

Poor Lee, born in a demonic family bent on destroying heaven and everyone in it. Life suddenly becomes a deadly game the moment he turns fifteen. How does he survive in a world where everyone just wants to kill.

charles_echeta · Fantasy
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8 Chs

First Day Out

"I told you so". Those words from his brother kept replaying in Lee's head. He couldn't stop thinking about what Dominic said, more importantly he couldn't stop visualizing what had just happened in front of him. He didn't even think of stepping out of his room after he left the Weapons room.

"What the hell is going on right now? Are they crazy? Am I crazy?!! What is all this? Me, a demon?! This is badshit crazy. I have never felt devilish before. I have never been bad all my life. Now to find out I'm a demon from a long line of soul tormenting, angel killing demonic ancestry!!! That's insane".

" I told you that this would happened my dear little brother". Lee turns and sees Dominic standing close to the window looking at the birds perching on their mansion's chimney. " How the hell did you get into room Dom, what the fuck bro!!" Dominic turns to Lee and continues " Now, now little brother. I don't need to remind you I'm a demon. Or do I? He flashes his devil eyes and smiles at Lee.

Lee, not yet over the shock of the morning's event shivers a bit. He doesn't even stand up from the bed, he just turns, backing Dominic and covers himself with his blanket.

"I get it Dom.. You are a demon, OK?!. Just get lost bro. I really wanna be on my own right now. You and dad should just back off". Lee covers his head with his pillow.

Dom, feeling a bit irritated, walks towards him and pulls the blanket off him and yells" You aren't a kid anymore Lee. Get up and stop being a wuss. Damn!!! You are so irritating." Dom folds the blanket and he calmly says "Look. There is no difference between us. We are both demons and because of that we need to stick together. We might be demons but you are still my little brother. I care about you".

Lee looks at him and smiles a bit. " Well.... I care just a bit. As little as this" Dominic pinches his finger to show what he meant and laughs a bit. Feeling a bit relieved, Lee also laughs. "Dom, honestly you are a real pain in my ass". Dominic slightly punches him and replies" says Lee the crybaby . I haven't had a chance to shut my eyes because of you. I'm super exhausted, I'm starving too. Come on, let's go get something to eat".

Lee goes out with his brother heading to his favorite food spot, Julian's Chicken and Chips. Upon arrival, he happens to meet his girlfriend Angie and her best friend Chloe.

"Hey babe, weird seeing you here. Do you also like eating here? Or are you stalking me?" Lee says jokingly while walking closer to her. " You wish. I'm just here for my bestie, that's all" she replies, jokingly as well.

"Ouch... you hurt my feelings. You must apologise immediately or I'll breakdown and start crying" He sits close to her and she leans as kisses him on the cheek. " You would have to settle for that babe, I can't do more than that in front of my bestie. It would feel awkward and weird knowing that she is single. You get me?"

"Yeah babe, I know. It's alright. Hey Chloe, what's popping? Lee says as he turns facing Chloe who is busy ogling at Dominic as he orders food.

"Hey Chloe... Chloe!". Finally she replies "What the hell you dork". Lee replies "says the dummy looking at my brother like you wanna pounce on him and eat him up. You do know he is older than you right? ".

"Whatever dude, your brother is hot, unlike your ugly-ass". Angie doesn't say anything, she just starts laughing at the two of them.

Dominic brings the food to their table and they start eating.

Mean while..... Back at the mansion, Lee's dad, Leonard is in his chambers taking records and signing documents concerning his work as the CEO of Lucifer's Vineyard, which/ controls almost 35% of the world's trading empire.

He is occupied with this until he feels someone lurking in the shadows. "Irmdeblii, what are you doing here? Step out now.

Suddenly, an average sized demon, thin and scaly looking, with a long horn and thin black wings steps out into the light and bows in reverence. "My Lord. It is a pleasure to be in your presence. I wasn't surprised that you knew I was here. Once again you show your superiority."

"Enough with the flattery, what brings you to my castle?" Leonard says almost pissed.

" Well isn't that a warm welcome. Is that how to say hello to your big brother Leo? " He says as he transforms back into his human form.

"Ahh!!... I see you prefer me being like this rather than my true form. Tell me something brother. How are the kids? Hope they are demonic just like you? He chuckles as he gets closer to Leonard.

