorosuke

" Ryo, Jetchi and Kanako shall be with and I will take the lead " said Aruma 

" Abel, Hiroshi and Mimiko shall follow me and we will follow you " said Gorosuke

" Since the illusion is gone, I think Fuku can help us guide throughout " said Abel 

" Yeah that's a good idea " said Gorosuke 

" Fuku, please guide us " said Gorosuke as summoned Fuku.

" Goro oh Goro, I shall guide you through the forest as if I am a torch and you the traveller, follow my lead " said Fuku as he flew up in the sky and started to move towards the pyre.

" Everyone follow him " said Abel as he started chasing Fuku and ran towards him.

As the group rushes towards the center of the ground, their footsteps pound against the earth in unison, a symphony of urgency echoing through the air. Above them, the night sky is illuminated by the flickering flames of a massive pyre, casting eerie shadows across the landscape.

" C'mon we don't have much time 5 minutes left till the full lunar eclipse. We need to do everything fast " said Hiroshi 

" Everyone quickly change appropriately and grab any weapon that you can find in the bag, it's do or die " said Mimiko 

With each step, the intensity of their determination grows, their faces set in grim determination as they draw nearer to their destination. But just as they reach the center, a sudden rumble shakes the ground beneath their feet, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

" What the...another one " said Jetchi 

" JETCHI WATCH OUT !! " shouted Ryo as he rushed at him.

Just in the nick of time, Ryo was able to catch Jetchi and drag him away.

" What was that for ? " asked Jetchi 

" Look " said Ryo as he pointed at the ground.

In an instant, the earth splits open with a deafening roar, revealing a swirling vortex of violet energy that engulfs the entire area. The group is surrounded by a shimmering barrier of crystalline light, trapping them within its otherworldly embrace.

" What the fuck... " said Hiro 

" What is this " said Kanako 

" Everyone stay calm, the more you'll panick the more the crystal will tighten it's grip around you..." said Aruma.

As they gaze in awe and trepidation at the mysterious phenomenon unfolding around them, they realize that they are standing at the epicenter of a power beyond comprehension—a force that defies explanation and demands respect. A note of a zither was heard at a distance. Followed by another note, a Chinese musical composition was being played at a distance. Soon, the sound closed the distance. 

" So you " said Rhy 

" Finally arrived " said Thum 

" They're here " said Gorosuke as he tried to free his hand stuck inbetween the crystals.

With hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins, they brace themselves. 

As Rhy and Thum, demons embodying the spirits of a cricket and a cicada, slithered towards the trapped group, the air grew thick with a sense of impending dread. Their twisted forms, adorned with grotesque features and oozing with malevolence, exuded an aura of pure darkness.

" My...nose...it burns " said Ryo 

" I can't breathe...the air it's heavy " said Hiro 

" I feel like... someone tied a boulder to my neck and I can't move it " said Jetchi.

With a sinister gleam in their eyes, Rhy and Thum unfurled their zithers, crafted from the bones of unfortunate souls, each string resonating with the echoes of agonizing screams. With a discordant melody that sent shivers down the spines of all who listened, they began to play a haunting tune—a famous Chinese folk melody twisted into a macabre cacophony of despair.

" Brother...we are in Japan aren't we..then why are we playing a Chinese folk, let's play my favourite song " said Rhy 

" Oh the cherry blossom one? " asked Thum

" Yes sir " said Rhy 

" How was it again ? " asked Thum 

" It went something like :- Sakura, sakura,

noyama mo sato mo, miwatasu kagiri,

kasumi ka, kumo ka, asahi ni nio.

Sakura, sakura, hanazakari. " sang Rhy in an opera angelica tone.

" I see, Sakura, sakura,

noyama mo sato mo, miwatasu kagiri,

kasumi ka, kumo ka, asahi ni nio.

Sakura, sakura, hanazakari. " sang Thum playing the Zither.

" Sakura, sakura,

yayoi no sora wa, miwatasu kagiri,

kasumi ka, kumo ka, nioi zo izuru.

Iza ya iza ya, mi ni yukan." sang Rhy and Thum together while playing the Zither.

As the group watched in horror, the music twisted and contorted, weaving a spell of madness that threatened to consume their very souls. With each haunting note, the air grew thick with the stench of death, and the ground beneath their feet seemed to writhe with unseen horrors.


