
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Flashback 12

Athena stirred from slumber, her senses gradually returning amidst the rustling of leaves and the whisper of wind through tall trees. She was dreaming about Aidan, how his hands caressed her as they lay together staring up at the darkened sky.

As her vision cleared, she found herself gazing up at the canopy above, the events of the previous moments slowly filtering back into her consciousness. 

A chill crept over her as she recalled the unsettling transformation that had befallen her mother, the once-familiar figure now twisted into an unrecognizable being. The memory of Artemis's ominous words echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the sinister plot that had been unveiled before her eyes. 

Fear tightened its grip on her chest, constricting her breath as she struggled to comprehend the depths of her mother's betrayal and the darkness that now enveloped her once-beloved parent.