
Angel with Black Wings

In a celestial realm, Athena, an angel with black wings, becomes infatuated with a mysterious being rumored to be the devil. Born as Crown Princess, she tries to find out the truth about the being. The more she tried to uncover, the more she was forbidden not to. There were secrets buried in the two realms and it might cost a war if uncovered.

littlebirdy · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 19

"Aidan Shafiq."

His ears flickered upon hearing his name, yet he remained fixed on the lava rock I had bestowed upon him. Knowing he was listening, I persisted.

"Father's wedding will be accompanied by an unceasing celebration, and I need you to display impeccable behavior," I said. "Can you manage that?"

Once more, his ears twitched, and he nodded in silence. When I offered no further words, he bounded away, disappearing into the distance. His behavior, increasingly resembling that of a mischievous monkey, though less perilous than before, left me hopeful for improvement.

But it might not endure, I mused.

To my left, my Head Court Lady appeared quietly, offering a respectful bow before she made her way towards me. "I've gathered the information you sought, Crown Princess," she murmured to my ear.

Alas, the news that I have been waiting for. 

"Tell me, Althea."

"The King's future Queen is expecting a son," she revealed. "The child is due to arrive on the Autumn Solstice."

An heir. A boy. My destiny has shifted.

The revelation about the royal concubine carrying the child of the Chief of Heaven had swiftly disseminated across all realms, garnering unanimous acceptance. It was embraced with unbridled joy and anticipation, celebrated as a herald of new life and hope by beings of every ilk, their hearts aglow with optimism and elation. Plentiful of gifts and words of congratulations, in many ranges were sent from all corners of the realms and it filled up the Royal Palace.

In the corridors of the Royal Court, a palpable buzz permeated the air, signaling the commencement of preparations for the impending royal wedding. The stately chambers, usually abuzz with courtly affairs, now teemed with an added fervor and purpose.

Servants hurried along the halls, their footsteps echoing in tandem with the orchestrated chaos that had engulfed the grand palace. They bustled about, draped in resplendent fabrics of royal colors, swiftly attending to the myriad tasks at hand. Some meticulously arranged floral displays, weaving vibrant blooms into extravagant arrangements that would grace the halls and adorn the ceremonial venues.

Artisans, with deft hands and unwavering focus, crafted elaborate decorations and intricate ornaments, each meticulously designed to exude opulence and magnificence. Every detail was attended to with meticulous care, from the regal tapestries adorning the walls to the gilded fixtures that glimmered in the soft glow of candlelight.

The air hummed with an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation as nobles and dignitaries from far-flung kingdoms arrived, their presence heralding the grandeur of the upcoming event. They were greeted with gracious welcomes and elaborate feasts, where alliances were forged amidst the ambiance of celebration and merriment.

Amidst the fervent preparations, the Royal Court itself seemed to pulsate with an ethereal energy—an anticipation for a joyous union, a mingling of hearts and realms. The palace, bedecked in opulence and elegance, was a canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of love and unity, as the Royal Court readied itself to host the grandeur of a royal wedding, an event destined to be etched in the annals of history.

Today marked the grand wedding day—a lavish banquet sprawled across the open courtyard of the Royal Palace grounds, promising a night filled with abundant entertainment. The festivities were set to endure until dawn, offering a jubilant celebration. Aware of the Chief's favorable disposition, I couldn't fathom missing such a momentous occasion.

Otherwise, risking his ire meant facing the possibility of banishment.

In my opulent chambers, an air of bustling excitement enveloped the space as the momentous day of the royal wedding drew near. The room was alive with a symphony of activity, resonating with the clinking of delicate jewelry, the rustle of sumptuous fabrics, and the soft murmur of preparations.

I stood at the heart of the whirlwind, adorned in a resplendent gown of regal satin and intricate lace—a creation that draped my figure in elegance and grace. My attire, a tapestry of rich hues and intricate embroidery, shimmered in the soft glow of candlelight, radiating that befits my station.

My court ladies, equally resplendent in their finest regalia, encircled me in a flurry of motion. Each lady was adorned in attire that exuded sophistication, meticulously chosen to complement the grandeur of the occasion. Embellished with my emblem — a symbol of her lineage and authority—their attire bore the mark of loyalty and camaraderie.

