

LIST OF STORIES (With dialogues) 1) FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT ONE DOES NOW (Nine Scenes) 2) WASHERMAN AND THE DONKEY 3) LION AND THE RAT 4) The RAT and the SAINT 5) The Intelligent Monkey and The Cruel Crocodile 6) THE RAT MARRIAGE 7) THE INTELLIGENT MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE 8) CUCKOO'S PROUDNESS 9) MINDLESS LION 10) LAKE POWER 11) THE FROG AND THE SNAKE 12) THE FOX AND THE CRANE 13) MONKEY ACT 14) THE CLEVER CRAB 15) DONKEY IN LION'S SKIN 16) THE SELFISH FRIEND AND THE BEAR 17) THE CURIOUS MONKEY 18) RATS AND ELEPHANTS 19) MY LOVE STORY These are mostly meant for Kids and Teens Animal Stories. Bed Time Stories. Animal stories Video creation could be made. Dialogues based stories. These are Panchatantra Stories. These stories also could be utilized in Movies. Well written with dialogues. Bounded Script. Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu, Litt.D., B Com, DBM, PGDCA, DCCP Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer Royal Success International Book of Records 2019 Honor InSc Research Excellence Award-2020, Bangalore (India) Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips 2020 Honor Hon. Doctorate in Litt. from ITMUT, Brazil. (2019) Literary Brigadier Honor (2018) from Story Mirror, Mumbai, India Spotlight Superstar Honor (2018) from Story Mirror, Mumbai, India 30+ Global Poetic Certificates (2018, 2019, 2020) ADDRESS: Plot No. 37, H. No. 1-6-53/1, ANUPURAM, ECIL Post, Kapra, (Opp. Dr. Homi J Bhaba Community Hall) Hyderabad -500062 Telangana State (INDIA) Email : mrkndyl@gmail.com Twitter: @mrkndyl68 Phone Nos. +91-9951038802

Mantri Marku · Horror
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Decorated dais. Banner arranged on dais - 150th Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi ji).

Big Garland to photo.

Commemoration function - Dias - Chief Guests - Dignitaries present - Mike - Audience - School children present.

Press and Media personnel also present.

Nandagopal (14 years school boy) speech.


Welcomes. Chief Guest and Dignitaries on to the dais.

Anyone from the students’ side to please speak?


Yas sir, I will speak. Can I?


Why not? Welcomes Nandagopal.


Good Morning to all present here.

I mention Two Quotes here

"After the storm, there is always calm. After the sunshine, there are showers of rain."

"Swim in the Life Sea to reach the Life Shore than to Swim in the Sea to reach the Sea Shore."

(Claps from all including Chief Guest and Principal)

Chief Guest and Principal watches this boy keenly and observes Nandagopal briskness).

Nandagopal (student):

(Looks at the Principal and Chief Guest - waves hand at Audience).


If Mahatma Gandhi was not insulted and not thrown out of the compartment of a just moving train with abuses by the Britishers/Soldiers, Mahatma Gandhi Ji would have not become a great leader.

We all see the life history of great people, all negative situations. Negative events made them strong.

Then why we can't.

We can also become and achieve greater things in our life.

Never give up hopes.

Thank you all.

Chief Guest:

Good. Well spoke. Congratulate Nandagopal.


Pat's Nandagopal.

Chief Guest:

Asks Nandagopal.

What you want to become in Life?


Big Business Magnet.

Chief Guest:

What is your ambition?


To become Multi-billionaire. Establish good industry.

To provide employment to all the Indians.

Chief Guest:


All the Best.

Good Luck.

May God Bless you.


Function completes.

Everybody disperses.


Scene II

After 10 years

(Nandagopal attains 24 years age)

Completed M. Tech (Computer Science Engg.)


Receives Certificate

Happy Movements.


Scene III

Becomes Industry youngest Co at USA.

Earns Billions of Dollars under

Management-Partner Program.

Meetings - Office - Discussions _Diversification of business - Agreements - MoU's, - Tie - up.


Scene IV

Returns to India

Scene FROM Flight arrival.

All relatives welcome Nandagopal

All friends and well-wishers’ garlands Nandagopal.


Nandagopal establishes big Software Industry.

Business runs in billions of dollars transactions.

Good going.

Business at Hyderabad (Telangana State) India


Scene - V


(All Press Reporters, Cameras, Lights and Mikes)


Why you have settled here in India, Sir.


My Hyderabad

My India

My Nation

My People.

Reporter 1:

At foreign land, you can earn more in business.


My service at India - My satisfaction.

Reporter 2:

What is your mind Wave-length?


The Future Depends on What One Do Now.

Reporter 3:

Are you encouraging youth to join your Industry under "Industry-Partner" program of employment?


Yas. That's my intention.

Reporter 4:

Are you being encouraged by the Government in your endeavor?


Yas. Definitely

Government is supporting my work.

Reporter 5:

What is your advice to all the youth?


Really, the people in this World are wise.

People know what is correct.

What is incorrect.

What is important in their daily routines.

Everybody has time sense, money sense

People are quite capable of properly handling one's own routine works.

