

Marlene's Pov"Look Aunty Marls I drew you." Eden giggles as she shows me the crayon drawing. "Oh it's beautiful Eden. Thank you." I praise her as the psycho bitch Angelina Meyer walks through the door. "Look Mommy I drew Aunty Marls." Eden runs up to Angelina. I glare at her as she looks at me and congratulates Eden. "Wow Mommy's very proud of you." It makes me sick every time I hear her call Angelina mommy but I can't do anything. My back still hurts from all the knife wounds and bruises covering my body, I'm pretty sure I have broken rib or two, I can barely walk to the bed let alone run away with Eden. I'll get us out of here one day, just need to be patient."Excuse me Angelina? I need to talk to you." Anna Ross says peeking her head into the room. "Ok I'm coming." She says glancing at me and then leaving before she locks the door. I kiss Eden's forehead and begin brushing her hair. "Can you sing to me Aunty?" Eden asks looking up at me with big doe eyes. "Of course." I say before singing the lullaby Olive taught me.We're going on a treasure hunt,A very important treasure hunt,

X marks the spot,

Circle with a dot,

Spiders crawling up your back,

Blood gushing down.

"I love you auntie." She says clambering up onto my lap to hug me. "I love you too princess." I tell her. My mind drifts to Olive. I see so much of her in Eden it makes me want to cry. Olives Pov

"Breakfast." I yell out as Cal talks to dad's voicemail. "You know I think it's really weird how you call yourself Gabriel with dad." I say eating the pancakes and whipped cream with chocolate sauce I made. "It's dads idea he thinks the phones are bugged." Cal says before taking a bite. "It's still off isn't it?" I ask disappointed. "Yeah sorry." "I'm following they're recipes down to the teaspoon." I say throwing the fork down as Aunt Mick and Zeke walk in. "Ooh Graces famous pancakes along with Marlene's whipped cream and chocolate fudge sauce." Zeke says walking in. "Mm not exactly sorry." Aunt Mick says. "You remember to let the batter rest, it's what gives them the fluffiness." He advices as him and aunt mick start flirting with each other. "Ok I have a double shift so let's go." I say fed up. I zone out a little thinking about Marlene and Eden I miss them. "You ready?" I ask snapping back into focus. "Oh uh actually just wondering how late can we stay up? You know do we have to take a bath? Do we need one?" Aunty Mick teases as Zeke yells out bye. 

I zone out again once I drop off Zeke and start thinking about Eden and what she would look like now, her cute laugh whenever someone ticked her and her love for drawing. Same with Marlene and her beautiful eyes and her beaming smile that could light up a room. I always admired her looks and personality. Like how she would remember the smallest of things, how she would get along with everyone. Her amazing cooking and how she helped cook dinner, sometimes doing it on her own. Her ability to calm Eden and cheer up Cal. And how she would spot something that was key in solving the callings to along with her bravery and stubbornness. As well as her humor and habit of waking up and calming me down if I have a nightmare or just staying up late to talk if I needed it. I don't even realize that I'm crying until my boss sends me a concerned look making me wipe away my tears and get to work.Flashback to season 3"No!" Ben says seeing a body being wheeled out of the house. "Is that my wife?" He yells as police officers attempt to restrain him. "Get off, get off me." "Daddy!" Olive yells out hugging him. "Olive, where's Marlene and Eden?" He frantically asks cupping her face. "She took them, Angelina, she took them, she killed Mom and she took Marls and Eden." She sobs hugging her dad again. Flashback over.Marlene's Pov

"Get up." I hear Angelina say to me as I slowly wake up. "Hurry up we have to go." She says pulling me up and throwing me onto the floor making me wince as she goes to wake up Eden. "Hi angel. Come on time to wake up." She coos. God I want to punch her. "Where are we going?" Eden yawns rubbing her eyes tiredly. "We're just going to stay with a friend of mommy's." Angelina smiles. This bitch has friends? The world really is ending. "Ok." She says getting up to pack her crayons away. "Can I sit with Aunty Mars?" She asks with those big, beautiful doe eyes that Olive always made when she wanted something. "If it's ok with her then yeah sure." Angelina hesitantly says before going to pack up her stuff. "Come here beautiful." I say picking her up and buckling her into her car seat beside me. We end up at a library. Angelina gives me a warning glance then takes Eden into the bathroom. She knows I'll never leave Eden with her which is why I won't run away. I quickly grab a pen and paper and write down a note and slide it under the keyboard Angelina used along with a detailed sketch of Eden.

