
Angel Dusts Savior

After a culling a Arch Angel comes down to speak to Charile about her hotel and sees Angel and is taken by his behavior and follows him to his porn shoot and sees Val hit him and pull out his contract and walks takes the contract and burns it and saves angel from his hell

Chloe_Rose_5515 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Changing is good Right?

I look around I snap my fingers and a book appears in my hands and was flipping threw the pages. Alstor looks "Ahh what brings you here Michael" he asks. I look up hearing that voice again "Alstor hello how are you" I say. Alstor smiles "Fine what brings an Arch Angel here," he asks cocking his head and grinning. I glance at Charlie "Charlie told me about her hotel and I wanted to see it" I said. As I find it "Anthony" I mumble. Angel Dust glances at me and leaves the room. Husker was confused but cleaned up his bar. "Charlie is it possible for me to stay a few nights" I ask. Charlie nodded "Of course you can," she said. She showed me to a room. I walked in "Thank you Charlie" I said. Once I was alone I sat down and my phone rung I checked once I saw it Adam I groaned and didn't answer "Let's see if I can't save some souls" I mumble and lay back.