

Anger control, one day a man named Tony was off for a business convention and he left his wife and child with his best friend and told his best friend to take care of the wife and Child .

Two years later when he came back he began to shout and complain that he just lost a deal of $1 million then his friend told him to come down, he got more angry and begin to fight with his friend , he went into the kitchen to get a knife and his wife told him " stop all this" he refused and slapped her .Then his child woke up from his bed and head his dad was back ,he went downstairs on his way downstairs is father got angry and through the knife then missed when he miss, the child got down from the stairs and the knif stabbed him.

Hope this little summary can be able to teach you the importance of anger control and how to think before doing any action thanks for reading

these stories about a man named tony who killed his child at of anger this story is going to show all those people who are not able to control their anger the importance of controlling their anger and what it can cause in their life

Big_c_Christiancreators' thoughts