
Prologue pt.1

Season 1 Prologue part 1:

Prince of Hell

Today was my day. My day to become the true Prince of Hell

I'm being crowned, yes I know, I'm 19 and I'm a bit older than the other men that where crowned in this family.

This only meant that I was a "late" bloomer, as my mother says.

I can see why people would think that of me. I am very skinny, short and pale. I had pitch black hair, but I got a red fade dyed into my hair.

Sometimes outside demon's mistake me for a female. Well, I can't blame them, I'm not exactly really masculine.

I looked into the mirror in my room and smiled.

My red and black hair was neatly styled and my make-up was done perfectly. The clothes I wore looked like the 1800's vampire garb.

I was readying to open the door as in swung open with a panicked maid looking down "I'm sorry Master Bilé! I didn't know you where behind the door!" She exclaimed.

I sighed softly and plastered a soft and assuring smiles on my face "It's alright. Why are you here?" I ask.

She looks up and smiles but looks down again.

Here in the demon realm it is a rule to look down to any royal figure if you where a peasant, worker, bum, etc.

I clear my throat and she quickly looks upwards "Queen Myrad had sent me to deliver you this letter." She handed me a letter as she bowed.

I took the letter from her hands "Why did she send me this?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"The queen didn't want to tell me Master." She said in a regretful tone, as if I'm going to punish her for not having an answer.

I nod and wave her away "Thank you. I'll read the letter right away."

She closes the door behind her and I can hear her shuffling off.

Me and my mom never had a great relationships, but she has never ignored me like this. 

I sit at my desk near my bed. I open the letter and started to read "Dear Bilé.

Whether you read this letter or not, I hope the message of my departure reaches you.

I'm sorry that I can'tbe there for your coronation son, but I have to take care of business in the phantom realm.

Again I'm sorry for not attending. I know it's a big day for you. I hope the best. Slave Coronel will handel the coronation in my place.


Mom ♡."

My heart sinks to my stomach. She's not coming?

I shook my head and reminded myself that i have to be strong.


This is it. I am walking through the isles of benches in our local town hall.

My stomach was full of butterflies, but I needed to keep focused.

Once I reached I turned around and faced the growd. They all stood up and bowed, then they sat down afterwards.

Coronel was talking about the rules in becoming the Prince off darkness. After a while he introduced me and everybody stood up again and bowed, sitting down again.

My heart was beating fast, but not out of nervousness, no. It was out of anger.

How could my mom make this a rule? When I was younger I never thought anything of it, but now that it's happening to me, it really hurts.

Coronel cleared his throat and brought forth a book that i had to sign and place my hand on to pledge allegiance to my soon to be kingdom.

After I signed I said "I, Bilé Ganath shall never abandon my future kingdom for as long as I live. I, Bilé Ganath shall always be here for my future followers. I, Bilé Ganath shall forever be loyal. I, Bilé Ganath shall become king after my mother passes it on to me or when she passes away."

Coronel pulled away the book and shut it, he then said "I now pronounce, Bilé Ganath as the Prince of Hell and the future ruler of our kingdom."

A small female I did not recognise walked up to me with the crown. She's probably a new maid.

I bowed to match her height, she then placed the crown on my head and I stood straight again.

A short while later, the crowd started applauding.

Coronel then raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat.

The crowd stood up and bowed "Our Prince and future king, we welcome you."

I smiled softly and stepped off the stage to go take a bath and rest.


I cannot believe this. A entire village full of Angels.

My dad lied to me, they where not extinct.

I growled and hit my fist on a desk.


End of prologue part 1.

Next chapter