
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Flashback 3

She stared at him for a few seconds. 

Contemplating, she grapples with conflicting desires. Despite her yearning to connect, the weight of immutable laws restrains her, casting a shadow over her intentions. The wisdom behind these laws echoes in her mind, a reminder of their purpose. With every fiber of her being, she acknowledges the omniscience of her Father, the architect of all creation.

However, in defiance of such constraints, her gaze remained unbound, free to linger upon the fragile being before her. She found solace in the simple act of observation, a respite from the shackles of divine decree. No laws barred her from admiring the beauty that unfolded before her, a testament to the intricacies of mortal existence.

His presence is captivating. His face exudes an otherworldly beauty. High cheekbones frame piercing eyes, the color of molten silver, which hold a depth that seems to hold secrets of centuries past.