
Angels revenge: The general's daughter

Akasha is a twenty two year old girl who grew up with her aunty ever since she was ten. Akasha was quite different from other kids. Her perspective on life were brilliant and unique, ever since she was young she knew greater things were awaiting her outside her life which seemed completely normal. Things suddenly changed for her, when she got involved with a secret government organization called S.H.I.S.A (Secret Homeland and International Security agency) who deals with international security issues and abnormal cases. Axel is an exceptionally brilliant young man, who has been well trained by the top officials of the government ever since he was fourteen because he lost his family in a plan crash. He found it hard to have human interactions, since he didn’t like anything social eventually he tried to open up when he met Lydia in the course of his training and he started to care for her, they soon start to have a relationship but not long after they broke up due to unknown reasons. He eventually met Akasha during a mission to save the girls who had been kidnapped by terrorist. He tried to resist but ends up falling in love with her. The question is, who will he choose is it Akasha whom he just met or Lydia who he has known for a long time.

Novapress_2781 · Urban
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3 Chs

kidnapped By Men In Black

Akasha is walking through the streets of Boston in order to get to the Boston university since the university was just a few blocks away from her home, she had decided to walk. While walking she felt someone was following her from behind so she tried to walk faster, she decided to take the turning on the left into a dark alley then some men appeared at the other end of the alley she tried to escape but the men were stronger.

They grabbed her, covered her mouth and injected her with a syringe of sleeping dose. Then they carried her and threw her into the black van where some other girls who were captured could be seen as well.

In a warehouse in the middle of nowhere noises of clashing iron can be heard. Akasha opened her eyes, her long beautiful lashes were slapping into each other like the waves on the beach. She looked up and all she can see is a building which looked like a warehouse an abandoned warehouse to be precise. She thought to herself " where am I" she sat up and she saw girls like her who were also kidnapped.

Some were still asleep, some were just waking up like her and others were already fully awake. They were crying, trembling and murmuring amongst themselves asking each other of where they were.

Akasha stood up and walked around some of the girls were looking at her, then she thought to herself " where the fuck am I" whispering to herself " oh shit! This isn't happening I'm having my final graduation exam today and to make it worst I've been kidnapped no, no, no….. cutting her out of her thoughts the door suddenly opened, a big man with an eye patch, bald head and a scar on his face came in.

He has quite a deep and scary voice which didn't seem quite human " hello girls hope you slept well, you should get ready because we're going for a really long ride" he said with a disgusting smile on his face, then he left.

Akasha was both scared and annoyed by the look on his face, she thought to herself " how disgusting!".

She immediately started thinking of she was going to escape. Another girl named Alicia was staring at Akasha, she decided to approach Akasha so she stood and walked towards her and sat beside her.

" Looks like you're thinking of way to escape this place" Alicia said straight to Akasha's face.

" what if I am huh" Akasha said feeling offended.

" Hey, no offense I'm just asking. Besides I don't think it will be easy seeing the way these men look like buffalos and to make it worse the weapons they're holding looks like a crazy killing machine" Alicia said honestly.

" You think I don't know, besides you don't look too scared for a girl that has been kidnapped, I would think you are one of them if you aren't talking to me right now" Akasha said.

" Heeey! I'm really scared it's just doesn't show okay" Alicia said sarcastically.

" I'm Alicia by the way" Alicia said stretching out her hand for an handshake.

" Akasha" Akasha responded to the handshake.

" I'm really eager to know their hideout but they could kill us immediately we get there" Akasha said curiously.

" I doubt that they kidnapped us for a reason, they wouldn't want get rid of us that easily. But I'm really curious about what they want exactly and why the large number of girls" Alicia replied.

" You seem, so sure" Akasha said.

" My Dad is a detective, I pick up a lot of skills. Besides he has been getting reports of missing girls all over the city, they've been keeping it under the rug, but with this amount of girls that are being kidnapped I doubt it will remain a secret" Alicia said in a whispering tone.

" I see…. but we have to get out of here. I wish we could take these girls along but it's not possible. We will have to come back for them".

" You have a point, I've been awake for a while now and I've been studying the whole area, this is an abandoned warehouse and seeing how heavily dusty this place it seems we are very far away from the city" Alicia said straight up no filter.

Akasha groaned feeling frustrated " urrrrng, that doesn't sound good" she paused for a little while and looked around.

" I really don't care we have to escape" Akasha said

" but how" Alicia asked in a curious tone.

" I've got a plan but it's gonna sound a little weird. The man said they're transporting us, we can escape from there" Akasha responded.

" But how, you plan on jumping out of the window" Alicia said in a funny tone.

" No, you're going to pretend like you're feeling unwell, and I will call their attention to what's happening to you, I will say you need some air and we are going to walk little bit into the forest and run as fast as our leg can take us". Akasha said.

Alicia laughed " For the short period I've known you, you're really funny, That's your plan".

" You've got a better one!" Akasha said in an annoyed tone.

" Look don't get mad okay but we don't even know the kind of vehicle they will use to transport us and how many men will be on guard. We don't know whether it's the same van they used or a truck, and even if your plan works and we walk a little into the forest how are we supposed to beat those hefty dudes. I mean they're four of us put together in one, it's not like we are going to say sleep and they will sleep" Alicia said sounding a bit sarcastic and pessimistic.

" I know martial arts" Akasha said.

" really!" Alicia seemed surprised.

" Don't get all excited, let's say.... I only know a little" Akasha said.

"Range your martial skills from one to ten" Alicia asked

" A five" Akasha replied

" Lord help us, ahh ehh I thought you were going to say something like a seven or nine, five! what are we supposed to do with that, battle aliens?" Alicia replied laughing, the other girls thought she was crazy for laughing in situation like this.

" You know that's really funny coming from a person who doesn't have a single knowledge of martial arts" Akasha said.

" I might look like I can't fight but I also have my skills, besides I have training sessions with my dad's partner from time to time". Alicia said.

" Akasha" Alicia calls her with a tone filled with anxiety.

" Yeah" Akasha answers

" What if the plan fails?" Alicia asks

" well, I guess there's no room for failure" Akasha said with an hopeful tone.