" OH NO....I remember it... everything I remember it god damn " said Arum as he started having flashbacks.

In a trance-like state, Hiro, Ryo, Jetchi, Kazuki and Kanako found themselves unable to resist the pull of the demonic music, their minds clouded with visions of torment and suffering. The zither strings hummed with an unholy energy, their vibrations tearing at the fabric of reality itself.


" KANAKO KAAZUKI!! " shouted Mimiko

The more he struggled, the tighter the crystal started to grip him. Hiro, Ryo, Jetchi, Kazuki and Kanako started to sing in flow with Rhy and Thum.

" Sakura...Sakura noyama mo sato mo, miwatasu kagiri,

kasumi ka, kumo ka, asahi ni nio.

Sakura, sakura, hanazakari. Sakura, sakura,

yayoi no sora wa, miwatasu kagiri,

kasumi ka, kumo ka, nioi zo izuru.

Iza ya iza ya, mi ni yukan." sang Rhy and Thum constantly while playing the Zither.

With every agonizing chord, Rhy and Thum reveled in the agony of their captive audience, their twisted smiles stretching impossibly wide as they fed on the fear and despair that emanated from their victims. 

" 3 minutes left brother, and then the crystals will start absorbing their energy...we will harness it and we reach the top ranks of our group." said Rhy 

" Yes brother " said Thum 

" What does your music do....how are you controlling them?" asked Abel 

" It's simple....they are taken back into a state of euphoria where they enjoy their desires.. thus they are constantly happy " said Rhy 

" Why aren't you under our control? You are neither resisting nor humming. Are you deaf or something? " asked Rhy.

" I bursted my Ear drums...and also I don't have any worldly desires. I don't wanted them they all are temporary." said Abel 

" Interesting " said Mimiko 

" What is happening to Ryo? " asked Hiroshi 

" Oh don't worry we will show you." said Rhy 

The crystal around Hiro, Ryo, Kanako and Jetchi started to reflect their trance like state in the reflection. Hiro was in a sauna, with 4-5 girls around him. Kazuki was acting as a Butler bringing him food while he was playing dragon ball z xenoverse. Kazuki was in a similar trance state with Hiro as his butler and instead of playing Xenoverse, he was watching a martial tournament infront of him.

Jetchi was in a pool full of food and Ryo was being bowed down to because of his immense knowledge. Kanako was in a room full of her favourite clothes, food, perfumes, cosmetic while 14 handsome male butler were bringing her food that she was loathing on.

" Gosh that's embarassing " said Mimiko 

" Jetchi weren't you a monk? " said Hiroshi.

" Time's up everyone. Look above, the lunar eclipse.. it's beautiful " said Rhy.

Aruma, Gorosuke, Mimiko, Abel and Hiroshi looked up and were astonished. The full moon that is supposed to emit sun's light was completely red instead of being white. As the moon was completed covered and turned red, the crystals started to move rigorously. They started churning everyone trapped inside of them. As it churned, it started absorbing their energy.

As Rhy and Thum approached, the crystalline barrier surrounding the group began to pulsate with a malevolent energy, its violet hues intensifying with each passing moment. Suddenly, tendrils of dark energy extended from the crystal, ensnaring the members of the group and draining their life force with merciless efficiency.

" AAHHH!!! " shouted Hiroshi as a tendril pierced through Hiroshi's arm.

" What the fuck is this " said Mimiko as a tendril wrapped her waist and arm.

Moans of agony echoed through the air as the trapped individuals writhed in torment, their bodies withering under the relentless assault of the crystal's insatiable hunger. Rhy and Thum, their twisted grins widening with sadistic delight, continued to play their zithers, channeling the suffering of their victims into their macabre melody. With each passing second, the group weakened, their vitality ebbing away as the crystal absorbed their energy with ruthless efficiency. The once defiant expressions on their faces turned to grimaces of pain and despair, their will to resist slowly crumbling under the relentless assault. As the last traces of energy were drained from their bodies, a sudden echo reverberated through the ground.

" What's that ? " asked Rhy 

" That " said Thum as he was hit by a shockwave.

Rhy and Thum flipped their Zither in the air and used it as a shield to block the shockwaves. There was dead silence in the area for few seconds. However a louder and stronger shockwave rushed at them. Despite their best efforts they weren't able to withstand it and they flew and crashed into a nearby bush. The echo waves were strong enough to break through the crystal tendrils and crack them.