Some-how normal people get on well in their life.

But, what about disabled children?

What about special children. What about the support and help to mentally retarded children? Sr. Citizens? Helpless Street Children? Widows and Widowers?

I want to support them through an NGO.

This is my ambition.

This is my mind thought

I am working on this too

Any more questions please?


No Sir.


Thank you all


Scene VI:

Chief Guest:


Honors Nandagopal


Thank you, Sir,

Chief Guest:

You've fulfilled your ambition.


My aim is that.

Chief Guest:

Your impressions in business?


Corrupt - free business

To help all sections of people.

Chief Guest:

Are you inviting? Foreign Collaboration?

Nandagopal :

I don't like.

I want India make products.

Chief Guest :

Good Thinking

Nandagopal :

Thank you Sir

Chief Guest :

Praises, Pats

If few hundred people like you work in India, there will be no poverty seen in India.

Moreover, there will not be any need to go in for any WORLD Bank loan by the Government.

All Disperse while Thanking and Wishing each other.

Also Thanks Press and Media


Scene VII

Government of India Honors Nandagopal with Padmasri Award.

Confers as" Business Magnet of India, ' Award also


Scene VIII

CMs meeting with Nandagopal.

Courtesy call after receiving. Awards.

Nandagopal Thanks CM

Chief Minister :

Good, Nandagopal.

Your efforts appreciated.

What is your say?

Nandagopal :

It is good to be in right time in right dress and in right mode at right place.

But, one is to be better late for any type of function/program/event/parties than Never.

At any cost one is to be present, at any time on the day of the program than absent.

Chief Minister :

Wow. Than you.

You're Genius.

Nandagopal :

Thank you Sir.

Snacks. TEA.

Meeting Over



Scene IX

Nandagopal'a Press Conference.

Place: PTI (Press Trust of India)

All Press Reporters with Cameras attend.

It's in Conference Hall.

Nandagopal :

Welcomes Press.

You can ask me One Question Each.

PRESS Reporter 1 :

On the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi Ji, What do you expect from the Government?

Nandagopal :

Corrupt - Free Governance.

Press Reporter 2

How you will see Education system in India.?

Nandagopal :

Government to provide Free Education to all children up to 10th Class.

Press Reporter 3 :

Is there any Financial Contribution towards Education to poor From your side ?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Definitely.

I will contribute sizeable amount.

Please wait and see.

At appropriate time, I will announce the Fund.

Let the things shape I'm a way.

Press Reporter 4 :

Are you satisfied about youth to become self-reliant ?

Nandagopal :

No. Government to give financial support, subsidies and tax exemptions to young new entrepreneurs.

PRESS Reporter 5 :

Did you accept that the Government to give Free Power supply to Farmers' and Industrial sector?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Free Power supply to Farmers 10 house daily. For Industries, Power supply for Three Shifts. All Free Power supply.

Press Reporter 6 :

Any free Ration Kit to Physically challenged people? Do you Agree ?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Government to give this Free Ration Kit to all the Physically challenged people. This facility could be extended to Sr. Citizens, unaffordable people living below poverty line.

Press Reporter 7 :

Any "Cherish INDIA" Program essential through young entrepreneurs?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Government to concentrate on CHERISH INDIA Program.

PRESS Reporter 8 :

Any Liquor Ban India possible ?

Nandagopal :

I don't think so.

But, Government should regulate the Liquor Sales.

Purely to be under Government Liquor Depots.

Press Reporter 9 :

What are your Life Principles of Law ?

Nandagopal :

No Conflicts. No Confrontations. No War.

Press Reporter 10 :

Did you follow Mahatma Gandhi Principles ?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Non Voilence.

War without Arms, Ammunition, and Armours.

Press Reporter 11 :

What is your Primary Mission ?

Nandagopal :

Global Peace Thro Business Spread.

Press Reporter 12 :

What is your Business Principle?

Nandagopal :

Global Reach.

Press Reporter 13 :

What is your Advice to Youth ?

Nandagopal :

To follow Gandhi principles.

Discard Terrorism

Work for Peace Process.

Press Reporter 14 :

What is your Mind Set ?

Nandagopal :

Youth to work for National Integrity.

Youth to utilize Social Media for their growth prospects.

The Future Depends on the work you now.

You work hard to keep the generations happy go lucky.

Press Reporter 15 :

What is your Slogan?

Nandagopal :

I Work For My Country

I Fight For My Country

I Die For My Country

Press Reporter 16

We heard that you sing. Can you sing a song for Future of the World.?

Nandagopal :

Yas. Of course. I sing. Here is my Song.


Oh My Space, Give Me Room //

Sky is the limit for Peace.

Star is the limit for Thought

Moon is the limit for Wave-length.

Sun is the limit for Hope //

Oh My Space, Give Me Room //

Me try for Peace

Me apply for Thought

Me have a Hope

Oh My Sky

Oh My Star

Oh My Moon

Oh My Sun

Oh My Space, Give Me Room //

Am on Earth to visit the Sky

Like to meet the Star

Want to live in the Moon

Hope to visit my Sun

Oh My Space, Give Me Room //
