
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 3

He looked proud of his name as if it meant to mean something. 

We waited for a few more beats but got no more information after that. He looked adamant in not giving more. Exchanging deadpanned looks, we knew there was something important that he was hiding from us and Damon eventually excused himself to go back to his sentry duties – hiding a smile as he left.

I took an extra few seconds to restore my garden and pond to it's former glory. The monkey was taken aback at the spells used and watched them at work in awe. I could feel a headache forming so I headed inside – walking towards the tea room. I had enough problems haunting me. The monkey bounded after me rather eagerly like he had not destroyed my garden and terrorised my precious koi fishes in the pond. 

He didn't offer an apology either.

What a crude monkey.

The tea room as it's colloquially called was in fact a decent-sized room where I drink my tea and relax after a hard day of work by staring at my beautiful koi pond and garden. The floor was covered with a soft mat and a low table was set in the middle of the room, with plenty of pillows scattered around it. By the corner was a single aroma stick – to calm the nerves.

At the back of the room, I got the kettle boiling while I prepared tea for two people. I liked to do it by myself much to the chagrin of my staff who were trained to do such things and I learned the specific way to make delicious tea – just so I was in control of it. I was a very petty princess.

The monkey had bounded over into the room and settled himself down – eager and full of life. I could sense his power behind me. I feel like I recognised the source of his power but I cannot tell where I knew this. It felt familiar to me, but I do not remember it well.

He took a deep whiff. "Are you making tea?" he asked.

The side door slid open suddenly and three female staff entered the room swiftly, helping me to remove the ceremonial robes, the golden wreath, and the bulky cloak before replacing them with my usual attire which are comfortable to wear. They were light and breathable; only worn within the comfort of my estate.

"If you like that sort of thing, Aidan," I replied to his question as I turned around to set the tray on the table and poured tea into the two cups. I took one cup and took a sip, letting out a sigh of relief. "Drink up."

I sat back on the pillow to watch the monkey before me. I was curious about him and his actions. I was curious at his determination. I have never seen such tenacity before. "Did you come knowing that those peaches give you immortality?" I asked. "The infamous thousand-year peach banquet."

"No, I was really hungry," he said innocently as he took the cup and gulped the tea down even though it was piping hot. He smacked his lips as he let out a satisfied sound and set the cup down on its coaster. "Ascending to heaven makes one really hungry. The peaches tasted very delicious and I couldn't help it."

"Well congratulations, you're immortal now," I said, unimpressed at his reasons. "And the bane in my life."


"I'm stuck with your unruliness because of your peach-eating nonsense that caused a big ruckus in the Changing of Guards' ceremony," I explained angrily. I was not amused with his actions. In fact, I was still annoyed. "Father was not pleased. You should be lucky you're not sent to the dungeon."


I took a deep breath to calm myself down and fanned my face to cool down. I need to go and get my temper in check. This was not healthy for me. I am supposed to be gentle and grace. I am the Crown Princess, I have an image to uphold. This monkey is upending everything elegant in my life! This was not good at all. My reputation is at stake here, I grumbled to myself.

"Do you mean to tell me that the Chief of Heaven is your father?" he asked in bewilderment as his eyes widened in shock and he pointed an accusing finger at me. "You're his daughter!"

I rolled my eyes as I sipped more tea. "Obviously. That's how biology works."

Aidan slammed his hand on the table – causing it to split into two before he threw himself at me, mouth open in a raging snarl. He crashed into me hard. We collided through the wall and ended up on the ground outside. I landed with Aidan straddling me, his weight keeping me pinned on the ground and his hand went to my throat.

"This is not sexy at all," I grumbled as I grabbed his wrist. "If you'd please let go."

"You should pay for what you've done!"

"I think you should direct your anger to my Father," I said flatly and groaned again. His weight is cutting off the oxygen supply. "I'm asking you nicely, get off me now."

He growled angrily, the noise vibrating deep inside his chest and I watched in fascination as his front canines somehow grew longer in length, mimicking an animal before he bit me. On the neck. I let out a scream – a mix of horror and disgust – and stunned him with my magic, knocking him out cold.

What the fuck?!