Gossamer veils cascaded gracefully over their hair, woven with delicate adornments that caught the light, bestowing an ethereal quality upon their appearance. Their ensembles, a harmonious blend of refined elegance and dignified poise, bespoke a unity in purpose and devotion to their princess.

As they readied themselves in anticipation of the ceremony, we ladies exuded an aura of magnificence and regality. We stood resplendent, a vision of timeless grace and noble bearing, ready to grace the royal wedding with their presence and honor the occasion with their unmatched elegance and loyalty.

Emerging from the ornate halls of the palace, the entourage traversed corridors adorned with lavish tapestries and adorned with glistening chandeliers. Every inch of the passageways seemed to whisper of grandeur and festivity, decked in opulent decorations befitting a momentous royal celebration.

We moved in a procession of regal elegance. Each step echoed against wooden floors as we traversed the corridors, our attire—resplendent silks and sumptuous fabrics—glinting in the cascading light that filtered through stained glass windows.

Upon reaching the threshold leading to the palace grounds, the scene transformed into a breathtaking display of opulence and refinement. The courtyard itself had been transformed into a fairytale setting—a tapestry of vibrant colors and magnificent embellishments. Canopies of billowing silk fluttered gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows upon the ground.

Floral arrangements of rare blossoms adorned every corner, their fragrance mingling in the air, infusing the atmosphere with an intoxicating perfume. Cascading ribbons and gossamer fabrics danced from archways and adorned pillars, creating an ethereal canopy that swayed in harmony with the gentle whispers of the wind.

The entire expanse of the courtyard was a masterpiece of intricate design, every detail meticulously curated to elevate the occasion to unprecedented heights of splendor. The resplendent decor, the lush foliage, and the elegant embellishments all converged to create an ambiance befitting the majesty of a royal wedding—a sight that would linger in the memories of all who bore witness to the enchanting spectacle.

The resonating voice of the Royal Announcer echoed through the expanse of the courtyard, heralding my arrival. As I stepped into view, I beheld a remarkable sight: a gathering encompassing all denizens of the palace grounds, from those serving within the palace to the esteemed residents of the Rear Palace. A unified hush fell over the assembly as they rose from their seats in unison, offering a respectful traditional bow—a collective gesture of reverence for their Crown Princess, accompanied by a heartfelt greeting that echoed across the expanse.

Graced by the company of my Court Ladies, a smile naturally adorned my face as I made my entrance, proceeding to take my designated seat on the right-hand side. As I settled, the attentive ladies delicately adjusted my flowing garments to perfection. Across from me, Damon had already assumed his place on the left-hand side, his countenance an inscrutable mask. A silent exchange of nods between us conveyed a wordless greeting, the air thick with unspoken sentiments.

A palpable anticipation permeating the air. The regal atmosphere swelled with an expectant murmur, the gentle rustle of fine garments, and the whispered excitement of the assembled guests. Suddenly, the booming voice of the Royal Announcer echoed, heralding the arrival of the Chief and the new Queen Consort. At that moment, a wave of reverent silence swept across the courtyard, as all eyes turned to behold the approaching monarchs.

With graceful strides, they emerged, their presence commanding attention as they moved with effortless majesty. The exquisite garments adorning them shimmered in the sunlight, embellished with opulent designs that bespoke their royal status.

As the royal couple traversed the courtyard, their subjects greeted them with reverent bows. The assembled musicians, positioned strategically throughout the venue, began to play a symphony that swelled in harmony with the procession, filling the atmosphere with regal notes dancing in the air.

The ambiance was rich with celebration, the air infused with the sweet melodies of the musical ensemble. Applause rose from the crowd, their jubilant exultations accompanying the monarchs on their grand entrance. It was a moment where time seemed to pause, encapsulating the grandeur and splendor of the occasion.

I watched as they went to the podium surrounded by ceremonial music and the murmurs of dignitaries, and their children. I kept the sinking feeling in my chest as I watched Father exchange vows with Hestia. The moment when the King and Queen unite in matrimony is a scene of unparalleled grandeur and solemnity. 

