
Angel vs Demon: A Bookstore Keeper Tale

Marie struggles with her angel and demon. Her angel wants her to stay good and not do anything frowned upon. While lets face it her demon is a bit of a whore and just wants Marie to get off of her no men dry spell. This book is about Marie trying to find a happy medium. She just wants to be happy and actually have a love life while balancing running her bookstore.

Danielle_Bartley · Fantasy
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To Get Naked or Not to Get Naked That is The Question

As soon as we parked in my drive way we were back at it again. Back when I was a little more adventurious and didn't care I wouldn't mind giving a quick blow job in a dark corner. But I have a perfectly good bed not even 200 feet away. I wanted Myke naked and in my bed. I wanted no one around in case we got loud. I had butterflies as I unlocked my door. When I started to open the door Myke picked me up and asked me where the bedroom was. Apparently he was tired of waiting to.

I am not usually the bold type but I told Myke living room is to the left , the bedroom is straight up the stairs. Up to him where we go. If he wants to continue on the path we are on now then the living room, if he waned to get naked then up the stairs.... We went straight up the stairs. Myke set me down only long enough to re lock the door and to turn the staircase light on. He practically ran us up the stairs, took them two at a time.

We slowed the pace at the top of the stairs to open and shut the door. Myke set me down ad I turned on my bedroom light. I gave a little nervious laugh. Giving a sexy grin Myke started walking my way. He wrapped his arms around me locking me into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The smell of Old Spice and male filled my senses driving me a little crazy. I must have growned because the next thing I know we were kissing like we could not get enough of eachother.

I ran my hands to the hem of Mykes shirtand untucked it. Fumbled with the buttons, I didn't care I wanted skin on skin I could not wait a second longer. I started pulling Myke's shirt over his head. We both had the same thought. We broke our kiss just long enough to get the rest of our clothes off. Like a magnet or mouths were back on each other. Myke picked me up again and carried me to the bed.

Once on the bed his mouth started lowering. Slowly kissing my neck, slowly kissing my collar bones. He slowly found his way to my nipple, at a flick of his tongue my nipples instantly went hard. I could feel the heat rushing through out my body. Myke continued exploring downward... He ran kisses along my rib cage, to my stomach, stopped at my hip bone. He looked up and grined at me I thught he was going to work his way back up to my mouth. No he started to go lower, I could feel his breath on my pussy. I held my breath I wasn't sure what Myke's next move was going to be.

Myke slowly parted my lips with his fingers. Circled his fingers in a slow light circle just to tease me. He flashed me one last grin and licked me. I about jumped his tongue was so warm. He kept giving me slow kisses then he would randomly bite or suck. I could not lay still I wanted more I thrusted my hips to try to get closer. Myke grabbed me by my hips and held me still. He plunged his tongue deep inside me.

Before I could cum Myke changed possitions and slowly slipped inside me. I climaxed on the first thrust. I was so wet I could not only feel but hear each thrust we were making. Myke growned, I wrapped my legs around him to meet each thrust for thrust. I wanted him as hard and deep as he could get. I could feel myself building up again. I squeezed Mykes dick, who knew keggles would play off so well. With a growl Mkye pulled out and rolled me over.

Before I could even miss his dick he thrusted back inside of me. Doggy style is one of my favorite possitions. Myke grabbed a handful of my hair pulled my hair back. This position made me arch my back which was fine with me. I raised my ass so Myke could get deeper. I rocked back to meet each thrust. I bit my wrist so I would not scream out loud. Myke bit my neck out of nowhere and I was lost. I could no long hold back my screams of "oh yes, fuck yes, oh god". I exploded with a grown. I could barely move my legs were twitching. Myke thrusted a couple more times and callapsed on top of me.

We were both breathing hard trying to catch our breaths. Neither one of us could or wanted to move. Slowly Myke pulled out of me, I kind of felt empty with out him inside of me. We both laid there cuddling. After awhile we decided to jump in my shower. Which being in the shower was fun in itself.