
Angel System

Seraph’s life is a sad one, bullied on a day to day basis, his emotions and feelings slowly become numb to interaction… his eyes dull and his body weak he can only hold in his rage and despair deep within his heart. However, one day he sits down in class and realizes that his seat has disappeared thinking it was another prank he fell down onto grass? Looking up he sees a system? His entire class is with him and this time humans aren’t in charge of this new world...instead it’s the monsters in the forests. ________ “On earth they said, Beauty is held in the eyes of the beholder.” A sensual woman's voice swayed through the void. “ Such a good quote, however it’s so untrue don’t you think?” A cold man’s voice replied “ What do you mean?” The sensual woman giggled, “Well… Once upon a time, I came down to meet the humans, I considered myself as the most beautiful woman in the world, in the eyes of all in heaven I was considered the most beautiful- even the lord recognized this...however every single one of the humans shunned me at a glance. Met with fits of screams and anguished cries, I got really depressed... “ “Get to the point.” The Cold Man’s voice sharply interrupted the women. “Oh, Oh just wait. It gets better.” The sensual woman replied and then continued “ The next time i saw another man. I graciously approached, Bowed head, a dazzling smile on my face. I remember wearing the best thing I owned at the time.” “ A beautiful victorian dress with white frills. I perfectly embodied the word of elegance. Not even a queen could compete against me...however, I was shunned once more. The man even called me monster.” “So I did the only thing, I thought was proper…so I took him.” “Really, what then?” A gruff voice was heard in the void. “When did you come out of your hole?” The cold man asked. “Shush, I’m listening to the story!” An elegant man’s voice came through the void. “Hum, It seems as if everyones here.” The most beautiful feminine voice said through the void. The sensual woman laughed “I never knew my story could attract such a crowd.” She continued “but let’s continue… After taking him I went to work. I gave him soo many gifts, I gave him so much of my love just like in any relation we gave and took from each other… In the end, his eyes beheld my beauty.” “Then where is he?” The gruff man’s voice spoke “What do you mean? You're looking at him aren’t you?”

1Hamster1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


Seraph slowly roused himself awake, Groggily rubbing his eyes he panned his gaze around. The tent had an all natural feel to it a bit of light shined into the tent and onto his body and also on his clothes which were placed to the side on top of some wolf fur with the bible placed on top of it all untouched. His clothes still looked refreshed and clean despite the many bouts he had with John yesterday.

'The mages really do a good job.' He slowly straightened his back, pulling his legs back as he stood up straight in his cozy fur bed. The light from outside slowly poured in tickling his body and making him feel a bit warmer.

He stretched out his body, then poked his head outside to look at the sun.

'Hm?' He glared at the sky 'I'm late!'

He pulled himself into the tent, picking up his clothes he put them on quickly. He strapped on his leather armor chestplate and picked up the knife that he sneakily hid under his pillow every night. He was speedy and his clothes looked disheveled with the way they were crudely tossed on his body.

He almost ran out of the tent, before he whipped his head around scooped up the bible in one arm and ran out the tent. The light outside the tent engulfed his body, he momentarily stopped to look at the beauty of the sky and the camp 'Oh this really never gets old…' Before snapping his head to the trail he had to go on.

His legs kicked off the ground and began pulling him into a sprint to his location. He felt the wind coil around his body as he shot forward, 'I'm really faster than usual…'

By the time his body had begun to move he realized he had already passed a few tents, 'Is this what being athletic feels like?' he chalked it up to his two new points in agility

A smile spread across his face, 'I'm really making some time getting there!'

A minute had passed and he felt like he was already halfway there, the camp was only relatively big and his speed was going relatively faster than his norm.

He neared his rendezvous point with john, but his body suddenly became slugged and his speed decreased to half as a sense of dread crawled up his back and made its way to his shoulder like a spider. The dread stayed on his shoulder for a moment before a sudden thought popped into his head.

'I'm being followed.'

Seraph had to resist the urge to turn around and stop completely, he wanted to look around and call out the person to come out ,but his body and mind prevented him from doing that. It kept him calm and when the sudden realization and dread impacted his head. He felt the cool coldness from the system keep him calm.

