
Chapter 4

*Jasmine's P.O.V.*

'For Christ's sakes dad, how do you afford houses like this?' I asked my dad through telepathy.

'Because I save my money.' He responded.

'But dad, this house costed like hundreds of thousands of dollars!'

'I know.'

'I'm going to go explore the house now.'

'Okay sweetheart.'

'Bye, talk to you later!'


I started to walk around my new home. I quickly found my room; it was larger than I remembered.

*Steven's P.O.V.*

'At least I live close to the school.' I thought. 'And as far away from Jasmine as possible.'

'For now, you don't know if I'm planning on making you move closer to where she lives.' My father told me.'

'You better not!'

"Whatever. I expect daily reports after you meet her.'

'Fine. Whatever.'