" Damian, what the hell are you doing in my house?!!" He yells and his eyes glow blood red with rage as he gazes upon his big brother.

" Hmm. Glad to know you remember my human name. Well let me get to the point. Your son Lee is now fifteen right? So we should have seen his true form by now. Unless he is not your blood. By the way, what happened to that whore you call a wife? What's that her dumb name? Uh-huh.... Uriel right?"

"Shut the hell up Damian. You do not want to see my bad side. If there is nothing you have to say then leave". Leonard continues with his work. Damian quickly says" Brother, I'm just saying. Besides, that dumb bitch deserves everything that happened to her"

This triggered Leonard and he suddenly turned full demon and pounced on Damian. He started throwing heavy punches at him until Damian himself turned full demon, only this time he got as big as Leonard in his demon form but still maintained the one long horn.

They start fighting. Leonard reaches for Damian's neck and lifts him up and smacks him down. He tries punching him but Damian dodges and his hand goes through the floor.

Damian kicks Leonard and he goes through the wall and collides to the wall of the next room. Leonard is quick to get back up and attacks his brother with a barrage of blows.

Unlike Leonard, Damian doesn't recover quickly from the fatal blows. He is picked up and thrown like he was a piece of paper. He breaks the huge office desk in the room and doesn't get back up immediately.

"Come on brother, you have gotten weak. I thought you were the first born of Jnvrh dlaej, the night demon. Is that all you got? huh..and you call yourself the Shadowless demon".

Leonard picks up a stick he had gotten from the broken table and stabs Damian in his arm. That makes Damian let our a sharp shrill which almost sounds like a cry for help. It reaches Dominic and now involved Lee where they were hanging out.

"Hey you guys, did you hear that?" Lee asks everyone. Angie and Chloe say that they heard nothing but Dominic on the other hand signals Lee that they need to get to the castle immediately.

"Ummm. Sorry guys but we have to go. Family meeting and all that. Need to get home in time for it". Lee says and reaches for Angie and kisses her on the cheeks. "OK babe see you later" Angie replies leaving Lee and Dominic to exit the eatery.

"Dom, you heard that right?" Lee asks Dominic. " Of course I did. That was a demon. It is coming from the mansion. We need to hurry". They quickly hop their motorcycle they had used to get to the eatery and zoom off.

On arrival to the mansion, Lee suddenly starts feeling sick. He started staggering like he was dizzy and coughing like he was choking on something. " Hey Lee, what's going on? ".

Lee, still coughing answers" I don't know bro, I feel funny and heavy, and my skin is burning. Help me out, let's get into the mansion". They walk into the building. As they shut the door they see someome fall from the top of the stairs. Upon close observation, Dominic sees it is his uncle Damian. " What the hell are you doing here you dipshit? "

Damian looks up and sees Lee. He quickly pulls out the stick in his arm and stabs Lee in his belly. Lee gasps and slowly drops to the floor. Dominic with anger immediately turns and hits Damian away from Lee.

"Lee!!....Lee!!... Lee, get up!! Get up bro!!!" Dominic feeling so confused yells and rushes towards Damian. He starts throwing fatal blows and kicks to Damian who tries avoiding them. Out of nowhere, Leonard hops out and punches Damian, who soars mid air and collides with a statue. Damian wheezes and tries to get back up but he can't. He just lays on the floor trying to catch his breath. This time Leonard is clutching a demon dagger and tries to stab Damian.

Suddenly, everywhere becomes cold and dark. And a bright, bloody red aura starts oozing out of Lee. For a moment, it's like he is floating mid air. He let's out a loud shriek and his body starts to burn. His flesh begins to peel away from his body, same with his insides until only his bones remained. The next thing they see is that he starts to fill up the bones again, only this time he has scales for skin, his eyes is blood red with a six pointed star been inscribed into his pupils. Three long horns start growing on his head and four wings burst out from his back. He doesnt increase in size buy the wings seemed so large it could cover him like a shield.

Finally, Lee turns into a completed demon. He looks much scarier than his father. It frightens Dominic a bit what his brother has become.

Damian just looks at him in awe and laughs hysterically. " Talk about a first day out. Look at your son Leonard, or should I say Dlaej ez dlmhr. Behold the presence of a true demon.

the demon king, DLAEJ CNJV!!".

With this, Lee gives out a loud shriek that shakes everywhere.