'How many of them?' The dread seemed to speak to him like a third eye, 'Two or one? No definitely one… there's one person following me.'

He slowed down his speed and then stopped momentarily, placing his hands on his knees and panting. He then looked up and began running again this time in a more leisurely jog pace. His sudden decrease in speed looked very unnatural so he wanted to cover it up with the tense that he was just getting tired from his mad dash, he also wanted to use this opportunity to gather up energy for another mad sprint if he needed to.

His eyes searched whatever was in front of him, he looked in the shadows and the passings in between the tents before he suddenly thought that he couldn't discard the possibility that they were using a skill…

If they were using a skill then he would never find them at all. In fact, he would be at an entire disadvantage. He kept his eyes forward, he didn't know the skill set of all the assassins and rogues; he barely had any contact with anyone of their class. Those he did have brief contact with were mostly a few girls that had greeted him on the street…

Seraph turned, pulling himself into a more populated area. The areas he was sure people were in at the moment not doing anything, Seraph wanted to take the most direct way to John's meeting place but he had to change his plans because of his 'stalker'.

Then just like that, Seraph felt a sense of coolness enrapture his mind, the spider-like dread climbed back down his shoulder and onto his back where it promptly disappeared 'They stopped?'

He eventually reached John's rendezvous point 'Why did they suddenly stop? Wait when did they even begin following me?' He couldn't get the events of this morning out of his head because of this he was super cautious and continued to the meeting place at the same speed.

Upon arrival, Seraph looked around and found that no one was there. He became worried after ten minutes of waiting. He was about to rush to John's usual place when he saw John arrive from a completely different direction that he was expecting.

John had a short spear leaning against his armored fur shoulder, his armor was a mixture between a barbarian and a warriors outfit. Fur shoulder pads with his forearm and hand completely covered in black fur, looking toward his chest seraph could see a perfect leather plate that encompassed his entire torso with a few leather straps that connected the leather to the shoulder pads and the shoulder pads to the fur gauntlets.

John took large steps, "You like what you see?"

Seraph approached a little angry "Why are you so late?! You were the one who set the time and told me to come on time!"

John simply smiled and rubbed the back of his head "Ya see, I got a little caught up with something on the way here."

Seraph looked at john and immediately thought back to his stalker 'Did he also get followed? Did he deal with them?'

Before Seraph could even ask John a question, John began walking into the forest with a swift "Let's go! We gotta make up time!"

Seraph paused before immediately began running after John, who began running when they saw that Seraph was ready.

After ten minutes of running, they began slowing down. They weren't running on full speed initially so the sudden slowing made seraph confused.

"Don't worry, kid. We're almost there." John saw seraph's confusion and turned his head to relay the message.

After another minute of jogging, John suddenly said "Seraph." John closed his eyes and seemed to recall something "If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points and imitate them, and the bad points and correct them in myself."

"Do you know who said that seraph?"

Seraph looked at John, "I don't know…"

John continued jogging without stopping, "It's a Confucius quote. The meaning is pretty understandable, pick out the good advice from the bad advice." John paused before continuing "I want you to do that with my teachings, I'm not the best fighter in the world. I can't claim to be the best either. My style is ordinary, learnt by all of my masters' thousand disciples; each style is exactly the same, not a slight difference. We couldn't change it slightly, we were forced to learn it that way."

John sighed momentarily, Seraph couldn't see his face but after that he just paused as if he was thinking something over before continuing "I've only given you half of that style, I need you to make the other half up."

Seraph nodded, his face contorted into confusion 'Why does it sound like he's saying goodbye?'

"Good." Seraph could see John look back at him, his face was like steel "Also, this ain't a quote but always remember to trust in god. Hes got his eye looking at you specifically."

"Wha-" Before seraph could ask a question, john leapt into the air and kicked off a tree bolting forward.

Seraph was forced to focus on running after John, he attempted to do the same thing John did to only end up face flat on the ground. John stopped to look at Seraph and slowly got off the ground "Come on! We need to hurry up, before the wolves get near!"

"Wait!" As soon as Seraph got off the ground, he was forced to follow John again.