
Angel System

Seraph’s life is a sad one, bullied on a day to day basis, his emotions and feelings slowly become numb to interaction… his eyes dull and his body weak he can only hold in his rage and despair deep within his heart. However, one day he sits down in class and realizes that his seat has disappeared thinking it was another prank he fell down onto grass? Looking up he sees a system? His entire class is with him and this time humans aren’t in charge of this new world...instead it’s the monsters in the forests. ________ “On earth they said, Beauty is held in the eyes of the beholder.” A sensual woman's voice swayed through the void. “ Such a good quote, however it’s so untrue don’t you think?” A cold man’s voice replied “ What do you mean?” The sensual woman giggled, “Well… Once upon a time, I came down to meet the humans, I considered myself as the most beautiful woman in the world, in the eyes of all in heaven I was considered the most beautiful- even the lord recognized this...however every single one of the humans shunned me at a glance. Met with fits of screams and anguished cries, I got really depressed... “ “Get to the point.” The Cold Man’s voice sharply interrupted the women. “Oh, Oh just wait. It gets better.” The sensual woman replied and then continued “ The next time i saw another man. I graciously approached, Bowed head, a dazzling smile on my face. I remember wearing the best thing I owned at the time.” “ A beautiful victorian dress with white frills. I perfectly embodied the word of elegance. Not even a queen could compete against me...however, I was shunned once more. The man even called me monster.” “So I did the only thing, I thought was proper…so I took him.” “Really, what then?” A gruff voice was heard in the void. “When did you come out of your hole?” The cold man asked. “Shush, I’m listening to the story!” An elegant man’s voice came through the void. “Hum, It seems as if everyones here.” The most beautiful feminine voice said through the void. The sensual woman laughed “I never knew my story could attract such a crowd.” She continued “but let’s continue… After taking him I went to work. I gave him soo many gifts, I gave him so much of my love just like in any relation we gave and took from each other… In the end, his eyes beheld my beauty.” “Then where is he?” The gruff man’s voice spoke “What do you mean? You're looking at him aren’t you?”

1Hamster1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Another Area (4)

[High Elf Killed!]

[25 Xp Gained]

[1 Soul Gained]


Seraph swept his gaze across, the small open field. The trees at the outside stood tall enough to block out the sunlight allowing only small little rays of sunlight to trickle onto his body. Blood covered his spear and body and two rigid arrows stuck out of his figure, he looked like the grim reaper and his spear that was still deeply embedded into Aiwal's chest slowly slithered out as he turned around to look at two children who were watching the entire thing happen.

The Eldest one, froze. But then quickly held onto their smaller sibling and turned his back to seraph in an attempt to shield his sibling away from the monster that was seraph. Seraph couldn't blame them, he was ruthless in his ways of handling things. He completely understood the outcome of the battle as soon as his spear pierced Evindal.

Emotion in battle can be a profound gift at some times but it could also become someone's greatest downfall. Anger came to make some people bold and irrational, Fear can make the bold reclusive and defensive. However, in a battle between the skilled a moment's hesitation can prove deadly, being too bold and too irrational can prove deadly. The moment Aiwal decided to forgo all defense and sought only to attack, his fate was sealed and the same could be said for Eiwal.

After the fight, Seraph's cold gaze softened and the heavy restrictions placed on his emotions were gently lifted. 'Thank you.'

[You're welcome]

Seraph knelt down, his hand moved forward and moved away the hair covering the corpse's face. His eyes widened slightly, but soon he just frowned and turned to look at the children. He could see their pointy ears, the same as the ones on the corpse.

'These are elves.` He looked at the children then at the elf on the ground, `These kinds of elves are high elves,' He stood up as he looked at the body then turned around looking at the children 'Those are dark elves.'

He moved toward them.

Seraph's footsteps were loud against the ground, each step was like a hammer. The Eldest Child tightly hugged their sibling harder, as they began to shiver in fear. Seraph was slightly surprised. Did he really look that scary? He took a few more steps before stabbing his spear into the ground and squatting. Levelling his body to the children.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Seraph's voice was soft and surprisingly disarming. As a result, the eldest sibling turned their head and looked up at him.

The Eldest Sibling stared hard at his face, seraph pulled back the wolf hood to allow the child a good look at him. He immediately noticed the child's eyes widened, his eyes fixated on seraph's hair and ears.

"H- Hero." The Eldest Siblings innocent whisper like voice lingered into the air, However, it wasn't filled with reverence that seraph expected but with a deep rooted fear and helplessness. The Eldest Siblings' faces turned miserable, their eyes almost turned listless as their body began to shake.

Seraph panicked, "W-Wait! Don't be scared, I won't do anything to you. I promise, I've killed those two bad guys and protected you two. If it weren't for me you would've already been killed by those guys but I saved you. Why would you need to be scared of me after that? I have no other motives!" He patted his chest with self righteousness, "I protected you because those guys were evil! I will always protect the weak!"

" A A-Are you s-sure?" The Child's shaking couldn't stop, seraph carefully took this observation. They were really trembling out of fear and this fear was very abnormal either, "I-I'm sorry… I can't stop s-shaking." their innocent voice shook on every word.

Seraph pulled out a hand, "It's okay, we need to go quickly. The blood is going to attract some wolves."

