
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 6

My brother and I are the children of the Chief of Heaven, tasked with a job. I was the Keeper of the Sun and Watcher of the Stars – protecting the realms from any threats from the sky. While Damon was the Guardian of the Moon and the Seas. We have Generals that worked under us – maintaining the peace between the three realms. 

That was part of my job as the Crown Princess.

Other than that, I was free to do as I please.

"Your Highness! There's a small matter that I need to inform you about."

I tried not to glower as I took a sip of sweet tea. I had brought my breakfast out to the veranda – to enjoy the peace and beauty of nature of my front yard when one of the officials came rushing into the estate with a distraught expression on his wrinkly face. It was only a few hours into a new day too.

"Do not ruin my morning," I said firmly as I took a bite of a sandwich.

"It's the new … new human," he finished off lamely. "He caused trouble in the Divine Rooms."

I paused from taking another bite of my sandwich and turned to stare at the official. Aidan did what? He withered under my strong gaze. I tried to conjure the view of the Divine Rooms, the path one has to take to be able to reach the Rooms. I took my time; imagining Aidan making his way happily inside.

The only way to enter the Divine Room is to pass a stone bridge and before getting to that bridge, they have to pass through a tall stone door that can be only opened with a special key. That special key cannot be replicated, it has passed down from generations to generations and only one person holds that key.

And he was talking to me right now.

Apparently, Aidan had managed to sneak in by blending in with one of the many groups that were having a special tour of the Divine Room. This tour was usually done for the candidates that passed the ceremony with flying colors. It was meant for the candidates to familiarize themselves with the on-goings of Heaven and to know what they're going to do for the next stage of their lives.

On normal days, the path to the Divine Rooms was not opened even if they were a resident of Heaven. Even staff entering in and out from the Divine Rooms had to pass through that stone bridge, a.k.a pass through that one official who holds that key. It was something Father had decreed; the instruments and equipments inside are too important and sensitive to be messed with.

Aidan, being the curious self that he was, had set off to one of the restricted rooms and caused a big commotion when one of the workers found him messing around with the sacred dials. He had entered the room that holds the Instrument of Destiny despite the fact that it held the highest security.

I could feel a headache pounding on my temples the more he explained it to me. "You can go," I said and shooed him away. I sighed as I set the tea back on its coaster. Father will not be pleased. How do I control such a free spirit like his? With a wave of my hand, I summoned the annoying monkey.

A few minutes later, he came forth enveloped in a bubble – he was trashing in the confined space and he stopped writhing like a wild animal when he noticed that it was I who had summoned him. I waited until the bubble floated him to the ground and popped so that I could address him.

I sipped my tea. "What did you do this time?" I queried.

"I didn't do anything," was his quick reply before he bounded over to the veranda, a sound of wonder passed his lips before he sat himself down and helped himself with the food without prompt.

"Where did you go in the morning?" I asked as I gave a signal to Lyssa to give more food. She bowed in response and scuttled away immediately. I might run out of food at this rate, I mused idly.

He paused for a moment as he recalled the small adventure that he took in the morning. It took him a while. How many adventures did he take? Understanding dawned on his face when he finally realized what he had done. A look of guilt flashed across his face before it disappeared as he devoured the food. I was amazed at how quickly he got over it.

"We have rules here," I said.

He nods eagerly.

I looked at him quizzically. I doubt he's listening. "I want you to follow them while you're here," I continued, trying to be patient but annoyance was creeping up on me. "I don't want to use the crown."

At the mention of the crown, he sobered up and turned pale but it was short-lived. I tried not to sigh - mind you, not in front of the food – but it was hard when the bloody monkey wasn't listening to me. With little choice and with a powerful ruler breathing down my back, I activated the crown. 

I did not react when he shoved the plates off the table – throwing himself on the ground as he writhed around yelling in pain. Astraea and Tyche kept passive faces as they watched him thrash around. Althea came rushing over when she heard commotion and stopped herself when she saw the monkey on the ground.

I was cruel but I had little choice. 

I had to do it, less the ruler decided to meddle with this.

I sipped tea while I waited.

"Stop!" he pleaded finally.

He had been holding onto the pain for fifteen whole minutes, and I had by that time made myself a new cup of tea while the several smashed plates and bowls were replaced by Astraea and Tyche. I wonder about the amount of porcelain I had replaced ever since the monkey came over here. 

I bit into the cake as I tilted my head in curiosity. 

Has he decided to forgo his ego?

"I can't hear you."

He crawled to me – grabbing my skirt tightly in his grubby hands much to the horror of my Court Ladies. "Please stop," he begged, his eyes wide and teary. His lips were trembling. "Please I'll listen to you. Just please stop! Please! I'll behave! I won't do anything behind your back anymore!"

"Will you?"


I sighed and deactivated the crown. I dislike going through this method. Aidan collapsed on me in relief – breathing heavily as he gathered himself. He was half-sprawled on my legs, his head on my waist as he gathered his breath. I looked down at him for a few moments – uncertain of his reaction and waited.