My terrified scream caught the attention of all my staff who came running from their duties to see me gasping on all fours, with the monkey knocked out cold. I was bleeding from the neck – blood spurting out from the bite as he had taken a huge chunk out of my skin, muscle, and whatever not.

"Your Highness!" 

They were horrified to see me covered in blood. Witnessing their beloved Crown Princess drenched in blood was not part of their daily life and they had not experienced bloodshed either. Thus, they stood there in apparent shock, taking in the blood that was dripping down my neck, and staining my clothes. 

"I … I'll get the physician!"

I sat up, gasping hard as I pressed a palm on my throat. I tried to slow down my racing heart, remaining calm was imminent. Warm blood was flowing down my arm and staining my sleeve. I felt icky and rattled but I tried not to show it to my staff. They all looked terrified and pale and I didn't want to frighten them more. 

"Oh I'll live, don't worry about me," I said as I pointed a bloody finger at the damned monkey passed out ways away. "Make sure he gets cleaned up."

"But Your Highness -"

"I'll be okay," I said firmly. "I can heal."

That was a day ago.

Now, it is morning. I was seated in front of a mirror in the dining room. Hearing a crash in the distance and a few screams of fear from my staff, I paid no heed to the noise as I inspected the bite mark on my neck. No matter how much I tried to cast the healing spell, the damn bite mark won't disappear.

I stared glumly at the mark. It was huge. It was ugly. It was horrendous. It stood out badly in my clothes and I cannot find a way to hide it. Oh, the questions that will be directed by it. I shudder in disgust. The door to the room slid open with a loud bang. The frame and the leaf shook in a shudder. 

I should reinforce that. 

"Ah, I see you're awake," I said nonchalantly, without turning to look.

"What did you do to me?" he yelled accusingly.

Sighing deeply, I turned around to face him. I had the staff cut his hair and gave him a shave and a needed bath. They must've scrubbed the dirt off his skin as he looked radiant. His shabby clothes were replaced with the staff's uniform. The crown still sits on his cranium. Now, he looked presentable, much less than a hobo and he looked like my servant.

Even though I don't want it.

"I cleaned you up even though you almost destroyed my garden and terrorized my koi fishes. You were rude to my staff and you destroyed my property even after I gave you tea," I reminded flatly. "If I remember correctly, I didn't give you a bite mark on the neck that I can't heal. What did you not do?"

He looked at me pointedly. 



I glared at him. "You should be grateful," I said flatly as I assessed his newfound look. He looked handsome even. "I'm not allowing anyone who is under my charge to look like a hobo. I have an image to protect and I pride on my staff - and servant to look their absolute best. You are the servant of the Crown Princess."

"I don't look like a hobo."

I sucked in a deep breath. His words were scathing. It made my temper soar. I tried to remain calm. "You look like a monkey," I said through gritted teeth. "At least now, you look more human-like even though you aren't."

The side door slid open and three of my Court Ladies entered carrying trays of food. I watched as Aidan's eyes widened with surprise upon seeing the many foods that were being laid out on the table and he looked like he was starving. I waited until they were finished arranging the plates and utensils and left before I spoke.

"Now I want to lay some ground rules," I said as I rested my back against the pillow. "Sit down."

He sat down without complaint. 

"Rule No 1: No breaking of any furniture, garden or koi fishes."

"Rule No. 2: Don't harass my staff. They are here to work, so don't make their lives harder."

"Rule No. 3: You are my servant, you carry my name. Behave yourself here. We have many eyes that are watching you."

His eyes have misted over by now. He was not listening to anything that I was saying here. I sighed in disbelief, kneaded my nose bridge, muttering under my breath to give patience, and wondered if Father was enjoying watching me suffer, trying to handle this uncontrollable buffoon.

I tapped the table – trying to get his attention. "I need you to agree to all the rules before you start eating and forget them," I said and brought out a piece of paper, showing him the rules that were written on it. "I want you to agree to them on paper."

I don't trust him enough to abide by the rules verbally.

The monkey did not spare a glance to the contents written on the paper as he signed. It disappeared into gold incantations and swirled into his crown - making it glow for a few seconds before disappearing. I don't think the monkey noticed either. He was too focused on the array of foods in front of him. 


"Let's eat."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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