They had no officiating figure, as Father was the Creator so his blessings and words of union bonded the couple that is destined to endure through time. It was a peculiar thing, watching your Father get married to a woman younger than you who is pregnant with your step-sibling. I dare not show my true feelings on my face.

The atmosphere brims with an aura of reverence and anticipation. The assembled guests bear witness to this momentous occasion, their faces reflecting a mix of joy and respect for the union of their beloved monarchs.

The exchange of rings, symbols of eternal commitment, takes place amidst a chorus of blessings from clergy and celebrants alike. A sacred silence blankets the courtyard, punctuated only by the whispered promises of love and loyalty exchanged between the two. With a tender embrace and a shared gaze filled with unspoken promises, they seal their union with a kiss—a symbolic act that marks the beginning of a shared journey.

As the applause and jubilation of the crowd fill the air, Chief and Queen Consort, now united in marriage, step forward hand in hand, radiating an aura of regal unity and boundless love, ready to embark on their new chapter as the crowned couple, inspiring admiration and hope among their subjects.

They turned and waved to everyone in attendance; before making their way towards their throne. Upon reaching, both Damon and I stood up to greet them.

"Congratulations, Father," I said, as I bowed to the newlyweds - giving them my blessings and good fortune and turned to my new mother. "Welcome to the family, Your Majesty."


Hestia was beautiful and glowing radiantly. Her ceremonial dress and headgear showed off her status as the Queen's Consort. On her finger was the ring Father had given to her and her belly was carefully hidden underneath the layers of clothes. She was a delightful person who beamed at me happily. She brought me to an embrace, much to my surprise. 

"I'm glad to be part of the family," she said with a smile as she pressed a kiss on my cheek. "I hope we can get along well, Athena my dear."

I felt an uncomfortable tension, anchoring me in place as she released me, her grin wide. A sense of hesitation lingered within me as she embraced my younger brother. Damon appeared equally startled. Could this be the reason Father married her? My lips, parched, received a nervous lick as I resumed my seat, my mind troubled and perplexed.

As the newlyweds ventured to greet the arriving guests, my eyes caught sight of Aidan navigating through the crowd, weaving his way past numerous attendees and servants. A furrow formed on my brow as I observed him, hoping that he would heed my counsel and refrain from causing any disturbance on this auspicious evening.

After approximately twenty minutes, the couple returned to their seats, prompting me to straighten myself. Servants emerged, bringing forth a table before us, signaling the commencement of the feast. I observed them arranging the table, meticulously placing the finest dishes and beverages while mindful of Father's watchful eye.

"Athena, I wish you could control that mischievous monkey of yours," Father chided suddenly.

I perked up from my seat when I heard him. "Yes, Father."

"He's eaten the food meant for the guests," he said.

"I'll reprimand him, Father."


"I'll let it slide for today," he said. "It is a good day."

"Thank you, Father," I said. "If you'd excuse me."

Bowing, I slipped away from the throne and quietly left the courtyard, heading along the darkened parts to summon the monkey who was probably ravaging the food in the kitchen. Not a second after, he arrived encased in the magic bubble with a face filled with betrayal and I gave him a pointed look as he fell to the ground. 

"What are you doing, Aidan?" I asked.

"… Nothing."

"I told you to behave today."

He refused to look me in the eyes. He was frowning, and a pout was forming on his lips. He was thinking about something and he was upset about something. Eating food that was not meant for him was one of his many peculiar ways of acting out. I knew because I learned about it the hard way.

"You look beautiful," he said instead. 


I sighed. "Can't you behave for today?" I asked quietly. "It's their wedding day. I don't plan on getting scolded for your unruly behavior."

He huffed. "You're going to marry someone else," he grumbled. "I'm still not happy about it."

I grabbed his face, covering my hand over his mouth, cursing at his statement. "Mind your tongue, Aidan," I growled. Of all the nonsensical things he says, he had to say this thing here right amid the wedding. There were many ears and eyes here, we need to be very careful.


"Behave yourself, I'm heading back to the wedding," I said. "I don't want to use the crown on you."

He huffed again and ran away.

This is getting ridiculous.