"Erm - "


I looked up sharply. Two of the Lower Consort ladies were standing before me – dressed in their usual flashy outfits and gaudy ornaments which made me wonder idly if Father even bothered to look them in the eyes. The two were the youngest amongst the Consort Ladies and I was uncomfortable at how young they were.

I think their names were Adrastea and Polyxena.

I remember the moments when Father announced them to be part of his consort - thus making them six members. These two recently joined, so they were considered in the lower echelon of the rankings of a Consort Lady. Even amongst themselves, there were striving and animosity as they strived to be chosen to be the next Queen Consort.

I disliked all of them.

"I have specifically ordered you not to enter my chambers unaccompanied," I said.

I hated knowing that these two had walked through my chambers and most likely filtered through my items and staff. Had they touched my prized possessions without permission, I'm going throw a fit and bar them from coming in. They would most likely report back to Father after this. 

"We were curious about the cute boy that was in your care," the younger, chubby one spoke as her eyes were glued to the monkey on my lap. "We wanted to say hi."


"Oh, I want one!" the older, uglier one exclaimed in her so-called high-pitched voice that make me wince. "I want one! He's so cute!"

She went near him so she could pet him. I breathed not a word of warning and settled to watch instead. But before she could touch him, Aidan reacted viciously like the wild man he was. He let out a growl and tried to bite her hand off. I watched in amusement as she let out a high-pitched scream and snatched her hand back – screaming that he had bitten her even though he snapped at air. 

"Calm down," I said. 

"Can't you control your pet?" she cried in accusation. "I'm going to go complain to Daddy!"

The smile on my face widened upon seeing her use her so-called authority. Seeing me smile made both of them freeze in surprise and a mix of guilt and horror spread across their facial features. I was thoroughly enjoying it. Their "oh-shit" looks were the best. I loved seeing people squirm and all the more the people that I despise the most. 

Concubines ought to know where they stand.

"I'm - I'm - I'm sorry, Y-your Highness!" she exclaimed as she threw herself onto the ground, her head bowed in submission. The one next to her followed suit, pleading for mercy. "Please forgive me, Crown Princess!"

"I don't want to know the dishonest things that you are doing with my Father and the next time I see you two wandering around my chambers with no escort, I will personally bring you to the dungeons. I'll let you rot inside for a few days," I said with a disarming smile. "Please leave before I change my mind."

They thanked me for giving them mercy and fled. I watched them run away, understanding the reason why Father decides to have concubines after the incident but having a double standard when it comes to his own children. Well, I guess being Emperor has their own perks but it is annoying.

I sighed and massaged my aching forehead. Lyssa and Astraea came forth and took away the empty plates replacing them with more desserts, as well as bringing a set of peppermint tea to calm my nerves. Appreciating their thoughtfulness, I thanked them and Aidan has yet to move away from his position on my lap.

"You're getting heavy, Aidan," I muttered. He was getting too comfortable.

"Oh sorry," he mumbled as he retreated, sitting up next to me. "Is the King trying to have another heir?"

I licked my dry lips. I could see them scurrying away. They have yet to leave my estate. I wished they'd hurry up. "He just wants another Queen Consort," I replied. "There hadn't been a Queen for four hundred years and many folks even the other Gods are beginning to speak. It is unwise to leave the Queen's seat empty for too long."

"How many concubines does he have?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked as I sipped my peach tea curiously. "Why would a mere monkey like you be so curious as to the comings and goings of the Angels?"

"No reason. I feel like I have to know it since I'm gonna be stuck here for awhile."

"I will grant your wish," I said. "Father has six concubines, each with different ranks. Three are in the Lower Consort. Those two you just saw were Adrastea and Polyxena. The last one is Evadne. For the Royal Consort, there is Polymia, Eos, and Hestia. Hestia used to be his Court Lady. So, either one of the three Royal Consort may become the Queen Consort of his choosing. It's especially better if she gives him an heir."

"Why would it be better if she gives him an heir?" he asked.

"Then I won't be the Crown Princess," I said flippantly.

I could feel his gaze on me. But I declined from answering. If I wasn't the Crown Princess, I won't inherit the throne and I won't have to be at the helm of everything. I didn't have to shoulder the realm forever. My desire to lay low would be achieved and I could do anything that I wanted to.

I won't have to marry Father's choosing. I won't have to grimace through the rest of my years with a partner I did not love. I would be able to choose my partner at my own volition. I won't be forced to bear an heir to make the Crown Prince King. I won't be forced to do anything that I didn't wish to.

Oh, if only.

"Despite his desire to fill the role of the Queen, none can replace my mother," I said. "She was created to become the Queen."


I looked at him rather thoughtfully. I probably shouldn't have said that to him. He may not know the creation of the three realms as he was nothing but creation as well. The knowledge of it has been recorded and kept away from any curious eyes, hidden inside one of the many rooms here.

"The Chief created her to be his eternal partner. Her sole purpose was to be his Queen, to be by his side forever," I said and looked away wistfully, before adding, "It's a sad thing really, I don't blame her for wanting to leave and pursue a different purpose."

"Where is she now?" he asked.

"She's sealed away in the mortal realm," I answered flatly. "Never to wake and see the light."