I need help. The woman I'm with is Angelina Meyer and the child is Eden Stone. 2 years ago Angelina killed Eden's mother and kidnapped us. She has a gun and is very dangerous, DO NOT try to reason with her! She is mentally ill and believes Eden is her guardian angel who saved her life as a baby during the big earth quake a few years ago. If you are reading this go to the downtown NYC precinct and ask for Detective Drea Mikami or Lieutenant Jared Vasquez. She is armed and dangerous. Please hurry. -Marlene Evans.I sigh and anxiously tap my foot as I wait until her and Eden come out of the bathroom. Eden comes running out to me and climbs up onto my lap. "Look auntie I got a hair cut." She says excitedly. "Really? Aww you look so pretty. Like a princess." I say making her grin. I look up and see Angelina looking at us with a fond smile that turns into a scowl when she she catches me looking. "Alright come on angel let's give auntie some space." She says making me wrap a protective arm around Eden before she can take her away. "No I want to stay with auntie." She say burying her head in my neck. "Angel auntie might have sore arms from carrying you all day." The bitch says trying to get Eden without making a scene. Eden looks at me with a sad expression. "Are your arms hurting?" She says feeling bad. "No it's ok they're not sore." I say watching her face light up. "So I can stay with you?" I want to cry at the hope in her voice. "If it's ok with her." I say refusing to call her Eden's mom. "Please mommy?" She begs with a pouty face. "Yeah fine, let's just go." She sighs with an annoyed face. 'Hah! Take that you delusional bitch.' I think with a smirk as I carry Eden out into the car.Once we get to her "friends" house she lets us in giving me a concerned glance once Angelina's back is turned. 'Help.' I mouth to her making her discreetly nod. She shows us to a room and then locks the door behind her making Angelina suspicious. She goes up to the door and hears the lady asking for the police sending her into full blown panic. She rips the curtains open only to find the windows boarded shut she freaks out trying to open the window until some one starts removing the boards. Once a few are removed and the window opens I see Adrian. "Adrian?" She asks confused. "You." He says. "Help me." She begs. He hesitates before ripping renaming boards off the window. "NO!" I scream "We gotta go quick." He hurry's her. She grabs our stuff and throws it out before handing Eden to him. She turns to me and forces me out the window. "I am going to murder you." I yell at him as he drives us away from the house.FlashbackOlives Pov

I sit by the stairs with Zeke while Michaela paces around talking to the police on the phone with a shaky voice while Dad talks to Beverly on the couch . "I'll make you some tea ok?" I nod just as the doorbell rings. "Can I help you?" Zeke asks as I stand up. "Is that you?" I ask not believing who's standing in front of me. He nods "Oh my god." Zeke says catching everyone's attention. "Dad." He says in a broken voice embracing him. "Cal." He whispers. "Mom kicked Angelina out. You are the only one who wanted her back in the house. How'd she get in the house Cal?" I ask making everyone look at him. "I told her about the key!" He says. "What?" Dad whispers. "I knew it!" I breath out. "I'm sorry I thought the callings wanted." He tries to justify himself. "Mom told you she wanted her gone. I told you not to trust her." I say walking closer to him. "AND YOU DIDN'T LISTEN." I scream hitting him in the chest. "AND NOW MOM IS DEAD! YOU LET HER TAKE EDEN THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" "Olive, Olive." Aunt Mick says trying to restrain me. "YOU LET HER TAKE MARLS AND EDEN. YOU LET HER TAKE MARLS AND EDEN! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT." I sob as Michaela drags me away. "Come on bud let's get you cleaned up." Zeke says helping him up. Flashback over.

Olives Pov

"Dad I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I whisper hugging him as he comes through the door. "What happened?" I ask. "I heard a little kid yelling for her dad and I thought it was Eden, I was sure of it." He says. "You followed he calling and thought something good would happen." Cal tries to reassure him. "Something good did happen Ben just saved a dad and his from drowning." Aunt Mick says. "Yeah well, once again the callings just keep toying with me." He sighs sitting on the couch. "Look I-I get what you've been trying to do, I think we all do." I sigh briefly glancing at everyone. "But I think it's time we say goodbye." "We all miss them, but it's ok to let go." Cal tells him making him tear up. "Your moms gone and Uh that almost destroyed me. I'm still, I Uh. I struggle to breathe." He sniffles. "I owe it to her, to all of us. To find Eden and Marlene, I have to hang on to that hope." He pauses pulling out Eden's official death certificate. "I'm never gonna stop looking for them." He tells us burning it. He hands me Marlene's one. "I think you should have this." He says. "Thank you." I smile at him before putting it in my room.

Marlene's Pov

"Why are we stopping?" Angelina asks as Adrian pulls over. "We need to talk." He says getting out and helping me out of the car. "Mommy and Auntie Mars will be right back we just need to talk to mommy's friend ok?" Angelina says to Eden with a fake smile. "Ok." Eden says with a smile as I stumble out and sit on the road, death staring Adrian causing him to back away. He silent for a moment as Angelina approach's us. "How could you do what you did?" He asks raising his voice. Finally someone with a brain. "You told me to get my guardian angel." She says confused making him flinch. Never mind. "I didn't tell you to kidnap a child and her sisters girlfriend. I didn't tell you to kill someone." He yells. "Grace wouldn't let her go, and you were right I needed Eden." The sick bitch justifies. "She's kept me safe, and she did it again she called you to save us." She soothes. "What an I supposed to do with you? I have a new life my hands a full helping shepherd 828ers." He asks. "Then help me. Please Adrian." She begs. "Mommy my tummy I'm hungry." Eden calls out angering me.

 "You killed Grace?" I ask as the regret flashes through her eyes. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO THEM?" I yell. "CAL HAD JUST DISAPPEARED! YOU LIT THE HOUSE ON FIRE! YOU KIDNAPPED EDEN! AND NOW I FIND OUT YOU KILLED GRACE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" I shout making her snap. "NO ONE HAS ENDURED MORE THAN ME!" She yells back. "NO ONE? NO ONE! HIS WIFE IS DEAD AND 2 OF HIS CHILDREN ARE MISSING! THEY'RE UNCLE TARIK WAS MURDERED! THEY RISKED EVERYTHING FOR YOU AND YOU RIPPED THEIR FAMILY APART. YOU CAN ROT IN HELL YOU PSYCHO BITCH! NO WONDER YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T WANT YOU! YOU WILL NEVER BE EDEN'S MOTHER!" I scream at her making sob as tears build up in her eyes as I glare at her in hatred. "Let's go just for tonight." He says as I scoff, getting into the car next to a sleeping Eden. I curl my arm around her and pull her into my chest, kissing her forehead.