The Elder Sibling flinched, then peaked back out seeing that the hand wasn't going to hit him. He looked at Seraph's smiling face with hesitant eyes until they finally grabbed his hands and lifted themself up, their younger siblings' heads buried in their arms. Seraph's eyes narrowed at the sight, 'If this is the elder sibling's reaction. Then it wouldn't be a stretch to say if the youngest sibling saw me he might faint."

Seraph pulled on his hood. When he heard a large snap, then footsteps rapidly approaching. Pulling his head to the side, he saw a dark skinned girl with her silver hair pulled into a ponytail. She wore a black cape and very light armor, making her look more like a rogue. A sword in hand, she quickly spun it around and then delivered a harsh strike towards seraph's head.

Her speed was extremely fast, Perhaps two times faster than seraph at full speed. He immediately grabbed his spear that was stuck in the ground and swung it out, meeting the rogue fiendish silver longsword. The sound of metal clashing resounded through the air, The Weapons met each other in the air and didn't give an inch to the other.

Seraph eyes slightly widened, The girls eyes also widened but then she quickly retreated. Dashing to seraph's left, her sword reeling back once more and then thrusted straight at seraph's neck. Seraph couldn't hope to compare to her movement speed, she had done all of this in a few seconds while seraph's eyes could only trace her body and give a horrible reaction.

Seeing this, seraph formed a holy spear above his shoulder as he stood rooted in place. HIs eyes looked at the children only for a moment, as his spear once again barely met her weapon. The thrust narrowly blasted through his defense, the tip sharply touching his shoulder which was covered in fur. As a result, he was completely fine even after the strike.

He spun his spear, thrusting out three strokes. Each strike was met with the girl's sword, she was clearly experienced. He took an aggressive step forward, utilizing John's footwork technique. He couldn't clearly defend the children with John's technique, so he chose to end the fight quickly.

The Girl was forced to move backward under his aggressive stance, she lifted her sword parallel to seraph's chest and her sword shot out two beams of light showing only half of a sword phantoms that attempted to encompass seraph's figure, he swung his spear out breaking one of the phantoms, the other still thrusted deeply into seraph's fur covered shoulder. The fur gave way under the thrust, however seraph couldn't stop.

He took another aggressive step forward, blood flowed down his wound like a geyser, his body tilted as he dodged another thrust sent by her. His spear swept upward, toward her leg.

However, her speed was unmatched by seraph. As soon as his spear was an inch away from his body she moved. Charging toward seraph's body like a lightning bolt, she raised her sword slightly above her head shifting her position ever so slightly. He flashed to his left side and smashed down her longsword onto his shoulder. The Holy Spear Seraph had formed on his shoulder breaking before he could even use it.

Seraph spat up blood, the sword going deep into his arm and the force of the strike threw him backward across the small field like a ball and slammed his body heavily against the forest ground. He was strong but he wasn't strong enough to resist such a powerful strike against his body, the force of the strike had travelled from his shoulder all the way to his internal organs which shook violently under her ruthless blow.

She turned around and began to walk toward the children, giving seraph a look of disdain and disgust before moving her lithe body toward the children. Sword still in hand, seraph felt his blood boil. He gripped the ground beneath him only using one hand he crawled up to his knees. He was unwillingly, his eyes focused on the two children they were looking at… the eldest sibling's usual fearful expression was replaced with one filled with worry. Then it looked back toward the girl that had just arrived.

'I can't lose! I still need to kill that bastard alex!' With this thought in mind, he slammed his single fist into the ground and pulled his crippled body off of the ground. Whilst, grabbing his spear. He looked at the woman, she didn't turn around to face seraph at all. In fact, It looked like she had no clue that seraph had gotten off of the ground. She was that sure of herself.

Seraph eyes closed momentarily. Two Brilliant bips of light, hovered over seraph's shoulder. The two spears began to condense, seraph's figure faltered for a moment under the strenuous mental exhaustion he was undergoing but he stood firm. His eyes opened ten seconds later, he could still see the girl approaching the children she was only about a meter away from them.

His expression grew determined. He stomped his feet against the ground, his body shot forward and the first spear above his shoulder shot forward. The girl turned her head quickly, her body flashed to the side as an accurate spear of light stuck deeply into the place she was just at. She looked at the spear until it disappeared a second later, her eyes then travelled directly toward seraph's ever approaching figure.

She wielded her sword, she shot forward again. Her sword raised to the sky. Her sword smashed toward his arm, however, seraph spun to the side narrowly avoiding her obvious attack as his holy spear at the same time shot out to strike her.

She jumped off the ground and 5 meters into the air, surprising seraph. However, he didn't have time. He rushed toward the children. Once the girl landed on the ground, she looked around and found seraph rushing toward the children. Her brow tilted down angrily and she shot forward like a bullet, her sword raised to the sky… until seraph suddenly turned as soon as he reached the children to face her. His arm still wounded he could only use one hand with his spear to defend against her ruthless strike.

[Name [Seraph Morning]

[Rank: Novice (Monk) ]

[Level 2, 173/200 EXP ]

[Strength, 7]

[Agility, 6]

[Endurance, 8]

[Mana, 6]

[Charm, 2]


Resistance Pain,


Preach, Purify, Holy Light, Holy Spear

Souls: 4

[Spear Of John ]

[Max Souls ]

1Hamster1creators' thoughts