
Angel vs Demon: A Bookstore Keeper Tale

Marie struggles with her angel and demon. Her angel wants her to stay good and not do anything frowned upon. While lets face it her demon is a bit of a whore and just wants Marie to get off of her no men dry spell. This book is about Marie trying to find a happy medium. She just wants to be happy and actually have a love life while balancing running her bookstore.

Danielle_Bartley · Fantasy
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I Guess I Don't Get a Say

Between Myke and Annie my afternoon plans were made for me. I should just hire ANnie to run my store for me. SInce this will be two nights in a row that Lacey Rose and Annie have ran the place. Does Annie even work her real job?

So I guess the game plan for the day was to go to Rivers Park and do some trails. Go back to my place and kill some time: winky winky. Then go to dinner at a place of my choosing. Possibly a movie then back to my place. I guess tonight is supposed to be serious date night.

We left the store at noon apparently I was not needed. I just hoped when I got back to the bookstore Annie had not performed a full make over of my place. Love the ladies but I like my little store the way it is. I am open to improvemnet but I am not down for changing the homey feeling of the place.

I let Myke drive to Rivers park. The place was beautiful and a lot bigger than Miko Park. Usually not one of those places that is every packed. We walked over the visitors board there were six different trails. Most were only about a mile or a mile and a half long. There was only one big trail and it was three mile long, which was good.

We started out by walking the river walk. But somehow we ended up crossing a bridge which I am not sure but I don't think that was part of that particular path. We did not overly care it was beautiful. You could see bright blue peaking through the tree tops. Birds were singing to each other and playing in water puddles. There were a couple of squirrels doing their thing. One barked at us as we walked by.

I could tell we were getting further away from the River walk. One we couldn't see the river anymore. Two we could not hear the river anymore. One would think there would be directional signs letting you know "hey you are here" would be up so many feet, but no wrong. At least I am not wearing a red cape on the way to grandma's with my basket of goodies. So I guess it is alright being a little lost. Well as long as the Big Bad Wolf doesn't come out from the middle of nowhere.

As we rounded the corner there was a cute little bench set up underneath a large maple tree. The view over looked a small creek. Wildflowers were growing everywhere. I have no clue what they are called but they kind of looked like Sweet Williams. Myke asked me if I wanted to set down for awhile. So we sat down and talked abut random stuff for about ten minutes. Next thing I know I am in Myke's lap. When he leaned in to kiss me I ran my hands a cross his chest.

The more we got into the kiss the closer we became. Hands running across each others backs keeping us together. Myke ran his hand up the back of my shirt and unclasped my bra. Warm hands cupped my breast. He moved his mouth from mine and started trailing kisses to my neck. I squirmed on his lap. I could feel how much Myke wanted me through his jeans. I wanted his so bad that I couldn't see straight.

There was no way I was waiting an hour to have this man inside me. Apparently Myke felt the same way. H e stood up and had me follow. At the edge of the woods he picked me up and carried me far enough into the woods that you couldn't see us from the path. If someone happened to walk by. We quickly looked for cameras and deer cams we didn't see any.

I had changed into a pair of shorts after work. Thank goodness they had an elastic waist band which made for easy access. I couldn't wait much longer I needed Myke inside me. Yes demon bitch you are winning today! Myke walked us over to a huge sugar maple. I faced the tree and put both hands on the bark. Myke slid in behind me and pulled my shorts down, the fell to the ground. He bent me over and in one thrust he was inside me. I had to try my damnedest not to make any noise.

With each hard thrust I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. I would not last long I was so freaking close. Myke bit my shoulder and I exploded. I don't know if I made a noise or not I was lost in the moment. I didn't care if I scared every animal and walker for twenty miles. Myke grabbed my hips and thrusted harder and harder. I almost screamed with pleasure. I could feel myself building all over again. Myke wrapped one arm around my waist and his other hand went between my legs. The combination of his had and thrust were amazing. I climaxed so hard my legs almost went out from under me. Myke exploded in a hot burst.

After we caught our breath Myke turned me around and kissed my forehead. About that time a very pissed off squirrel decided he wanted our tree so we quickly got dressed and found our way back to the car. We decided to watch a movie back at my place and settled foe Applebee's appetizers. I ordered while Myke drive.